Torvaldlander's Message Board...(torvald)

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  • Sun Dec 10 02:24 CopyLink * - Subject: whipping nu 9
    zearia-Sveins- said:
    (12/09/23-[20:55:41] )
    --|His puzzle|--

    --Zearia {Svein}--
    ||You, alone, are responsible..||
    ||...of your fate...||
    |- Isle of Scagnar-|

    in the forest

    says to Everyone: -ohhhh she was in her element now s she untied the heavy cloak leaving just her kirtle which she kiked up and tied the hem around her hips so it wouldnt interfere and she jum0ed u0 ,,. small hands capturing a branch and griping it and she swung back once.. twice.. the third time she kicked her legs up around and she caught a different branch and she pulled herself up as she would find different handholds and foot falls on branches that wouldnt break

    (12/09/23-[20:55:43] )

    Scagnar's Skald
    Isle Trainer
    Isle of Scagnar

    in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

    says to Jonas the Red High Jarl : My baskets were overflowing...pine cones, evergreens. I should have been chilled to the bone but I had warmed myself up by moving swiftly from place to place, collecting the decorations along the way.

    (12/09/23-[20:55:59] )

    Scribe of Rive-de-Bois

    in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

    says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: She was glad. She might even be getting the hang of this. "Oh, well done. Even while negotiation for a bond"

    (12/09/23-[20:56:40] )

    Jonas the Red
    High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

    in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

    says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: I had already grabbed the bota form you earlier and agian I unslung it to take a deep gulp of water form it before replacing the stopped and slinging it over my shoulder....

    (12/09/23-[20:57:01] )

    .r u n a.

    | Property of the Isle of Scagnar |
    | bondmaid |

    in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

    says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: (( Jarl, I't getting late for me. May I please head to bed? )

    (12/09/23-[20:57:42] )

    Aetos Vidus

    in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

    says to . . . i n c i t e . . . : I couldn't help but note how comfortable you'd become around me, apparently I was better at convincing you that you were better off being so. Admittedly, I was amused somewhat, and would let you enjoy my warmth while an arm opened up further to allow you to stand at my side, the hand coiling around you in a comfortable manner. Oddly enough, we had allot of catching up to do, things to discuss, and it was likely just as surprising to myself then it was to you that we'd have found ourselves this far north, with these northerners, observing what appeared to be something of importance to their people. I didn't have much to say in this moment, lost in my thoughts, perhaps taking in everything as to enjoy the moment and it's purity, for it would likely stick with us in some capacity long OnrY the future.

    (12/09/23-[20:59:33] )

    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar

    in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

    says to HeleneScribe of Rive-de-: You don't know about Torvaldslanders. Do you?

    A Torvaldslander is able to plan an invasion, butcher a tarsk, conn a ship, design a building, compose a saga, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, analyze a problem, pitch manure, cook a tasty meal, fight effectively, and die gallantly if need be. Specialization is for insects.

    (12/09/23-[20:59:39] )

    Aetos Vidus

    in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

    says to Jonas the Red High Jarl : " I am good, and enjoying watching you and those here enjoy themselves with their traditions. It is not often I've seen such gatherings as such, at least not in many moons. "

    (12/09/23-[21:00:21] )

    Scribe of Rive-de-Bois

    in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

    says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: She shook her head, "I'm learning. You all are veritible jacks of all trades, right?" She paused "and always interested in drawing circles on the ground"

    (12/09/23-[21:01:10] )
    --|His puzzle|--

    --Zearia {Svein}--
    ||You, alone, are responsible..||
    ||...of your fate...||
    |- Isle of Scagnar-|

    in the forest

    says to Everyone: -it really took her no time at all to wrap around the tree like a stairway going higher and higher into its branches until she came to what had caught her eye.... it was a nest... a good 6 horts around.. it was a pretty good sied one... she touched nothing while she inspectedit... determining the nest was long since abandoned... she worked it free of the fork in the limbs that it was made around and at a much slower pace as she held the nest close to her with one hand she slowly started to wind her way easily down and aroun d the tree

    (12/09/23-[21:01:25] )

    Scagnar's Skald
    Isle Trainer
    Isle of Scagnar

    in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

    says to HeleneScribe of Rive-de-: "Oooh Mistress, wary of those circles in the ground. And I speak from experience!. I didnt always wear this" Pointing to my collar with a laugh

    (12/09/23-[21:01:32] )

    Scribe of Rive-de-Bois

    in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

    says to .r u n a.| Property of t: "Good night, lovely"

    (12/09/23-[21:01:57] )

    Jonas the Red
    High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

    in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

    says to Everyone: Let's get the trees ready to transport 'n head back to the village... the ale loggers hall will open 'n I be buying!

