Torvaldlander's Message Board...(torvald)

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  • Sun Dec 10 02:12 CopyLink * - Subject: Jul tree, Bonds, Jarls, snow and fun
    zearia-Sveins- said:
    (12/08/23-[19:20:35] )

    Jonas the Red
    High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

    at the docks

    says to Everyone: Waits for more arrivals

    (12/09/23-[18:41:57] )

    Jonas the Red
    High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles
    says to ALL: enters the harbour....

    (12/09/23-[18:42:25] )

    Jonas the Red
    High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

    onboard a ship in the inlet

    says to Everyone: Arrives at the docks and prepares to step onto the docks

    (12/09/23-[18:42:50] )

    Jonas the Red
    High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

    on board a ship at the docks

    says to Everyone: Te men commence to leave the ship to step onto the docks

    (12/09/23-[18:43:13] )

    Jonas the Red
    High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

    at the docks

    says to Everyone: Turns and waits for the fleet to enter the inlet

    (12/09/23-[18:52:34] )
    --|His puzzle|--

    --Zearia {Svein}--
    ||You, alone, are responsible..||
    ||...of your fate...||
    |- Isle of Scagnar-|

    says to ALL: enters the room....

    (12/09/23-[18:53:38] )

    Jonas the Red
    High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

    at the docks

    says to Everyone: As the serpent slips near the docks I toss out a rope forthe onboard crew to secure the ship to one of the bollards.

    (12/09/23-[18:54:32] )
    --|His puzzle|--

    --Zearia {Svein}--
    ||You, alone, are responsible..||
    ||...of your fate...||
    |- Isle of Scagnar-|

    at the docks

    says to Jonas the Red High Jarl : -the moment some of the men dispurse she weedles her way through a few to dart dopwn the gangplank and spotting you those mosaic eyes of hers light up ... her fur lined cloak and booties billowing and pattering through the snowy docc planks as she dashes to you instantly ... -

    Greeting Jarl... [[am upposed to be here tnight not in revo yes?]

    (12/09/23-[18:56:10] )

    Jonas the Red
    High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

    at the docks

    says to --|His puzzle|----Zearia: welcone little leg spreader.. and so the group gathering commences for the Jul tree gathering

    (12/09/23-[18:57:43] )

    Aetos Vidus
    says to ALL: enters the room....

    (12/09/23-[18:58:01] )
    --|His puzzle|--

    --Zearia {Svein}--
    ||You, alone, are responsible..||
    ||...of your fate...||
    |- Isle of Scagnar-|

    at the docks

    says to Jonas the Red High Jarl : -of course she knew about the jul tree.. but in truth she never really experienced this part.. though she did help decorate at the isles the last couple years... her cheeks flushed from the cold and her small hands enveloped in some fur lined mitten s.... she was juyst about bouncing o the alls of her feet as she excitedily exclaimed...

    "when everyone comingJarl?

    (12/09/23-[18:58:41] )

    Jonas the Red
    High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

    at the docks

    says to --|His puzzle|----Zearia: Did Svein make the trip or he be too busy?..... *Looks past you towards the sea

    (12/09/23-[18:58:52] )

    Scagnar's Skald
    Isle Trainer
    Isle of Scagnar
    says to ALL: enters the room....

    (12/09/23-[18:59:01] )

    Aetos Vidus
    says to Everyone: Tal you two. :)

    (12/09/23-[18:59:20] )

    Aetos Vidus
    says to Everyone: Make that three

    (12/09/23-[19:00:16] )
    --|His puzzle|--

    --Zearia {Svein}--
    ||You, alone, are responsible..||
    ||...of your fate...||
    |- Isle of Scagnar-|

    at the docks

    says to Jonas the Red High Jarl : -she let out that familar gigglelike laughter hearing you-..." wellll.. that would require seeing Him Jarl... Hes been off aat sea for longer then I can even recall to be honest... so .. not sure... [[hes doing long 6 hour days its the buy season as if he wasnt already being overworked enough.. lol]

    (12/09/23-[19:00:21] )

    Jonas the Red
    High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

    at the docks

    says to Aetos Vidus: As your ship glides in I join with the dock hands to toss ropes for your crew to secure your vessel to the bollards.....

    (12/09/23-[19:02:54] )

    Scagnar's Skald
    Isle Trainer
    Isle of Scagnar

    at the docks

    says to Jonas the Red High Jarl : I had disembarked a little after you, having stayed on board to gather up the baskets, ropes etc that would be needed to collect and cart all the Yul pretties. "That was a smooth crossing my Jarl" The smile given you sat prettily upon soft lips and carried on throughout my expression, shining from large, blue eyes.

    (12/09/23-[19:03:12] )

    .r u n a.

    | Property of the Isle of Scagnar |
    | bondmaid |

    says to ALL: enters the room....

    (12/09/23-[19:03:25] )

    Aetos Vidus
    says to Jonas the Red High Jarl : Gives a salute, in the form of lifting an opened palm between us. " Tal high Jarl. " I offered a smile, moving from the ship after, my guest I assume would join me soon thereafter.

    (12/09/23-[19:04:17] )

    Scagnar's Skald
    Isle Trainer
    Isle of Scagnar

    at the docks

    says to Aetos Vidus: "Tal Jarl, this one is pleased to see you could join us for our annual Yul Tree collection. I hope you brought your axe" A flash of white teeth shown with the wide smile gifted you

    (12/09/23-[19:04:39] )

    Jonas the Red
    High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

    at the docks

    says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: Greetings my wild little skald... the trip over was without incident?

    (12/09/23-[19:05:26] )

    Jonas the Red
    High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

    at the docks

    says to Aetos Vidus: Jonas be enough,,,, I have nought ever held myself to be better than any other... I be just a simple man o the sea........

    (12/09/23-[19:06:14] )

    Jonas the Red
    High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

    at the docks

    says to .r u n a.| Property of t: Greetings little slut o mine... how was the trip.. did you 'n helga behave?...*Coughs*

    (12/09/23-[19:06:14] )

    Scagnar's Skald
    Isle Trainer
    Isle of Scagnar

    at the docks

    says to Jonas the Red High Jarl : "Very much so my Jarl! The men were so busy sharpening their axes, they had no time to bother the likes of me" Laughing softly and looking around the cliffs, inhaling of the wondrous fresh, pine scent.

    Post your response below, or scroll down to read what others have said...

    The Isle of Scagnar

    The Meeting Room

    The Combat Board

    Public Message Board for bond maids and thralls
    Private Message Board for slave trainers
    Sagas of the Isle of Scagnar

    From: . [Help|Old|Travel|Auto]
    [09:38] .. . . . . . [Local Controls]
    The Message Board of the Torvaldslanders of The Isle of Scagnar and Inlet of Green Cliffs
    Anonymous Posts Will be Deleted

    1. Tue Dec 12 15:09 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
      helga {JtR} said:
      I always enjoy the annual tree getting and this year didn't disappoint. Always a good time.

      Thank you for scripting Zee < 3 >

    2. Sun Dec 10 20:09 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
      Thorarin said:
      It was a GREAT time!

    3. Sun Dec 10 02:24 * - Subject: whipping nu 9 - 0 reaction(s)
      zearia-Sveins- said:
      (12/09/23-[20:55:41] )
      --|His puzzle|--

      --Zearia {Svein}--
      ||You, alone, are responsible..||
      ||...of your fate...||
      |- Isle of Scagnar-|

      in the forest

      says to Everyone: -ohhhh she was in her element now s she untied the heavy cloak leaving just her kirtle which she kiked up and tied the hem around her hips so it wouldnt interfere and she jum0ed u0 ,,. small hands capturing a branch and griping it and she swung back once.. twice.. the third time she kicked her legs up around and she caught a different branch and she pulled herself up as she would find different handholds and foot falls on branches that wouldnt break

      (12/09/23-[20:55:43] )

      Scagnar's Skald
      Isle Trainer
      Isle of Scagnar

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to Jonas the Red High Jarl : My baskets were overflowing...pine cones, evergreens. I should have been chilled to the bone but I had warmed myself up by moving swiftly from place to place, collecting the decorations along the way.

