Torvaldlander's Message Board...(torvald)

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  • Mon Jan 29 21:07 CopyLink * - Subject: 3
    zeeee said:
    (01/29/24 : 21:17:45)
    - There is a time for Everything -

    Aros Hrolfson
    - Captain of the Shrike|Breeder of Sleens -
    Neytiri's Companion | Citizen of Scagnar

    ==on the farm steading of Aros Hrolfson==
    says to : Beyond the Parchment :: It will carry us both in the belly of it, or a bunch of supplies in the belly and a person, also one can ride on the back and hang on. -he laughed cause eh figured he would have to go ahead and ride on the back for now as he nodded, the sleens were looking anxious to get going- Hop on, and load up the furs things might get cold.

    ☆ (01/29/24 : 21:18:23)

    Scagnar's Skald
    Isle Trainer
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==on Mount Scagnar, the highest peak of Scagnar Mountains==
    says to ALL: Panting for breath, lost in a fog literally and figuritily I cae to the realisation that I could no longer go on. I was lost and only making myself further lost. Plus my legs had reached a stage where they could no longer move.

    And then, in a dramtic motion, worthy of an academy award, I fell back onto the snow. My legs rising once and then falling back to the snow. My breaths were weak and ragged, my right hand reached for the sky as my prayer beseeched my Goddess, Freyja to save me.

    Alas. It all seemed so pointless. I felt as if my next breath would be my last and it was then that what I believed to be my dying thought enetered my head. "And I never had the chance to belong to Mistress Neytiri"

    ☆ (01/29/24 : 21:19:09)
    --|His puzzle|--

    --Zearia {Svein}--
    ||Imperfection is beauty..||
    ||..madness is genius...||
    |- Isle of Scagnar-|

    ==on Thorarin's farm steading==
    says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: omg... drama llama alert

    ☆ (01/29/24 : 21:19:23)

    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==on Mount Scagnar, the highest peak of Scagnar Mountains==
    says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: calling out as we ride following Frekki HEEEEEEEEEELGA! HEEEEEEEEEELGA!

    ☆ (01/29/24 : 21:20:03)

    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==on Mount Scagnar, the highest peak of Scagnar Mountains==
    says to --|His puzzle|----Zearia: ((LOL))

    ☆ (01/29/24 : 21:20:25)

    Scagnar's Skald
    Isle Trainer
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==on Mount Scagnar, the highest peak of Scagnar Mountains==
    says to --|His puzzle|----Zearia: ((Hey, I'm miling my fifteen minutes LOL))

    ☆ (01/29/24 : 21:21:47)

    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==on Mount Scagnar, the highest peak of Scagnar Mountains==
    says to --|His puzzle|----Zearia: There she is! See her?

    Frekki was pointing at her, half frozen in the snow.... riding closer and closer

    ☆ (01/29/24 : 21:22:58)

    Scagnar's Skald
    Isle Trainer
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==on Mount Scagnar, the highest peak of Scagnar Mountains==
    says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: What? What was that sound? I must be delirious. It sounded like the Stewart. But surely, my father would be here before him? It must be a dream. My eyes closed softly as again, I took what I thought was my final breath (Cues violin music))

    ☆ (01/29/24 : 21:23:05) : Beyond the Parchment :

    :| Neytiri Sevarius |:
    Companion of Aros Hrolfson

    :| Stains of the Past, Present and Future |:

    ==on the farm steading of Aros Hrolfson==
    says to - There is a time for Ev: She almost dropped the bota of mead as her hand slid protectively across her stomach and her eyes narrowed slightly. "I'm not riding on the back of one of the sleens" She was not even getting on the sled unless she was cradled in your arms and you took the brunt of the bumps as they skimmed across the icy fields. The girl was giggling and dashed away as soon as she had placed the furs on the sled. "smart girl" She mumbled then looked back to you as she closed the distance between them and climbed into the sled. "should we follow the tracks the others left or head in another direction do you think?"