    (12/09/23-[21:02:09] )

    Scribe of Rive-de-Bois

    in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

    says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: She was glad for the tip, and completely understood. "Got it. Avoid geometry on the floor. Thanks, girl"

    (12/09/23-[21:02:37] )

    Scagnar's Skald
    Isle Trainer
    Isle of Scagnar

    in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

    says to .r u n a.| Property of t: "Goodnight Runa, I think we have collected more than enough to bring the Isle joy this year" Smiling warmly to you and brushing a kiss to your right cheek

    (12/09/23-[21:02:39] )

    .r u n a.

    | Property of the Isle of Scagnar |
    | bondmaid |

    in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

    says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: I leaned against you, covering a yawn with my hand

    (12/09/23-[21:03:07] )

    .r u n a.

    | Property of the Isle of Scagnar |
    | bondmaid |

    in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

    says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: blushes brightly at the kiss

    (12/09/23-[21:04:15] )

    Jonas the Red
    High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

    in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

    says to Everyone: Helps the men lift a few of of the trees onto the wagons

    (12/09/23-[21:04:22] )

    Aetos Vidus

    in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

    says to .r u n a.| Property of t: ( Night beauty)

    (12/09/23-[21:04:23] )
    --|His puzzle|--

    --Zearia {Svein}--
    ||You, alone, are responsible..||
    ||...of your fate...||
    |- Isle of Scagnar-|

    in the forest

    says to Everyone: =she worked her way down the tree bit by bit before she jumped off the branch and landed by her cloak... she lifted her cloak and slung it over her shoulders after untying the hem ofher kirtle and letting it fall back to he r ankles... then gingerly picked the nest back up a she headed back to where the others were thinking the nest would be pretty to put small carvings in or sticks of canilla or cinnimon with holly berries for accent ....

    (12/09/23-[21:04:36] )

    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar

    in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

    says to HeleneScribe of Rive-de-: grins Strictly "friendship" circles.

    (12/09/23-[21:05:22] )

    Jonas the Red
    High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

    in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

    says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: circle o friendships?.. We excel at them!

    (12/09/23-[21:06:07] )

    Scagnar's Skald
    Isle Trainer
    Isle of Scagnar

    in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

    says to --|His puzzle|----Zearia: "Oh, that is lovely Zee! You can make that so pretty. Your Jarl will be so proud" Tenderly fondling the nest

    (12/09/23-[21:06:16] )

    .r u n a.

    | Property of the Isle of Scagnar |
    | bondmaid |

    in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

    says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: ( Jarl, may I please be excused to bed? )

    (12/09/23-[21:06:24] )

    Scribe of Rive-de-Bois

    in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

    says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: She totally read the quotes around friendship "Understood" said as she stepped aside, as men loaded the trees

    (12/09/23-[21:06:48] )

    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar

    in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

    says to .r u n a.| Property of t: ((Yeah, I'm going too. Not with you RT. Don't get the wrong idea anyone..... I'M MARRIED for crissakes! LOL))

    (12/09/23-[21:07:01] )

    Jonas the Red
    High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

    in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

    says to .r u n a.| Property of t: (Scoot little beast)

    (12/09/23-[21:07:04] )

    .r u n a.

    | Property of the Isle of Scagnar |
    | bondmaid |

    in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

    says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: ( LOL Jarl! )

    (12/09/23-[21:07:24] )

    .r u n a.

    | Property of the Isle of Scagnar |
    | bondmaid |

    in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

    says to Everyone: ( sleep well family! xo )

    (12/09/23-[21:07:36] )

    .r u n a.

    | Property of the Isle of Scagnar |
    | bondmaid |

    : Leaves the room...