      (12/09/23-[20:55:59] )

      Scribe of Rive-de-Bois

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: She was glad. She might even be getting the hang of this. "Oh, well done. Even while negotiation for a bond"

      (12/09/23-[20:56:40] )

      Jonas the Red
      High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: I had already grabbed the bota form you earlier and agian I unslung it to take a deep gulp of water form it before replacing the stopped and slinging it over my shoulder....

      (12/09/23-[20:57:01] )

      .r u n a.

      | Property of the Isle of Scagnar |
      | bondmaid |

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: (( Jarl, I't getting late for me. May I please head to bed? )

      (12/09/23-[20:57:42] )

      Aetos Vidus

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to . . . i n c i t e . . . : I couldn't help but note how comfortable you'd become around me, apparently I was better at convincing you that you were better off being so. Admittedly, I was amused somewhat, and would let you enjoy my warmth while an arm opened up further to allow you to stand at my side, the hand coiling around you in a comfortable manner. Oddly enough, we had allot of catching up to do, things to discuss, and it was likely just as surprising to myself then it was to you that we'd have found ourselves this far north, with these northerners, observing what appeared to be something of importance to their people. I didn't have much to say in this moment, lost in my thoughts, perhaps taking in everything as to enjoy the moment and it's purity, for it would likely stick with us in some capacity long OnrY the future.

      (12/09/23-[20:59:33] )

      Thorarin Bloodaxe
      Isle of Scagnar

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to HeleneScribe of Rive-de-: You don't know about Torvaldslanders. Do you?

      A Torvaldslander is able to plan an invasion, butcher a tarsk, conn a ship, design a building, compose a saga, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, analyze a problem, pitch manure, cook a tasty meal, fight effectively, and die gallantly if need be. Specialization is for insects.

      (12/09/23-[20:59:39] )

      Aetos Vidus

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to Jonas the Red High Jarl : " I am good, and enjoying watching you and those here enjoy themselves with their traditions. It is not often I've seen such gatherings as such, at least not in many moons. "

      (12/09/23-[21:00:21] )

      Scribe of Rive-de-Bois

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: She shook her head, "I'm learning. You all are veritible jacks of all trades, right?" She paused "and always interested in drawing circles on the ground"

      (12/09/23-[21:01:10] )
      --|His puzzle|--

      --Zearia {Svein}--
      ||You, alone, are responsible..||
      ||...of your fate...||
      |- Isle of Scagnar-|

      in the forest

      says to Everyone: -it really took her no time at all to wrap around the tree like a stairway going higher and higher into its branches until she came to what had caught her eye.... it was a nest... a good 6 horts around.. it was a pretty good sied one... she touched nothing while she inspectedit... determining the nest was long since abandoned... she worked it free of the fork in the limbs that it was made around and at a much slower pace as she held the nest close to her with one hand she slowly started to wind her way easily down and aroun d the tree

      (12/09/23-[21:01:25] )

      Scagnar's Skald
      Isle Trainer
      Isle of Scagnar

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to HeleneScribe of Rive-de-: "Oooh Mistress, wary of those circles in the ground. And I speak from experience!. I didnt always wear this" Pointing to my collar with a laugh

      (12/09/23-[21:01:32] )

      Scribe of Rive-de-Bois

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to .r u n a.| Property of t: "Good night, lovely"

      (12/09/23-[21:01:57] )

      Jonas the Red
      High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to Everyone: Let's get the trees ready to transport 'n head back to the village... the ale loggers hall will open 'n I be buying!

      (12/09/23-[21:02:09] )

      Scribe of Rive-de-Bois

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: She was glad for the tip, and completely understood. "Got it. Avoid geometry on the floor. Thanks, girl"

      (12/09/23-[21:02:37] )

      Scagnar's Skald
      Isle Trainer
      Isle of Scagnar

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to .r u n a.| Property of t: "Goodnight Runa, I think we have collected more than enough to bring the Isle joy this year" Smiling warmly to you and brushing a kiss to your right cheek

      (12/09/23-[21:02:39] )

      .r u n a.

      | Property of the Isle of Scagnar |
      | bondmaid |

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: I leaned against you, covering a yawn with my hand

      (12/09/23-[21:03:07] )

      .r u n a.

      | Property of the Isle of Scagnar |
      | bondmaid |

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: blushes brightly at the kiss

      (12/09/23-[21:04:15] )

      Jonas the Red
      High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to Everyone: Helps the men lift a few of of the trees onto the wagons

      (12/09/23-[21:04:22] )

      Aetos Vidus

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to .r u n a.| Property of t: ( Night beauty)

      (12/09/23-[21:04:23] )
      --|His puzzle|--

      --Zearia {Svein}--
      ||You, alone, are responsible..||
      ||...of your fate...||
      |- Isle of Scagnar-|

      in the forest

      says to Everyone: =she worked her way down the tree bit by bit before she jumped off the branch and landed by her cloak... she lifted her cloak and slung it over her shoulders after untying the hem ofher kirtle and letting it fall back to he r ankles... then gingerly picked the nest back up a she headed back to where the others were thinking the nest would be pretty to put small carvings in or sticks of canilla or cinnimon with holly berries for accent ....

      (12/09/23-[21:04:36] )

      Thorarin Bloodaxe
      Isle of Scagnar

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to HeleneScribe of Rive-de-: grins Strictly "friendship" circles.

      (12/09/23-[21:05:22] )

      Jonas the Red
      High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: circle o friendships?.. We excel at them!

      (12/09/23-[21:06:07] )

      Scagnar's Skald
      Isle Trainer
      Isle of Scagnar

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to --|His puzzle|----Zearia: "Oh, that is lovely Zee! You can make that so pretty. Your Jarl will be so proud" Tenderly fondling the nest

      (12/09/23-[21:06:16] )

      .r u n a.

      | Property of the Isle of Scagnar |
      | bondmaid |

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: ( Jarl, may I please be excused to bed? )

      (12/09/23-[21:06:24] )

      Scribe of Rive-de-Bois

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: She totally read the quotes around friendship "Understood" said as she stepped aside, as men loaded the trees

      (12/09/23-[21:06:48] )

      Thorarin Bloodaxe
      Isle of Scagnar

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to .r u n a.| Property of t: ((Yeah, I'm going too. Not with you RT. Don't get the wrong idea anyone..... I'M MARRIED for crissakes! LOL))

      (12/09/23-[21:07:01] )

      Jonas the Red
      High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to .r u n a.| Property of t: (Scoot little beast)

      (12/09/23-[21:07:04] )

      .r u n a.

      | Property of the Isle of Scagnar |
      | bondmaid |

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: ( LOL Jarl! )

      (12/09/23-[21:07:24] )

      .r u n a.

      | Property of the Isle of Scagnar |
      | bondmaid |

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to Everyone: ( sleep well family! xo )

      (12/09/23-[21:07:36] )

      .r u n a.

      | Property of the Isle of Scagnar |
      | bondmaid |

      : Leaves the room...