    ☆ (01/29/24 : 21:23:30)
    --|His puzzle|--

    --Zearia {Svein}--
    ||Imperfection is beauty..||
    ||..madness is genius...||
    |- Isle of Scagnar-|

    ==on Thorarin's farm steading==
    says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: -ss frekki froze in indication.. .snowbll leapt forward just thinking this was a game and stood over helga dropping a very very drool soggy kirtle on top of her head seemingly roud of her accomplishment and let out a unmistakeable sound of a sleen call

    ☆ (01/29/24 : 21:24:35)

    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==on Mount Scagnar, the highest peak of Scagnar Mountains==
    says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: riding up to the wayward bond maid.... leaping out of the saddle, landing on my feet..... picking you up and looking around

    (01/29/24 : 21:25:32)
    - There is a time for Everything -

    Aros Hrolfson
    - Captain of the Shrike|Breeder of Sleens -
    Neytiri's Companion | Citizen of Scagnar

    ==on the farm steading of Aros Hrolfson==
    says to : Beyond the Parchment :: -he thought about that as your hand went to your stomach and he nodded- Fine, I shall be under the furs with you.. he smiled and then figured he would need to make something more of a wagon that could be pulled by a whole TEAM of sleens.. oooh the thoughts. He crawled into the sled first and then motioned for you to come sit- Lets get a move on.. and we shall go the other way I guess. no point in everyone going together

    ☆ (01/29/24 : 21:26:06)

    Scagnar's Skald
    Isle Trainer
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==on Mount Scagnar, the highest peak of Scagnar Mountains==
    says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: "Thor?" In my delirium, I referred to you by your first name. Looking up at you through half closed eyes, my skin as pale as the snow, my breaths weak.

    ☆ (01/29/24 : 21:26:11)

    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==on Mount Scagnar, the highest peak of Scagnar Mountains==
    says to --|His puzzle|----Zearia: ((IIIIIIICK! LOL))

    ☆ (01/29/24 : 21:26:42)
    --|His puzzle|--

    --Zearia {Svein}--
    ||Imperfection is beauty..||
    ||..madness is genius...||
    |- Isle of Scagnar-|

    ==on Thorarin's farm steading==
    says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: almost tumbles out of the wsaddle... kicking her feet in attempts to feel the ground and finally letting go with her hands .... and hurries over to you thrusting out the sack with the sa tarna loaf and honey

    ☆ (01/29/24 : 21:26:57)
    --|His puzzle|--

    --Zearia {Svein}--
    ||Imperfection is beauty..||
    ||..madness is genius...||
    |- Isle of Scagnar-|

    ==on Thorarin's farm steading==
    says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: [[lol....welllllll helg -did- want to be dramatic... nods nods]

    ☆ (01/29/24 : 21:28:42)

    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==on Mount Scagnar, the highest peak of Scagnar Mountains==
    says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: Aye, its me. looking around for ANY sort of cover

    Give her the honey and bread.

    ☆ (01/29/24 : 21:29:04)

    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==on Mount Scagnar, the highest peak of Scagnar Mountains==
    says to --|His puzzle|----Zearia: punts that post to you

    ☆ (01/29/24 : 21:29:09) : Beyond the Parchment :

    :| Neytiri Sevarius |:
    Companion of Aros Hrolfson

    :| Stains of the Past, Present and Future |:

    ==on the farm steading of Aros Hrolfson==
    says to - There is a time for Ev: Once settled in the sled she leaned against your chest for support and let her head rest against your shoulder before pulling the furs over the two of them. "good plan the more wide spread the search the better luck we'll have of finding her"

    ( its that time this evening take care everyone -hugs all around- )

    ☆ (01/29/24 : 21:29:37)

    Scagnar's Skald
    Isle Trainer
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==on Mount Scagnar, the highest peak of Scagnar Mountains==
    says to --|His puzzle|----Zearia: So weak was I that my body hund limply in the Jarl's arms. I bareky notcied the sooaking garment that was dropped on me by some drooling large walking carpet.

