Torvaldlander's Message Board...(torvald)

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  • Thu Mar 07 14:23 CopyLink * - Subject: Steward tells a tale about loki
    zearia-Sveins- said:
    ☆ (03/06/24 : 20:22:05)

    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==on the grounds of the Hall==
    says to ALL: walking into the Hall to a chorus of "SHUT THE DOORS!"..... I grin..... but shut the doors

    ☆ (03/06/24 : 20:24:56) --|His puzzle|--

    --Zearia {Svein}--
    ||...Imperfection is beauty...||
    ||...madness is genius...||
    |- Isle of Scagnar-|

    : Enters the room...

    ☆ (03/06/24 : 20:26:18)

    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to ALL: Tal zee. smiles

    ☆ (03/06/24 : 20:26:41) --|His puzzle|--

    --Zearia {Svein}--
    ||...Imperfection is beauty...||
    ||...madness is genius...||
    |- Isle of Scagnar-|

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: right before you ge tthe doors shut I scamer right in behind you and through the doors with a giggle as my hand inches your ass as I ass and enter the hall in a whirlwind

    ☆ (03/06/24 : 20:27:16) --|His puzzle|--

    --Zearia {Svein}--
    ||...Imperfection is beauty...||
    ||...madness is genius...||
    |- Isle of Scagnar-|

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: Greetings Jarl!!

    ☆ (03/06/24 : 20:27:23)

    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to ALL: hanging my cloak on a peg on the wall..... standing over Njordbjorn losing another kaissa game.... chuckles.... Njordbjorn fumes

    ☆ (03/06/24 : 20:27:57)

    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to --|His puzzle|----Zearia: laughing Who pinched my ass?

    ☆ (03/06/24 : 20:28:09) --|His puzzle|--

    --Zearia {Svein}--
    ||...Imperfection is beauty...||
    ||...madness is genius...||
    |- Isle of Scagnar-|

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: -she spots the game going on and hearing you chuckle those large mosaic eyes peer up at you as she handgs up her own cloak.. "do you play the game too Jarl?"

    ☆ (03/06/24 : 20:28:30) --|His puzzle|--

    --Zearia {Svein}--
    ||...Imperfection is beauty...||
    ||...madness is genius...||
    |- Isle of Scagnar-|

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: OOooh.... must have been that naughty wench helga

    ☆ (03/06/24 : 20:30:52)

    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to --|His puzzle|----Zearia: Aye. When last I played I bested Njordbjorn.... and it looks like he is losing again.

    I think he should quit playing kaissa so much. grins..... Njordbjorn hears me and fumes

    ☆ (03/06/24 : 20:32:28) --|His puzzle|--

    --Zearia {Svein}--
    ||...Imperfection is beauty...||
    ||...madness is genius...||
    |- Isle of Scagnar-|

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: -she hurres over to the fuming Njordbjorn and nips and softly licks along his earlobe as she whispers that he is the best player ever to cheer him up before she dances off towards you once more batting those eyes innocently and whispers... "Jarlll yer makin him mad "

    ☆ (03/06/24 : 20:38:20)

    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to --|His puzzle|----Zearia: I am? grins He should play better! Njordbjorn comes unglued..... I laugh and walk to the hearth and sit down with my back to the fire

    Fetch mead bond maid!

    ☆ (03/06/24 : 20:40:16) --|His puzzle|--

    --Zearia {Svein}--
    ||...Imperfection is beauty...||
    ||...madness is genius...||
    |- Isle of Scagnar-|

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: -she winces as Njordbjorn flips the kassia table hearing you and storms out of the hall with a growl as he is swift to step free and clear of his way... she runs off through the hall.. that sweet ass of hers hugged by her kirtle that swishes and sways with her primal movements and carries her into the kitchen where she washes and dries her hands firt

    ☆ (03/06/24 : 20:43:11) --|His puzzle|--

    --Zearia {Svein}--
    ||...Imperfection is beauty...||
    ||...madness is genius...||
    |- Isle of Scagnar-|

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: she plucks a large horn fro the shelf... legging it rest against her cleavage as she moves ti the kegs near the fire and fills it to the rim.. small hands encircling the horn as she captures it in her grip firmly and heads back to you... sweetly rounded breasts move a bit under that skin tight kirtle with her every step as if they are going to spring free from their confinement and she only further entices the to be freed by oressing the up against your arm teasingly... and sliding right up into your la .. the material shifting a bt letting one breast pop free of the material as she teases the rim of the horn against your lower lip with a giggle..

    your mead Jarl

    ☆ (03/06/24 : 20:44:57)

    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to --|His puzzle|----Zearia: I guess he lost again. Eh?grins

    taking the horn from your tits with my left hand.... pulling you into my lap with my right hand

    Sit awhile bond maid. laughs

    ☆ (03/06/24 : 20:46:26) --|His puzzle|--

    --Zearia {Svein}--
    ||...Imperfection is beauty...||
    ||...madness is genius...||
    |- Isle of Scagnar-|

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: -mewls softly as she is ulled into your lap and she shifts and wriggles until she is settled right into that sweet spot of yours as she nestles in close... "is Jarl going to tell me a tale tonight?"