      (12/09/23-[21:07:52] )
      --|His puzzle|--

      --Zearia {Svein}--
      ||You, alone, are responsible..||
      ||...of your fate...||
      |- Isle of Scagnar-|

      in the forest

      says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: -hears youa nd preens jhuyt a bit.. nervous as you reach towards the nest and seeing how tender you were she relaxed and held it out towards you and pointed to some bits of shell that had been knotted in the nesting materials of a bluish hue

      (12/09/23-[21:08:15] )

      Thorarin Bloodaxe
      Isle of Scagnar

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to Everyone: ((Take care and have fun everyone.))

      (12/09/23-[21:08:27] )

      Jonas the Red
      High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

      on the road between the village and forest

      says to Everyone: Steps up onto the wagon and showsm to helga to haul up

      (12/09/23-[21:08:31] )

      Thorarin Bloodaxe
      Isle of Scagnar
      : Leaves the room...

      (12/09/23-[21:08:33] )

      Scribe of Rive-de-Bois

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: (Night)

      (12/09/23-[21:09:11] )

      Scagnar's Skald
      Isle Trainer
      Isle of Scagnar

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to --|His puzzle|----Zearia: "It's exquisite. Well found Zee. I have never seen a more lovely decoration" Smiling softly to you

      (12/09/23-[21:09:20] )
      . . . i n c i t e . . .

      - Ramii of Ar -

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to Aetos Vidus: -Following your lead, I too, remained quiet in reverance of this ceremony of sorts, I gathered. This was of some significance to the northerners and I would not be disrespectful. Letting my body relax a little bit more in the strength of your hold, allowing a dragged out exhale of breath expell, a thin white cloud of air was pushed out from parted lips of crimson flesh. It was nice being with you in this new foriegn place to me. Much better than the life I had led - was forced into really - just hands ago. Many things were different with you and I was excited on what was to come in my travels with this man.-

      (12/09/23-[21:09:35] )
      --|His puzzle|--

      --Zearia {Svein}--
      ||You, alone, are responsible..||
      ||...of your fate...||
      |- Isle of Scagnar-|

      in the forest

      says to Jonas the Red High Jarl : runs close to helga of course cradling a medium sized nest like its the most fragile thing ever in her small hands as she reached the wagon

      (12/09/23-[21:09:40] )

      Jonas the Red
      High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

      on the road between the village and forest

      says to HeleneScribe of Rive-de-: You wish a ride back to the village Helene?

      (12/09/23-[21:09:46] )

      Scagnar's Skald
      Isle Trainer
      Isle of Scagnar

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to Jonas the Red High Jarl : Reaches up for you, smiling, flushed, tired but happy

      (12/09/23-[21:10:02] )

      Jonas the Red
      High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

      on the road between the village and forest

      says to --|His puzzle|----Zearia: Also offers you an arm to drag you up

      (12/09/23-[21:10:40] )

      Jonas the Red
      High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

      on the road between the village and forest

      says to Aetos Vidus: We head back to the vilage Aetos.. you wish to return with us or go back elsewhere?

      (12/09/23-[21:11:01] )

      Scagnar's Skald
      Isle Trainer
      Isle of Scagnar

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to Everyone: ((My Jarl has given me pernission to leave, I have some RT to attend. Well wishes everyone))

      (12/09/23-[21:11:07] )

      Scagnar's Skald
      Isle Trainer
      Isle of Scagnar
      : Leaves the room...

      (12/09/23-[21:11:10] )
      --|His puzzle|--

      --Zearia {Svein}--
      ||You, alone, are responsible..||
      ||...of your fate...||
      |- Isle of Scagnar-|

      in the forest

      says to Jonas the Red High Jarl : =she would wait for helga to be in the wagon an hand the fragile nest to her before she grabbed your arm and was easily tossed into the back of the wagon with helga as she flashed you a smile

      (12/09/23-[21:11:15] )

      Scribe of Rive-de-Bois

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to Jonas the Red High Jarl : She considered that, "Why, yes, High Jarl. I should like a ride" she hurried over to clamber onto the wagon

      (12/09/23-[21:11:30] )

      Aetos Vidus

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to . . . i n c i t e . . . : The others had managed to load up the trees onto the wagons and I'd gather you in my arm to walk with you, following that pathway back towards the village we'd passed.

      (12/09/23-[21:11:36] )

      Jonas the Red
      High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

      on the road between the village and forest

      says to HeleneScribe of Rive-de-: Offers you my arm to help you up

      (12/09/23-[21:11:55] )

      Scribe of Rive-de-Bois

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to Jonas the Red High Jarl : Takes your arm to climb up, "thanks"

      (12/09/23-[21:12:10] )
      --|His puzzle|--

      --Zearia {Svein}--
      ||You, alone, are responsible..||
      ||...of your fate...||
      |- Isle of Scagnar-|

      in the forest

      says to Everyone: -gingerly handling the treasure she found she cradled it in small hands.. taking her fur lined mittens off the bed of the wagon and folding them under the nest to cushion it for the ride home

      (12/09/23-[21:12:50] )

      Jonas the Red
      High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

      on the road between the village and forest

      says to Everyone: The wagons leave the logging camp and travel back on the road leading to the village... all wagons were stacked with trees after the successful collection....

      (12/09/23-[21:12:50] )

      Aetos Vidus

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to Jonas the Red High Jarl : We are going to scoot until tomorrow, I am working and about to reach that leg where 8 cannot be here, if you follow my drift. I appreciate you letting me be here for this Jonas

      (12/09/23-[21:13:15] )
      . . . i n c i t e . . .

      - Ramii of Ar -

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to Jonas the Red High Jarl : ...and I thank you as well!

      (12/09/23-[21:13:58] )
      . . . i n c i t e . . .

      - Ramii of Ar -

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to Aetos Vidus: -huddled in your hold, I finally warmed up and walked with you-

      (12/09/23-[21:14:12] )
      --|His puzzle|--

      --Zearia {Svein}--
      ||You, alone, are responsible..||
      ||...of your fate...||
      |- Isle of Scagnar-|

      in the forest

      says to Everyone: [[well wishes to those leaving and hoe to see yall real soon]

      (12/09/23-[21:14:23] )

      Jonas the Red
      High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

      on the road between the village and forest

      says to Aetos Vidus: Any time. If oyu wish for osme temporrary work, I can hire your services to keep an eye out here for Thorarin 'n you have a quieter place to escape to should you wish.....

      (12/09/23-[21:14:24] )
      . . . i n c i t e . . .

      - Ramii of Ar -

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to Aetos Vidus: [cries a little.]

      (12/09/23-[21:14:36] )

      Scribe of Rive-de-Bois
      says to ALL: enters the room....

      (12/09/23-[21:14:55] )
      . . . i n c i t e . . .

      - Ramii of Ar -

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to Jonas the Red High Jarl : -smiles with your words to Aetos.-

      (12/09/23-[21:14:58] )

      Scribe of Rive-de-Bois
      says to Everyone: (Night, Aetos and Ramii)

      (12/09/23-[21:15:19] )

      Aetos Vidus
      says to Jonas the Red High Jarl : We'll discuss this idea soon... yes? Take care Jonas!

      (12/09/23-[21:15:21] )
      . . . i n c i t e . . .

      - Ramii of Ar -

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to HeleneScribe of Rive-de-: -winks.- and to you Lady

      (12/09/23-[21:15:33] )

      Aetos Vidus
      says to Everyone: Take care everyone :)

      (12/09/23-[21:15:41] )

      Aetos Vidus
      : Leaves the room...

      (12/09/23-[21:15:58] )
      . . . i n c i t e . . .

      - Ramii of Ar -

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to Jonas the Red High Jarl : ......but I hired him first! =P -grins.-

      (12/09/23-[21:16:14] )
      . . . i n c i t e . . .