    ☆ (01/29/24 : 21:30:35)
    --|His puzzle|--

    --Zearia {Svein}--
    ||Imperfection is beauty..||
    ||..madness is genius...||
    |- Isle of Scagnar-|

    ==on Thorarin's farm steading==
    says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: and Helga

    she untied the tiop of the sack... pulling off a chunk of the fresh bread and then uncorking the small thing of honey she drenched the bread in the honey knowing she would need the sugar and sustenence and more or less started to press it/shove it...] its all perception right]... into helgas mouth

    white spirals of smoke rise slowly from the chimneys of Jomsbourg

    (01/29/24 : 21:31:51)
    - There is a time for Everything -

    Aros Hrolfson
    - Captain of the Shrike|Breeder of Sleens -
    Neytiri's Companion | Citizen of Scagnar

    ==on the farm steading of Aros Hrolfson==
    says to : Beyond the Parchment :: My thoughts exactly! -he wrapped an arm around you protectively, then taking up the reigns in his other as he gave them a flick, the sleen bolted forward jerking us back and with a loud.- WAHOOOOOOO -they were off into the night in search of a bond-

    (You are right)

    ☆ (01/29/24 : 21:33:53)

    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==on Mount Scagnar, the highest peak of Scagnar Mountains==
    says to --|His puzzle|----Zearia: seeing a cave.... carrying helga to the cave entrance

    In here bond maid!

    ☆ (01/29/24 : 21:33:58)

    Scagnar's Skald
    Isle Trainer
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==on Mount Scagnar, the highest peak of Scagnar Mountains==
    says to --|His puzzle|----Zearia: Something sweet was being shoved in my mouth. I sensed it was seustenace of some and finding strength, I grabbed your hands as you held it to me, suckling upon it greedily before I felt a surge of something rising from my stomach and then, before I coudl warn you, I turned my head and vovitted all over your hands and feet (That's for the drool soaked kirtle LOL))

    ☆ (01/29/24 : 21:34:56)

    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==on Mount Scagnar, the highest peak of Scagnar Mountains==
    says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: ((Geeeeeeez, Louise! LOL))

    ☆ (01/29/24 : 21:35:11)

    Scagnar's Skald
    Isle Trainer
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==on Mount Scagnar, the highest peak of Scagnar Mountains==
    says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: The honey had given me some strength and my arms tightened around your neck as you carted me off to the cave. "You rescued me, Jarl?" thinking there must be a catch here...

    ☆ (01/29/24 : 21:35:42)
    --|His puzzle|--

    --Zearia {Svein}--
    ||Imperfection is beauty..||
    ||..madness is genius...||
    |- Isle of Scagnar-|

    ==on Thorarin's farm steading==
    says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: ohhhh she saw that reaction as you sucked on the honey bread and you seemed to turn just a bit green and she jumped back as you heaved... most of your vomit landed on THORs arm and legs.. but her hands did get covered.... she crinkled her nose.. almost puking herself and thrust them into the snow and scrubbed immediately to get rid of that .. ick

    ☆ (01/29/24 : 21:40:21)

    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==on Mount Scagnar, the highest peak of Scagnar Mountains==
    says to --|His puzzle|----Zearia: carrying helga into the cave.... unable to see very far

    Its large enough for the animals. Bring them inside too.