    ☆ (03/06/24 : 20:50:45)

    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to --|His puzzle|----Zearia: Do you wish a tale tonight?

    reaching down the front of your kirtle with my right hand..... cupping your left breast with my palm

    three Jomsvikingr make their way through the snow

    ☆ (03/06/24 : 20:52:44)

    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to --|His puzzle|----Zearia: RTI BRB

    ☆ (03/06/24 : 20:53:41) --|His puzzle|--

    --Zearia {Svein}--
    ||...Imperfection is beauty...||
    ||...madness is genius...||
    |- Isle of Scagnar-|

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: -her body just kinda metls against you as your large hand snakes across her flesh and captured her one breast... her nipple hardening like a gem as she sucks in a sharp breathe.... a soft pant slips from her as she tries to recall what she asked... -

    OOoohhh... Jarl... a tale or .. or whatever you wish this night

    ☆ (03/06/24 : 20:56:53)

    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to --|His puzzle|----Zearia: Well, I don't have time to do as I wish. grins So a tale will have to do.

    What sort of tale do you wish? Eh? my right thumb runs over the hard, left nipple

    ☆ (03/06/24 : 20:58:25) --|His puzzle|--

    --Zearia {Svein}--
    ||...Imperfection is beauty...||
    ||...madness is genius...||
    |- Isle of Scagnar-|

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: -a throaty raw whimper slips from her helplessly as your thumb trails over that hard tender nipple of hers... making her sleek form squirm and wriggle against you as panting ewls spill helplessly from her.. " ohhh... aybe a tale about loki"

    ☆ (03/06/24 : 20:59:51)

    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to --|His puzzle|----Zearia: Loki.... the god of mischief. That is a good subject for a tale!

    ☆ (03/06/24 : 21:00:55) --|His puzzle|--

    --Zearia {Svein}--
    ||...Imperfection is beauty...||
    ||...madness is genius...||
    |- Isle of Scagnar-|

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: mewls softl..... sometimes I think You are loki the Steward of mischief!! [[will script it to place on the board to share as well ]]

    ☆ (03/06/24 : 21:04:01)

    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to --|His puzzle|----Zearia: Then if you think of me as Loki.... I'll tell you of when Loki was a hero. laughs

    Long ago in the Faroe Islands.... islands much like ours.... there was a man who foolishly wagered with a giant. He wagered his son, against a golden sword and shield.

    ☆ (03/06/24 : 21:05:04) --|His puzzle|--

    --Zearia {Svein}--
    ||...Imperfection is beauty...||
    ||...madness is genius...||
    |- Isle of Scagnar-|

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: -she couldnt help but to giggle hearing you as she nestles in close to listen

    ☆ (03/06/24 : 21:07:57)

    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to --|His puzzle|----Zearia: removing my hand from your kirtle top and moving it under the hem of your kirtle..... cupping your sex

    Of course the man lost.... and had to turn over his son to the Giant in the morning..... and the Giant was going to EAT THE BOY!

    ☆ (03/06/24 : 21:09:27) --|His puzzle|--

    --Zearia {Svein}--
    ||...Imperfection is beauty...||
    ||...madness is genius...||
    |- Isle of Scagnar-|

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: - that startled gasp gives way to a whimpered moan as she instantly snaked her legs even further apart and her hps shifted and wriggled against your hand as she tried to concentrate on the tae

    ☆ (03/06/24 : 21:13:46)

    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to --|His puzzle|----Zearia: The man tells the boy to call to Odin for help. And the boy calls Odin for help.

    Odin sees that the man has done evil and the boy good and tells them he will help them but ONE time. He changes the boy into a grain of barley.

    When the Giant drops by, the man says that the boy is in the grain field and will not come in!

    The Giant goes into the grain field and searches for the boy.....after a while the boy is afraid because the Giant's hand is brushing against HIS particular grain, but Odin calls him to him and returns him to his parents. Odin tells the father he has fulfilled the task.... and that is ALL he will do!

    ☆ (03/06/24 : 21:20:04)

    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to --|His puzzle|----Zearia: The man next calls to Honir to help. And Honir appears! But like Odin sees both evil in the man but good in the boy... and will only help once.

    Honir causes seven swans to fly over them. The boy becomes a feather in the middle of a swan's head. But the giant grabs one swan and wrenches its head from its body, and the boy is afraid because the particular feather is almost in the Giants MOUTH!

    Honir calls him to him and brings him back, and his work is over.

    ☆ (03/06/24 : 21:21:25) --|His puzzle|--

    --Zearia {Svein}--
    ||...Imperfection is beauty...||
    ||...madness is genius...||
    |- Isle of Scagnar-|

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: listening as she pictures the boy shifting into a bit of grain and a soft feather

    ☆ (03/06/24 : 21:24:15)

    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to --|His puzzle|----Zearia: So the farmer is upset that no god will help him SOLVE his problem. He tells the boy to call to Loki for help.

    ☆ (03/06/24 : 21:27:58)

    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to --|His puzzle|----Zearia: Come as you can, bond maid. laughs

    Loki appears and tells the farmer to build a boathouse with a wide opening and to put an iron stake just past the window.