      - Ramii of Ar -

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to Jonas the Red High Jarl : hehe. night!

    4. Sun Dec 10 02:22 * - Subject: tying down part 8 - 0 reaction(s)
      zearia-Sveins- said:
      (12/09/23-[20:34:13] )

      Scagnar's Skald
      Isle Trainer
      Isle of Scagnar

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to Jonas the Red High Jarl : "I think so my Jarl" Nodding and walking the length of the felled tree. "I think it might even tip the rafters" Laughing

      (12/09/23-[20:34:26] )

      .r u n a.

      | Property of the Isle of Scagnar |
      | bondmaid |

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: I stood back as the tree fell to the ground with a resounding THUD before I tore off ijnto the thicket of trees. There were sooo many of them! Some small scrubs most of them were the sasme size as the trees you had already taken but there was one... it's girth I couldn't even put my arms around. I strained to see the top of the tree! I circled it slowly and stopped when I saw a large clump of reddish fur stuck to a branch. I leaned over, and studied it...

      (12/09/23-[20:34:39] )

      Jonas the Red
      High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: Now some smaller ones for the lodges.....

      (12/09/23-[20:34:47] )

      Aetos Vidus

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to Everyone: I had returned from around the corner of a larger evergreen, retieing my leathers after having made some yellow snow cones behind it, joining the others once more to watch, the scent of fresh chopped trees thick in the air.

      (12/09/23-[20:34:52] )

      Scagnar's Skald
      Isle Trainer
      Isle of Scagnar

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to Jonas the Red High Jarl : ((That was a great scene!))

      (12/09/23-[20:35:16] )

      .r u n a.

      | Property of the Isle of Scagnar |
      | bondmaid |

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: "Jarl! Jarl!' I called to you, pointing to the large clump of hair

      (12/09/23-[20:35:47] )
      --|His puzzle|--

      --Zearia {Svein}--
      ||You, alone, are responsible..||
      ||...of your fate...||
      |- Isle of Scagnar-|

      in the forest

      says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: -she styopped watching for more hurts hearing you and smiled... but instantly she was on the prowl.... bruhing snow off some and some finding on top of the snow as she weaved through the vegatation like it was second nature to he and tossed the ones she found towawrs the basket as she went deeper into the trees hunting the pinecones

      (12/09/23-[20:36:03] )

      Thorarin Bloodaxe
      Isle of Scagnar

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to Jonas the Red High Jarl : Me and the crew of the Rhythm have been working on those, Jarl

      (12/09/23-[20:36:05] )
      . . . i n c i t e . . .

      - Ramii of Ar -

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to --|His puzzle|----Zearia: Psst. Don't eat the yellow snow. -nods.-

      (12/09/23-[20:36:50] )

      Thorarin Bloodaxe
      Isle of Scagnar

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to .r u n a.| Property of t: What..... what is it??

      (12/09/23-[20:37:33] )
      --|His puzzle|--

      --Zearia {Svein}--
      ||You, alone, are responsible..||
      ||...of your fate...||
      |- Isle of Scagnar-|

      in the forest

      says to . . . i n c i t e . . . : -give you a dead ass serious look and dead pan expression...... " but.. but.. well helga said the yellow snow was the best to eat.... ".... she actually managed to hold the dead pan shocked look a good 5 ihmn before she grinned and disappeared behind another tree hunting for the pinecones

      (12/09/23-[20:37:41] )

      Scribe of Rive-de-Bois

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: "Needle trees. Check" she walked a little bit away from the fall zone, and pointed out one. It did have a nicely conical look, "Like this one, Thorarin?" It was about eight foot high, and, circling it, she saw there wasn't a bald spot on it

      (12/09/23-[20:37:50] )

      Jonas the Red
      High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: We'll need to get the long wheelbase wagon for this tree

      (12/09/23-[20:38:01] )

      .r u n a.

      | Property of the Isle of Scagnar |
      | bondmaid |

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: I stood over the large clump of reddish hair, and finally pulled it free of the branches

      'See Jarl? This hair...or fur. What is it from?'

      (12/09/23-[20:38:34] )
      . . . i n c i t e . . .

      - Ramii of Ar -

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to --|His puzzle|----Zearia: -I crinkled my nose and burst into laughter.- She said from experience? O.O

      (12/09/23-[20:39:01] )

      Scagnar's Skald
      Isle Trainer
      Isle of Scagnar

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to Jonas the Red High Jarl : I was dancing amongst the trees, enjoying the fact that you had allowed me and trusted me enough to select them. But I was careful to choose smaller trees now, knowing they were for the homes of people of the Isle. Around each of the trees suitable I tied a pretty ribbon, a yellow one...singing as I did so.

      (12/09/23-[20:39:56] )
      --|His puzzle|--

      --Zearia {Svein}--
      ||You, alone, are responsible..||
      ||...of your fate...||
      |- Isle of Scagnar-|

      in the forest

      says to . . . i n c i t e . . . : =-one then two then three pinecons came flying out of the treeline to land near the basket as she poked her head around the tree to spot you with a smile... " Ohhh.. i am sure of it Mistress... nods nods

      (12/09/23-[20:40:28] )

      Scagnar's Skald
      Isle Trainer
      Isle of Scagnar

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to --|His puzzle|----Zearia: Just looks at you, open mouthed. I was sure you were going to have me beaten by the end of the day

      (12/09/23-[20:41:09] )

      Thorarin Bloodaxe
      Isle of Scagnar

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to HeleneScribe of Rive-de-: Aye, like that one!

      walking over with the axe over my right shoulder..... spits on my hands

      (12/09/23-[20:41:40] )
      --|His puzzle|--

      --Zearia {Svein}--
      ||You, alone, are responsible..||
      ||...of your fate...||
      |- Isle of Scagnar-|

      in the forest

      says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: -a pinecone comes sailing out from the midst of the trees only to land near your feet followed by a familar sound of her giggling

      (12/09/23-[20:41:43] )

      Jonas the Red
      High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: Lining up a few smaller trees I commence the hacking of the trunks, the time taken to bring them down a lot quicker than the first one I hacked down for the hall....

      (12/09/23-[20:42:29] )

      Thorarin Bloodaxe
      Isle of Scagnar

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to .r u n a.| Property of t: grins.... trying to freighten you Maybe it is..... a PANTHER GIRL!

      (12/09/23-[20:42:41] )

      Jonas the Red
      High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: Where that bota o water....??\

      (12/09/23-[20:43:38] )

      Scribe of Rive-de-Bois

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: She grinned, "Great" and stepped back as you came up with your axe. She understood the spitting; it helped the grip, but wasn't as sticky as pine tar

      (12/09/23-[20:44:15] )

      .r u n a.

      | Property of the Isle of Scagnar |
      | bondmaid |

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: SCREAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMSSSS!!!!

      JUMPS away from the tree and bolts, hiding behind you

      (12/09/23-[20:44:26] )

      Thorarin Bloodaxe
      Isle of Scagnar

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to HeleneScribe of Rive-de-: swinging the axe at the base of the tree...... first strike..... then missing the second..... then hitting on the third, fourth and fifth..... the tree falls

      (12/09/23-[20:44:28] )

      Scagnar's Skald
      Isle Trainer
      Isle of Scagnar

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to Jonas the Red High Jarl : "Oh yes my Jarl" Scurrying toward you and pulling the bota strap from my right shoulder and plucking the cork from it with my teeth before holding it out for you/

      (12/09/23-[20:45:34] )

      Thorarin Bloodaxe
      Isle of Scagnar

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to .r u n a.| Property of t: laughing and grabbing you as the tree falls Gotta be careful in the woods.