    ☆ (01/29/24 : 21:41:04)

    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==on Mount Scagnar, the highest peak of Scagnar Mountains==
    says to --|His puzzle|----Zearia: scowls as you drag ME into the puke

    ☆ (01/29/24 : 21:41:59)
    --|His puzzle|--

    --Zearia {Svein}--
    ||Imperfection is beauty..||
    ||..madness is genius...||
    |- Isle of Scagnar-|

    ==on Thorarin's farm steading==
    says to ALL: aye Jarl... setting the sack with bread and honey where you settled with helga.. she went outside and gave the whistle she used for snowball since she was a pup... she didnt know if frekki had a call but with snowball bounding through the cave entrance... frekki was right on her heels as they circled around eah other.... frekki came over and sniffed helga and you before settling down with snowball nestling in close to him

    ☆ (01/29/24 : 21:42:13)
    --|His puzzle|--

    --Zearia {Svein}--
    ||Imperfection is beauty..||
    ||..madness is genius...||
    |- Isle of Scagnar-|

    ==on Thorarin's farm steading==
    says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: [[[whhhhat.... am sharing the love]]]

    ☆ (01/29/24 : 21:43:12)

    Scagnar's Skald
    Isle Trainer
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==on Mount Scagnar, the highest peak of Scagnar Mountains==
    says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: the air felt less chilled already. But it was dark. Even more so than outside. I began to blink, trying to adjust my eyesight to the darkness. A cave and you. Old stories began to dance in my head. Donar Bloodaxe and Sache Trader. Was this to be my fate? I could think of worse things...

    ☆ (01/29/24 : 21:43:52)
    --|His puzzle|--

    --Zearia {Svein}--
    ||Imperfection is beauty..||
    ||..madness is genius...||
    |- Isle of Scagnar-|

    ==on Thorarin's farm steading==
    says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: -murmers-...."lets hope snowbll doent have her pups in here.... " not having a clue how far along she is but her belly was huge

    ☆ (01/29/24 : 21:45:32)

    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==on Mount Scagnar, the highest peak of Scagnar Mountains==
    says to --|His puzzle|----Zearia: Hrimfaxi too!

    ☆ (01/29/24 : 21:47:19)
    --|His puzzle|--

    --Zearia {Svein}--
    ||Imperfection is beauty..||
    ||..madness is genius...||
    |- Isle of Scagnar-|

    ==on Thorarin's farm steading==
    says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: -gasps-... He will EAT me if i get that close jarl!... I knew you didnt love me ... -sighs dramatically and saunters back out of the cave into the snow.... cussing under her breath as she is able to grab one of Hrim's reins and tugging nd trying to lead him into the cave... but it was like a tug of war game to the beast as she cussed at him again and after tugging a while finally she emerged back into the cave with your kailla

    ☆ (01/29/24 : 21:48:04)

    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==on Mount Scagnar, the highest peak of Scagnar Mountains==
    says to --|His puzzle|----Zearia: Get some furs out of my saddle bags.

    looking around..... seeing some old wood ..... that was good, and could be bad.... I quickly start a fire with my flint and steel from my tobacco pouch

    ☆ (01/29/24 : 21:48:20)

    Scagnar's Skald
    Isle Trainer
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==on Mount Scagnar, the highest peak of Scagnar Mountains==
    says to --|His puzzle|----Zearia: ((Do you remember the story of how sleens mate? I love that story))

    ☆ (01/29/24 : 21:49:18)

    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==on Mount Scagnar, the highest peak of Scagnar Mountains==
    says to --|His puzzle|----Zearia: rolls my eyes.... whistles three sharp blasts.... the big kaiila comes inside

    He will block the wind off us.

    ☆ (01/29/24 : 21:49:22)

    Scagnar's Skald
    Isle Trainer
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==on Mount Scagnar, the highest peak of Scagnar Mountains==
    says to ALL: "Water....please water" Licking my parched lips weakly and trying to sit up

    ☆ (01/29/24 : 21:49:46)
    --|His puzzle|--

    --Zearia {Svein}--
    ||Imperfection is beauty..||
    ||..madness is genius...||
    |- Isle of Scagnar-|

    ==on Mount Scagnar, the highest peak of Scagnar Mountains==
    says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: -grabs right pulldown-.... she eyed the kailla cautiously as she moved to the right saddle bag then the left... tugging and pulling out the soft pelts of fur and carrying/dragging them off towards helga.. knowing she needed them more then any right now and she actually very lovingly spreads the furs over the naughty bondmaid

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