    (12/09/23-[21:07:52] )
    --|His puzzle|--

    --Zearia {Svein}--
    ||You, alone, are responsible..||
    ||...of your fate...||
    |- Isle of Scagnar-|

    in the forest

    says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: -hears youa nd preens jhuyt a bit.. nervous as you reach towards the nest and seeing how tender you were she relaxed and held it out towards you and pointed to some bits of shell that had been knotted in the nesting materials of a bluish hue

    (12/09/23-[21:08:15] )

    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar

    in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

    says to Everyone: ((Take care and have fun everyone.))

    (12/09/23-[21:08:27] )

    Jonas the Red
    High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

    on the road between the village and forest

    says to Everyone: Steps up onto the wagon and showsm to helga to haul up

    (12/09/23-[21:08:31] )

    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar
    : Leaves the room...

    (12/09/23-[21:08:33] )

    Scribe of Rive-de-Bois

    in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

    says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: (Night)

    (12/09/23-[21:09:11] )

    Scagnar's Skald
    Isle Trainer
    Isle of Scagnar

    in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

    says to --|His puzzle|----Zearia: "It's exquisite. Well found Zee. I have never seen a more lovely decoration" Smiling softly to you

    (12/09/23-[21:09:20] )
    . . . i n c i t e . . .

    - Ramii of Ar -

    in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

    says to Aetos Vidus: -Following your lead, I too, remained quiet in reverance of this ceremony of sorts, I gathered. This was of some significance to the northerners and I would not be disrespectful. Letting my body relax a little bit more in the strength of your hold, allowing a dragged out exhale of breath expell, a thin white cloud of air was pushed out from parted lips of crimson flesh. It was nice being with you in this new foriegn place to me. Much better than the life I had led - was forced into really - just hands ago. Many things were different with you and I was excited on what was to come in my travels with this man.-

    (12/09/23-[21:09:35] )
    --|His puzzle|--

    --Zearia {Svein}--
    ||You, alone, are responsible..||
    ||...of your fate...||
    |- Isle of Scagnar-|

    in the forest

    says to Jonas the Red High Jarl : runs close to helga of course cradling a medium sized nest like its the most fragile thing ever in her small hands as she reached the wagon

    (12/09/23-[21:09:40] )

    Jonas the Red
    High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

    on the road between the village and forest

    says to HeleneScribe of Rive-de-: You wish a ride back to the village Helene?

    (12/09/23-[21:09:46] )

    Scagnar's Skald
    Isle Trainer
    Isle of Scagnar

    in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

    says to Jonas the Red High Jarl : Reaches up for you, smiling, flushed, tired but happy

    (12/09/23-[21:10:02] )

    Jonas the Red
    High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

    on the road between the village and forest

    says to --|His puzzle|----Zearia: Also offers you an arm to drag you up

    (12/09/23-[21:10:40] )

    Jonas the Red
    High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

    on the road between the village and forest

    says to Aetos Vidus: We head back to the vilage Aetos.. you wish to return with us or go back elsewhere?

    (12/09/23-[21:11:01] )

    Scagnar's Skald
    Isle Trainer
    Isle of Scagnar

    in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

    says to Everyone: ((My Jarl has given me pernission to leave, I have some RT to attend. Well wishes everyone))

    (12/09/23-[21:11:07] )

    Scagnar's Skald
    Isle Trainer
    Isle of Scagnar
    : Leaves the room...

    (12/09/23-[21:11:10] )
    --|His puzzle|--

    --Zearia {Svein}--
    ||You, alone, are responsible..||
    ||...of your fate...||
    |- Isle of Scagnar-|

    in the forest

    says to Jonas the Red High Jarl : =she would wait for helga to be in the wagon an hand the fragile nest to her before she grabbed your arm and was easily tossed into the back of the wagon with helga as she flashed you a smile

    (12/09/23-[21:11:15] )

    Scribe of Rive-de-Bois

    in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

    says to Jonas the Red High Jarl : She considered that, "Why, yes, High Jarl. I should like a ride" she hurried over to clamber onto the wagon

    (12/09/23-[21:11:30] )

    Aetos Vidus

    in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

    says to . . . i n c i t e . . . : The others had managed to load up the trees onto the wagons and I'd gather you in my arm to walk with you, following that pathway back towards the village we'd passed.