      (12/09/23-[20:45:42] )

      Scribe of Rive-de-Bois

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to .r u n a.| Property of t: Thought runa must have some kind of pathology about Panther girls.

      (12/09/23-[20:46:09] )

      Scribe of Rive-de-Bois

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: she blinked "That was quick, Thorarin" then she went to look for another

      (12/09/23-[20:46:15] )

      Jonas the Red
      High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: Ahh my thanks little slut....

      (12/09/23-[20:46:39] )

      Thorarin Bloodaxe
      Isle of Scagnar

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to Jonas the Red High Jarl : Jarl.... what is your price for this runa? She needs a keeper. laughs

      (12/09/23-[20:47:08] )

      .r u n a.

      | Property of the Isle of Scagnar |
      | bondmaid |

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: I laughed and shook my head at you, clinging helplessly to your thick trunk

      (12/09/23-[20:47:17] )

      Jonas the Red
      High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to .r u n a.| Property of t: Looks at you and rubs my chin in deep thought.........

      (12/09/23-[20:47:45] )

      Thorarin Bloodaxe
      Isle of Scagnar

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to HeleneScribe of Rive-de-: Did you find another tree?

      (12/09/23-[20:48:07] )

      Jonas the Red
      High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: I be her keeper for now.. but I would always be open for a .. ermm .let's say a nought too insignificant price....

      (12/09/23-[20:49:40] )

      Thorarin Bloodaxe
      Isle of Scagnar

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to Jonas the Red High Jarl : cringes I thought ..... perhaps..... since the Jul season is upon us..... grins

      (12/09/23-[20:50:25] )

      Scribe of Rive-de-Bois

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: She saw one and didn't like it. The branches on one side were missing. Anothe rlooked like an hour glass, broad at the base, broad at the top, and narrow in the middle, "Did someone cut the top of this tree off one year?" then she saw one, a six footed, just a bit off with its cone shape. "How about this one?"

      (12/09/23-[20:50:36] )
      . . . i n c i t e . . .

      - Ramii of Ar -

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to Aetos Vidus: -I rubbed my gloved hands together to try and promote some heat, then brought them to my mouth, cupping and blowing warm breath onto my encased fingers. Another chill ran up my curving spine as I huddled closer to your side and pressed, soon enough the heat from your body would hopefully seep into mine through all these layers of clothes.-

      (12/09/23-[20:50:53] )

      .r u n a.

      | Property of the Isle of Scagnar |
      | bondmaid |

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: dangles helplessly from your arms

      (12/09/23-[20:50:58] )

      Jonas the Red
      High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: The eason just started.. always time to agree on a ... ermm.. price that would suit both o us?

      (12/09/23-[20:51:46] )

      Jonas the Red
      High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: But for the next 2 hands,,,,, no charge fir her use!

      (12/09/23-[20:53:24] )

      Jonas the Red
      High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to Aetos Vidus: Turns to you and pauses while I mean on my axe......
      ,br>How you be going man o Ar?>??

      (12/09/23-[20:54:33] )

      Thorarin Bloodaxe
      Isle of Scagnar

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to HeleneScribe of Rive-de-: Not bad, not bad. looks the tree up and down

      steps to it....... grips the wood cutting axe in my hands...... striking the tree at its base...... first strike and the tree shivers..... second strike and the tree is almost cut...... then a third strike and the tree falls

      (12/09/23-[20:55:35] )

      Jonas the Red
      High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: We have our hall tree, we have our tavern tree... 'n plenty for lodges,,,, still, we probably need more for every lodge

    5. Sun Dec 10 02:21 * - Subject: can we cheer for 7 - 0 reaction(s)
      zearia-Sveins- said:
      (12/09/23-[20:21:17] )

      .r u n a.

      | Property of the Isle of Scagnar |
      | bondmaid |

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to HeleneScribe of Rive-de-: My cheeks flushed now, and i realized how silly I must have sounded but ... 'can you teach me how to use the axe?'

      (12/09/23-[20:22:28] )
      --|His puzzle|--

      --Zearia {Svein}--
      ||You, alone, are responsible..||
      ||...of your fate...||
      |- Isle of Scagnar-|

      in the forest

      says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: should come here an bring that bow i got cutom made fer me... but.. well doubt he would allow that... would be fun ta hunt those ... nods]

      (12/09/23-[20:22:34] )

      Scagnar's Skald
      Isle Trainer
      Isle of Scagnar

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to --|His puzzle|----Zearia: "oooo" I stood next to you...watching the bounding animals in the distance. Their wool looks warm"

      (12/09/23-[20:23:17] )
      --|His puzzle|--

      --Zearia {Svein}--
      ||You, alone, are responsible..||
      ||...of your fate...||
      |- Isle of Scagnar-|

      in the forest

      says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: yes... and soft too.. maybe i be askin fer permission ... would enjoy that and i know how to dress out any kill too .. my pappa taught me well

      (12/09/23-[20:23:24] )

      Thorarin Bloodaxe
      Isle of Scagnar

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to .r u n a.| Property of t: No. You have neither the upper body strength nor the quickness to use a wood cutting axe.

      walking to a smaller needle tree that would be good for a home on the Isle

      (12/09/23-[20:24:08] )
      . . . i n c i t e . . .

      - Ramii of Ar -

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to Aetos Vidus: -Scarlet lips twitch into a twist of a small smile, turning in my bottom lip into my mouth and capturing that plump flesh with a light bite of my teeth before I spoke again. Chestnut colored eyes turn up to you and watched your face as we continued to walk.- Well, I guess we have plenty of time to figure all of you out, I suppose.

      (12/09/23-[20:24:23] )
      --|His puzzle|--

      --Zearia {Svein}--
      ||You, alone, are responsible..||
      ||...of your fate...||
      |- Isle of Scagnar-|

      in the forest

      says to Jonas the Red High Jarl : pointing to a tall easily 12 footer and full and round and thick.... she called to you.. -...Jarl.. what about that one fer the inn lobby.. it be big nuff to have that biggun....

      (12/09/23-[20:24:23] )

      Scagnar's Skald
      Isle Trainer
      Isle of Scagnar

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to Jonas the Red High Jarl : Watching you wield the axe with precision and strength. The tree didn't stand much of a chance.. After a few hefty strikes with your weapon, it landed loudly upon the ground. I heard it fall, which meant that yes, it DID make a sound"

      (12/09/23-[20:25:27] )

      Scribe of Rive-de-Bois

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to .r u n a.| Property of t: She figured tht was for Thorarin, because Helene hadn't a clue

      (12/09/23-[20:25:39] )

      Jonas the Red
      High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: swinbgs the axe ahgain and again leaving the tree leaning more before going to hack the other side and setting out a clearing for the tree to fall into...

      (12/09/23-[20:25:46] )

      Thorarin Bloodaxe
      Isle of Scagnar

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to .r u n a.| Property of t: spits on my gloves..... strikes the base of the tree once..... twice..... three times..... then a fourth time..... and the tree falls

      (12/09/23-[20:26:06] )
      --|His puzzle|--

      --Zearia {Svein}--
      ||You, alone, are responsible..||
      ||...of your fate...||
      |- Isle of Scagnar-|

      in the forest

      says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: when renovatin... i found crate after crate of baubles and things that been used prevoiously and kept them so am sure the inn peoples will be glad i found them

      (12/09/23-[20:26:23] )

      .r u n a.

      | Property of the Isle of Scagnar |
      | bondmaid |

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: I nodded slowly. Of course you were right and I was just being silly. Jogging along beside, you,, that thick auburn hair bouncing at my sides, I stopped at a small tree just a little taller than I was. Its branches were full and beautiful

      'What about this one Jarl?"