    Then Loki goes to the beach, where a boat is riding at anchor, rows out to sea, and catches a flounder. He has the boy become an egg in the middle of the fish's roe.

    ☆ (03/06/24 : 21:28:02) --|His puzzle|--

    --Zearia {Svein}--
    ||...Imperfection is beauty...||
    ||...madness is genius...||
    |- Isle of Scagnar-|

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: doing her best to listen as she squirms and fidgets in your la

    ☆ (03/06/24 : 21:30:42)

    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to --|His puzzle|----Zearia: The giant is waiting on the beach for Loki, asking him where he has been all night. Loki says he has had little rest, rowing all about the sea, and they go out together to fish. The giant casts his line and catches three flounders. The third flounder is black, and Loki asks him to give him that fish. The giant refuses, and begins to count the roe, thinking to find the boy in one egg.

    ☆ (03/06/24 : 21:33:24)

    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to --|His puzzle|----Zearia: winces as you bite my shoulder.... then laughs.... removing my hand from the hem of your kirtle..... tasting you on my fingers Tasty!

    The boy is afraid, because the particular egg is squeezing out of the giant's hand. Loki calls him to him and tells him to sit behind him and not let the giant see him and when they reach shore, to jump onto the beach so lightly that he does not make a mark in the sand.

    ☆ (03/06/24 : 21:34:23) --|His puzzle|--

    --Zearia {Svein}--
    ||...Imperfection is beauty...||
    ||...madness is genius...||
    |- Isle of Scagnar-|

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: -just quiv3ring in your lap and breatheless now..... she tries so hard to concentrate on the story

    ☆ (03/06/24 : 21:38:25)

    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to --|His puzzle|----Zearia: As the Giant is pulling the boat onto the land, the boy jumps out and is standing before him. The Giant runs after the boy but sinks in the sand up to his knees. The boy runs as fast as he can into his father's boathouse. The giant, in hot pursuit, gets stuck fast! The the iron stake goes into his head like a pike! Loki runs after the giant and CUTS OFF HIS LEGS as the Giant struggles in the window!

    Loki takes the boy home to his parents and says that he has done the job asked of him. The Giant is dead.... and Loki is the hero of the tale. grins

    ☆ (03/06/24 : 21:40:49) --|His puzzle|--

    --Zearia {Svein}--
    ||...Imperfection is beauty...||
    ||...madness is genius...||
    |- Isle of Scagnar-|

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: she gasps as the giant is cut literally in half with the legs being cut clean off and she claps her small hands .. woooot LOKI!!!

    ☆ (03/06/24 : 21:40:53)

    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to --|His puzzle|----Zearia: So you get a tale.... and an orgasm! laughs How is that for a Loki tale?

    ☆ (03/06/24 : 21:41:50) --|His puzzle|--

    --Zearia {Svein}--
    ||...Imperfection is beauty...||
    ||...madness is genius...||
    |- Isle of Scagnar-|

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: yes.. You are dfinitely the Loki steward Jarl.... -stll flushed from your antics.... -

    ☆ (03/06/24 : 21:43:10)

    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to --|His puzzle|----Zearia: laughing Steward of .... Loki?? laughing more

    ☆ (03/06/24 : 21:43:57)

    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to --|His puzzle|----Zearia: I shall be this island's Steward.... not the Faroe Islands. grins

    ☆ (03/06/24 : 21:44:01) --|His puzzle|--

    --Zearia {Svein}--
    ||...Imperfection is beauty...||
    ||...madness is genius...||
    |- Isle of Scagnar-|

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: lughs.... not -of- loli... but you are loki that is the stewrd of the isle with all your mischeif

    ☆ (03/06/24 : 21:44:44) --|His puzzle|--

    --Zearia {Svein}--
    ||...Imperfection is beauty...||
    ||...madness is genius...||
    |- Isle of Scagnar-|

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: [[thank you for the new tale i have never heard... will get it posted after editting the script.. lol.... but may i slip away now.. I need to take some meds]]

    ☆ (03/06/24 : 21:45:26)

    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to --|His puzzle|----Zearia: Mischief? Me? grins

    ☆ (03/06/24 : 21:45:49) --|His puzzle|--

    --Zearia {Svein}--
    ||...Imperfection is beauty...||
    ||...madness is genius...||
    |- Isle of Scagnar-|

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: yeees mischief You!!

    ☆ (03/06/24 : 21:46:36)

    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to --|His puzzle|----Zearia: Aye. You can go now. If you see Njordbjorn outside tell him I said, "He played well in defeat." grins

    ☆ (03/06/24 : 21:47:48) --|His puzzle|--

    --Zearia {Svein}--
    ||...Imperfection is beauty...||
    ||...madness is genius...||
    |- Isle of Scagnar-|

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: laughs... He is likely to sna mt neck if i tell him that Jarl.... think i will head out through the kitchen... -laughs and kisses you softly as she gets u pand hurries off ... "sweet dreamms Jarl"

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    1. Thu Mar 07 18:48 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
      Thorarin said:
      This is a tale of Loki from the Faroe Islands. *smiles*

    [End of Transfer]

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