    (12/09/23-[21:11:36] )

    Jonas the Red
    High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

    on the road between the village and forest

    says to HeleneScribe of Rive-de-: Offers you my arm to help you up

    (12/09/23-[21:11:55] )

    Scribe of Rive-de-Bois

    in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

    says to Jonas the Red High Jarl : Takes your arm to climb up, "thanks"

    (12/09/23-[21:12:10] )
    --|His puzzle|--

    --Zearia {Svein}--
    ||You, alone, are responsible..||
    ||...of your fate...||
    |- Isle of Scagnar-|

    in the forest

    says to Everyone: -gingerly handling the treasure she found she cradled it in small hands.. taking her fur lined mittens off the bed of the wagon and folding them under the nest to cushion it for the ride home

    (12/09/23-[21:12:50] )

    Jonas the Red
    High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

    on the road between the village and forest

    says to Everyone: The wagons leave the logging camp and travel back on the road leading to the village... all wagons were stacked with trees after the successful collection....

    (12/09/23-[21:12:50] )

    Aetos Vidus

    in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

    says to Jonas the Red High Jarl : We are going to scoot until tomorrow, I am working and about to reach that leg where 8 cannot be here, if you follow my drift. I appreciate you letting me be here for this Jonas

    (12/09/23-[21:13:15] )
    . . . i n c i t e . . .

    - Ramii of Ar -

    in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

    says to Jonas the Red High Jarl : ...and I thank you as well!

    (12/09/23-[21:13:58] )
    . . . i n c i t e . . .

    - Ramii of Ar -

    in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

    says to Aetos Vidus: -huddled in your hold, I finally warmed up and walked with you-

    (12/09/23-[21:14:12] )
    --|His puzzle|--

    --Zearia {Svein}--
    ||You, alone, are responsible..||
    ||...of your fate...||
    |- Isle of Scagnar-|

    in the forest

    says to Everyone: [[well wishes to those leaving and hoe to see yall real soon]

    (12/09/23-[21:14:23] )

    Jonas the Red
    High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

    on the road between the village and forest

    says to Aetos Vidus: Any time. If oyu wish for osme temporrary work, I can hire your services to keep an eye out here for Thorarin 'n you have a quieter place to escape to should you wish.....

    (12/09/23-[21:14:24] )
    . . . i n c i t e . . .

    - Ramii of Ar -

    in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

    says to Aetos Vidus: [cries a little.]

    (12/09/23-[21:14:36] )

    Scribe of Rive-de-Bois
    says to ALL: enters the room....

    (12/09/23-[21:14:55] )
    . . . i n c i t e . . .

    - Ramii of Ar -

    in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

    says to Jonas the Red High Jarl : -smiles with your words to Aetos.-

    (12/09/23-[21:14:58] )

    Scribe of Rive-de-Bois
    says to Everyone: (Night, Aetos and Ramii)

    (12/09/23-[21:15:19] )

    Aetos Vidus
    says to Jonas the Red High Jarl : We'll discuss this idea soon... yes? Take care Jonas!

    (12/09/23-[21:15:21] )
    . . . i n c i t e . . .

    - Ramii of Ar -

    in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

    says to HeleneScribe of Rive-de-: -winks.- and to you Lady

    (12/09/23-[21:15:33] )

    Aetos Vidus
    says to Everyone: Take care everyone :)

    (12/09/23-[21:15:41] )

    Aetos Vidus
    : Leaves the room...

    (12/09/23-[21:15:58] )
    . . . i n c i t e . . .

    - Ramii of Ar -

    in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

    says to Jonas the Red High Jarl : ......but I hired him first! =P -grins.-

    (12/09/23-[21:16:14] )
    . . . i n c i t e . . .

    - Ramii of Ar -

    in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

    says to Jonas the Red High Jarl : hehe. night!

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