      (12/09/23-[20:27:49] )

      Scagnar's Skald
      Isle Trainer
      Isle of Scagnar

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to --|His puzzle|----Zearia: "A hurt hunt? Hmmm. It would be a skilled huntsman who could shoot such a creature. Look at the way they leap about" Nodding softly and walking on, searching the ground for pine cones and bending over each time one was sighted...collecting them. "Gersemi and Thorbjorn love to paint these gold"

      (12/09/23-[20:28:02] )

      Jonas the Red
      High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: Stand back little slut.. the tree should be falling.. "Points to my left" that way!

      (12/09/23-[20:29:18] )
      --|His puzzle|--

      --Zearia {Svein}--
      ||You, alone, are responsible..||
      ||...of your fate...||
      |- Isle of Scagnar-|

      in the forest

      says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: my pappa taught me huntin and trappin.. but with huntin .. he made me get spot on with fuckin urts.. those ugh.. hate urts.... but werent till could hit a urt with precision and naught just luck before he let me start huntin other stuff

      (12/09/23-[20:30:31] )

      Thorarin Bloodaxe
      Isle of Scagnar

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to .r u n a.| Property of t: Aye. Sure.

      walking over Stand back. swinging the axe at the base of the tree..... first strike almost cuts the tree down...... the second one does

      Find another ..... bigger. back.

      (12/09/23-[20:30:31] )

      Jonas the Red
      High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to Everyone: Another few more hacks and the tree seemingly trembles before tilting and falling with an almighty C R A S H on the ground

      (12/09/23-[20:30:32] )
      --|His puzzle|--

      --Zearia {Svein}--
      ||You, alone, are responsible..||
      ||...of your fate...||
      |- Isle of Scagnar-|

      in the forest

      says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: course fishin?.. well.. thats how i ended up in the water by the docks and got fished out by the One that now owns me... unless can do a trap.. or net.. cant catch a fish ta save my life.. not with no pole anyway

      (12/09/23-[20:30:40] )

      Scagnar's Skald
      Isle Trainer
      Isle of Scagnar

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to Jonas the Red High Jarl : "Yikes!" Racing through the snow, only just managing to avoid the tree falling on me (Like that man on the news last night LOL)

      (12/09/23-[20:31:10] )

      Jonas the Red
      High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: What you say big enough for the hall?

      (12/09/23-[20:31:19] )

      Thorarin Bloodaxe
      Isle of Scagnar

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to --|His puzzle|----Zearia: ((You really can skin a deer?))

      (12/09/23-[20:31:41] )

      .r u n a.

      | Property of the Isle of Scagnar |
      | bondmaid |

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: ( I can! )

      (12/09/23-[20:31:57] )

      Scribe of Rive-de-Bois

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to Everyone: Trees were falling fast and furious, one almost hitting that hot blonde bond. "Ah, how many trees are we looking for?"

      (12/09/23-[20:32:12] )

      Thorarin Bloodaxe
      Isle of Scagnar

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to .r u n a.| Property of t: ((Me too. LOL))

      (12/09/23-[20:32:54] )

      Jonas the Red
      High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: (There was a scene in the second season of Game of Thrones where Charles Dance skins a deer, he did it rt on camera!)

      (12/09/23-[20:33:20] )

      Scagnar's Skald
      Isle Trainer
      Isle of Scagnar

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to --|His puzzle|----Zearia: With this basket full of pine cones, I collected another empty one from the wagon, this time I was looking for holly. Important to have in all homes to ward off those evil winter spirits. "You're doing a lot of talking, how about filling that empty basket of yours?" I couldn't help but laugh. "Next hand, we ice fish and hunt hurt! I promise you"

      (12/09/23-[20:33:38] )
      --|His puzzle|--

      --Zearia {Svein}--
      ||You, alone, are responsible..||
      ||...of your fate...||
      |- Isle of Scagnar-|

      in the forest

      says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: oh yeah..... and make traps and a few other tidbits.. winks... being in the woods and hunting and the hours dealing with my catches.. well.. got me out and away from what happened in the home... shrugs.. i got really good at it to give ya an idea.. nods

      (12/09/23-[20:33:41] )

      Thorarin Bloodaxe
      Isle of Scagnar

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to HeleneScribe of Rive-de-: We need a bunch of the needle trees, scribe. laughs

    6. Sun Dec 10 02:20 * - Subject: annnd 6 - 0 reaction(s)
      zearia-Sveins- said:
      (12/09/23-[20:13:49] )

      Scribe of Rive-de-Bois

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to Jonas the Red High Jarl : She looked at you, then at the others, "Any particular kind of tree?" then she remembered "High Jarl?"

      (12/09/23-[20:14:24] )

      Jonas the Red
      High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to Aetos Vidus: We will share the full tale in the hall.. it be a long story.. involving our gods, the collection o trees to help ward off various evil.. a long tradition.....

      (12/09/23-[20:14:44] )
      --|His puzzle|--

      --Zearia {Svein}--
      ||You, alone, are responsible..||
      ||...of your fate...||
      |- Isle of Scagnar-|

      in the forest

      says to HeleneScribe of Rive-de-: -she wved a small hand towards you as she sang out-.. Greetins Mistress

      (12/09/23-[20:14:52] )

      Scribe of Rive-de-Bois

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: "Greetings, girl" she said, still getting used to the cold. "You look as if you are having fun"

      (12/09/23-[20:14:53] )

      Thorarin Bloodaxe
      Isle of Scagnar

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to HeleneScribe of Rive-de-: Tal scribe of the merchant. You are here to collect a Jul tree too?

      (12/09/23-[20:15:49] )
      --|His puzzle|--

      --Zearia {Svein}--
      ||You, alone, are responsible..||
      ||...of your fate...||
      |- Isle of Scagnar-|

      in the forest

      says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: wellll ya knowww... he down own -my- inn now... perhaps a nice size one fer the lobby of the inn >

      (12/09/23-[20:15:55] )

      Scagnar's Skald
      Isle Trainer
      Isle of Scagnar

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to --|His puzzle|----Zearia: "It doesnt have to be one doing one and the other doing another. You can do them together! I always do with my chain sisters" giving you a smile and a nod of encouragement

      (12/09/23-[20:15:58] )

      Jonas the Red
      High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: Ermm make sure there be nought animals 'n such in the tree

      (12/09/23-[20:16:01] )

      Scribe of Rive-de-Bois

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to --|His puzzle|----Zearia: "Greetings, girl" she smiled, seeing another happy beast

      (12/09/23-[20:16:14] )

      Thorarin Bloodaxe
      Isle of Scagnar

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to .r u n a.| Property of t: Get my wood cutting axe out of the wagon, runa.

      (12/09/23-[20:16:43] )

      Scribe of Rive-de-Bois

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: She nodded, "well, they say when in Ar, do as the Arians do. So, when in Torvadlsand, do as the Torvies do"

      (12/09/23-[20:16:43] )
      --|His puzzle|--

      --Zearia {Svein}--
      ||You, alone, are responsible..||
      ||...of your fate...||
      |- Isle of Scagnar-|

      in the forest

      says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: -hearing that she just put on a mask of a smile cuz she knew well how tht would go down but she didnt arge.. 0.. " sure thing sugar tits

      (12/09/23-[20:17:02] )

      Aetos Vidus

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to . . . i n c i t e . . . : " Life is to short to be serious all the time, you shall have to figure it out for your own sake then. " I gave a shrug and small smirk.

      (12/09/23-[20:17:05] )

      Scagnar's Skald
      Isle Trainer
      Isle of Scagnar

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to .r u n a.| Property of t: "It really is Runa...can you smell that air? Pine fresh, like Jarl Thorarin" I was looking back to you as I was speaking and not watching where I was walking. "Oooph!" Tripping over a large log and face planting the snow. "I found the Jul log!"

      (12/09/23-[20:17:16] )

      Aetos Vidus

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to Jonas the Red High Jarl : " Fair enough. "

      (12/09/23-[20:17:23] )

      Jonas the Red
      High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to Everyone: Unslings my axe.. then takes off my cloak to place on the ground... then steps slightly behind the tree and sizes up the angle and distance before taking a deep breath and lifting the axe in readiness to comence the chop

      (12/09/23-[20:18:26] )

      .r u n a.

      | Property of the Isle of Scagnar |
      | bondmaid |

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: I quickly ran to the back of the wagon and climbed back up. There it was, laying on a floor of worn leather. The handle smooth, the blade shining and gleaming. I cradled it carefully and pulled it down with me but it was soooo heavy! I stumbled under it's weight, but managed to bring it back to you with a small grin

      'Can you teach me Jarl?' I said, trying to hold it up for you

      (12/09/23-[20:18:32] )

      Thorarin Bloodaxe
      Isle of Scagnar

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: laughs as you trip over the new Jul log

      (12/09/23-[20:19:17] )

      Jonas the Red
      High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to Everyone: Raises my axe high and to my right and sweeps it down at an agle utilzing my pivot to allow the head of the axe to gather speed and hack into the trunk of the tall pine..... with a loud C L U N K !!!

      (12/09/23-[20:19:20] )

      .r u n a.

      | Property of the Isle of Scagnar |
      | bondmaid |

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to HeleneScribe of Rive-de-: I smiled warmly back to you

      'Tal Mistress!'

      (12/09/23-[20:19:21] )

      Scagnar's Skald
      Isle Trainer
      Isle of Scagnar

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to Jonas the Red High Jarl : ((Laughing RT. You mean, like a beaver?)) "Oh yes my Jarl, I will be very careful about that. We don't want any urts running around the hall" Pulling myself back up to my feet and dusting off the snow

      (12/09/23-[20:19:35] )

      Thorarin Bloodaxe
      Isle of Scagnar

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to .r u n a.| Property of t: taking the axe from you with my left hand Teach you what?

      (12/09/23-[20:19:50] )

      Jonas the Red
      High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: Looks back and allows my self a chuckle while I repeat the process....

      (12/09/23-[20:20:06] )

      Aetos Vidus

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to Everyone: Afk a few, rti

      (12/09/23-[20:20:49] )
      --|His puzzle|--

      --Zearia {Svein}--
      ||You, alone, are responsible..||
      ||...of your fate...||
      |- Isle of Scagnar-|

      in the forest

      says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: -she gave a soft squeal and pointed off in the distance where a good dozen northern small furry hurts were racing off to disappear in the treeline'

      (12/09/23-[20:20:59] )

      Scribe of Rive-de-Bois

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to .r u n a.| Property of t: Stepped out of the way as the tree was chopped down, "Greetings, pretty"

    7. Sun Dec 10 02:20 * - Subject: part5 - 0 reaction(s)
      zearia-Sveins- said:
      (12/09/23-[20:06:12] )

      Scagnar's Skald
      Isle Trainer
      Isle of Scagnar

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to Everyone: ((I do this every year. I don't see why I should break with tradition now LOL ))

      (12/09/23-[20:06:18] )

      Thorarin Bloodaxe
      Isle of Scagnar

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to Jonas the Red High Jarl : Indeed. nods Smaller ones for the homes.

      (12/09/23-[20:06:40] )
      --|His puzzle|--

      --Zearia {Svein}--
      ||You, alone, are responsible..||
      ||...of your fate...||
      |- Isle of Scagnar-|

      at the docks

      says to Everyone: helga and run

      she raced through the snow only to trip over her too large of a cloak and go ass over teakettle into the snow... laughing as she pressed back up to her feet and flung snow t you both as she did that come hither motion with her fingwers and spun around again as she down right seemed to prance and dance through the snow in delight

      (12/09/23-[20:06:56] )

      Jonas the Red
      High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: You wish to explain to our southern visitors what this about?

      (12/09/23-[20:07:51] )
      --|His puzzle|--

      --Zearia {Svein}--
      ||You, alone, are responsible..||
      ||...of your fate...||
      |- Isle of Scagnar-|

      at the docks

      says to Everyone: [puts on headset so not to piss off her r/t and cranks volume and just hits autoplay on her full folder of music.. lol]]

      (12/09/23-[20:08:00] )

      .r u n a.

      | Property of the Isle of Scagnar |
      | bondmaid |

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to --|His puzzle|----Zearia: I caught up with you and Helga, panting lightly, and leaning on the two of you

      'now what?'

      (12/09/23-[20:08:17] )

      Aetos Vidus

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to Jonas the Red High Jarl : " I see, interesting, and what is it they gain in this truce?" I asked curiously, watching as the proceedings started with interest.

      (12/09/23-[20:08:17] )

      Thorarin Bloodaxe
      Isle of Scagnar

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to Jonas the Red High Jarl : looks them up and down You can if you wish.

      (12/09/23-[20:08:49] )

      Aetos Vidus

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to . . . i n c i t e . . . : " I shall work on my sarcasm, Woman. " heh

      (12/09/23-[20:08:55] )

      Scagnar's Skald
      Isle Trainer
      Isle of Scagnar

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to Jonas the Red High Jarl : Jumping up and down excitedly "I found it my Jarl!" Pointing over yonder ))

      (12/09/23-[20:09:15] )

      Scribe of Rive-de-Bois
      says to ALL: enters the room....

      (12/09/23-[20:09:26] )
      --|His puzzle|--

      --Zearia {Svein}--
      ||You, alone, are responsible..||
      ||...of your fate...||
      |- Isle of Scagnar-|

      in the forest

      says to .r u n a.| Property of t: - she danced around you and helga and snickered softly.. 0... errrr... well.. thinkin we supposed ta be picking out the biggest fucker we can find for them to cut own

      (12/09/23-[20:10:44] )

      Jonas the Red
      High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to Aetos Vidus: What won't they gain you mean...... that would be an iron collar!!

      (12/09/23-[20:11:09] )

      Thorarin Bloodaxe
      Isle of Scagnar

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to HeleneScribe of Rive-de-: ((You're out here with us collecting Jul trees.))

      (12/09/23-[20:11:21] )

      Thorarin Bloodaxe
      Isle of Scagnar

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to Everyone: ((RTI BRB))

      (12/09/23-[20:11:30] )

      Scagnar's Skald
      Isle Trainer
      Isle of Scagnar

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to --|His puzzle|----Zearia: and runa; We need one big one for the hall and smaller ones for the lodges. We also need a jul log and holly, lots of boughs of holly. Oh....and pine cones, I brought baskets to gather them with. We can get the children to paint them" Smiling at the two girls as I bent down to pick up a basket

      (12/09/23-[20:12:30] )

      Scribe of Rive-de-Bois

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to Everyone: She was moving carefully through the glade, looking at the trees. She still wasn't quite sure how they chose the right ones, but went along with it (Tal, everyone)

      (12/09/23-[20:12:40] )

      Aetos Vidus

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to . . . i n c i t e . . . : " I see. * Chuckling lowly.

      (12/09/23-[20:13:02] )

      Jonas the Red
      High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to HeleneScribe of Rive-de-: Tal helene. just in time.. you can also pick out a tree....

      (12/09/23-[20:13:32] )
      --|His puzzle|--

      --Zearia {Svein}--
      ||You, alone, are responsible..||
      ||...of your fate...||
      |- Isle of Scagnar-|

      in the forest

      says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: -eyes you hearing for the lodges... and hrmphs softly.... she still lived in the warehouse because.. well... and she scrunched up her nose... quite certain that the other would be tending to that lodge and she wouldnt interfer.... she then scratched her nose a bit like she often did when unsure... " perhaps a small one fer the warehouse .. am [retty sure she would take care of the steadin am sure

      (12/09/23-[20:13:34] )

      .r u n a.

      | Property of the Isle of Scagnar |
      | bondmaid |

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: I picked up a large basket, one whose sides looked a little worn. I wondered how many times it had been used over time. I slowly trailed along the path, snow crunching under my feet. My cheeks red from the cold

      'It's so beautiful here Helga'

      (12/09/23-[20:13:42] )
      . . . i n c i t e . . .

      - Ramii of Ar -

      on the main path through Groennvik

      says to Aetos Vidus: It would be wise, warrior. Sometimes I have trouble figuring out if you're being serious or not. -A grin tailored just for you lifted on my features, as I chuckled softly, then fell quiet as the men began to speak to you, not wanting to interrupt but was curious to learn about the treaty as well.-

      (12/09/23-[20:13:48] )

      Scagnar's Skald
      Isle Trainer
      Isle of Scagnar

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to HeleneScribe of Rive-de-: "Greetings Mistress!" My cheeks were flushed both from the cold and from excitement. "I am glad you can join us"

    8. Sun Dec 10 02:15 * - Subject: part 4 - 0 reaction(s)
      zearia-Sveins- said:
      (12/09/23-[19:51:16] )
      . . . i n c i t e . . .

      - Ramii of Ar -

      at the docks

      says to Aetos Vidus: -I was not used to wearing all of this clothing, being from the southern cities where it was quite warmer than this. The thick fur lined cloak was covering my dark green dress that perfectly matched my outer layer. The white fur brushed lightly against the lower portion of my face and tickled the delicate point of my chin. I wore my long wavy hair down this night, wild and free, the lustrous black pool of midnight poured down my back and bounced with every movement of my slender body. I hurried, matching your one long strides with three of mine, huffing along, blowing white clouds of cold air with each exhale.- I am trying to keep up with you. My legs aren't as long as yours you know!

      (12/09/23-[19:51:43] )

      .r u n a.

      | Property of the Isle of Scagnar |
      | bondmaid |

      at the stables

      says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: I leaned and read the stone

      'Who is that Jarl?'

      (12/09/23-[19:51:52] )

      Aetos Vidus

      at the gate from the main path of Groennvik to the loggers road

      says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: ( Egil is still alive!)

      (12/09/23-[19:52:11] )

      Jonas the Red
      High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

      at The Rune Stone carved with runes
      In the Inlet of the
      Green Cliffs
      near the village
      of Cimergaard
      met the kurii
      in battle.
      Here they fought.
      And though many
      beasts died
      Here were these men killed.


      says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: Passes by the rune stone erected to remember the fallen few....

      (12/09/23-[19:53:06] )

      Thorarin Bloodaxe
      Isle of Scagnar

      at The Rune Stone carved with runes
      In the Inlet of the
      Green Cliffs
      near the village
      of Cimergaard
      met the kurii
      in battle.
      Here they fought.
      And though many
      beasts died
      Here were these men killed.


      says to .r u n a.| Property of t: Men. Just men. nods

      we pass the rune stone

      (12/09/23-[19:54:04] )

      Jonas the Red
      High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

      on the road between the village and forest

      says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: Follows the wagn ahead as we approach the forest

      (12/09/23-[19:54:20] )

      Thorarin Bloodaxe
      Isle of Scagnar

      at The Rune Stone carved with runes
      In the Inlet of the
      Green Cliffs
      near the village
      of Cimergaard
      met the kurii
      in battle.
      Here they fought.
      And though many
      beasts died
      Here were these men killed.


      says to Aetos Vidus: ((Egil Egilsson.... the son of Egil Skallagrimsson. Not YOU! LOL))

      (12/09/23-[19:54:51] )
      . . . i n c i t e . . .

      - Ramii of Ar -

      at the docks

      says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: [LOL thanks for clearing that up! -coughs.- poor poor ciddy!]

      (12/09/23-[19:55:21] )

      Aetos Vidus

      at the gate from the main path of Groennvik to the loggers road

      says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: ( Egil has a son?? The f! Lol He'll deal with that later, perhaps! )

      (12/09/23-[19:55:32] )

      Jonas the Red
      High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

      on the road between the village and forest

      says to . . . i n c i t e . . . : (You have a lot to learn!!! LOL)

      (12/09/23-[19:56:24] )
      . . . i n c i t e . . .

      - Ramii of Ar -

      at the docks

      says to Aetos Vidus: [You got some splainin' to do!]

      (12/09/23-[19:56:29] )

      Thorarin Bloodaxe
      Isle of Scagnar

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to .r u n a.| Property of t: we roll into the Logging Camp.... Loggers are busy cutting trees and milling lumber

      We shall find trees for Jul. smiles

      (12/09/23-[19:56:29] )

      Jonas the Red
      High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

      on the road between the village and forest

      says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: Peers towards the forest and nods to yself as there was no signs of recent activity

      (12/09/23-[19:56:44] )
      . . . i n c i t e . . .

      - Ramii of Ar -

      at the docks

      says to Jonas the Red High Jarl : [Looks like it. O.O]

      (12/09/23-[19:56:46] )

      Scagnar's Skald
      Isle Trainer
      Isle of Scagnar

      at The Rune Stone carved with runes
      In the Inlet of the
      Green Cliffs
      near the village
      of Cimergaard
      met the kurii
      in battle.
      Here they fought.
      And though many
      beasts died
      Here were these men killed.


      says to Everyone: Reading the Rune stone, I was moved to verse. The story of those who were killed here during the Kurii uprising and one man who survived, Donar Bloodaxe.

      " "A day begun as those before
      With toils in hills and water
      A sinister force in shadows lurked
      To end the day in slaughter

      The mighty beast with evil want
      Did strike without a warning
      A Homeland threat with honour met
      Against the battle’s dawning

      Clash of steel and flesh ensued
      No beast was given quarter
      A fight of love against the scourge
      To protect their sons and daughters

      Valour’s strength defend the land!
      A land they called their own
      Arrest the fight of kurii
      The sword of Tyr on loan

      The fall of beasts, the fall of men
      The enemy outnumbered
      But more to heed the cry of war
      Was passion unencumbered

      "Rise up, rise up and meet the call!"
      The Valkyrie did cry
      "For here upon this blessed ground
      I choose the men to die"

      "The finest of them all" said Freyja
      To call in Odin’s debt
      A fallen blood soaked axe beside him
      His destiny now met

      The Fairhair’s son lay still and quiet
      His axe to slay no more
      His body staining white sands red
      Upon his new home’s shore

      Battle earth upon the axe
      Washed clean by his son’s tears
      Oh pain and wretched heartache
      Child's passage of the years.

      The cost of triumph heavily borne
      His kin lay dead and slain
      Against the Rainbow bridge, he wept
      The rune stone with their names

      His elder’s weapons carried forth
      As young men often do
      For its yonder, you’ll hear Baldr’s call
      “Your days begin anew”

      And so began his quest for life
      Bereft of home and kin
      Renaissance man, the fire bright
      That burned from deep within

      The strength of Thor and Odin's mind
      Coin and sword collide
      History with high a price
      A mercenary's rise"

      (12/09/23-[19:57:15] )

      Jonas the Red
      High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: Here we be....*Jumps off and holds out my arms for you to jump into*

      (12/09/23-[19:57:54] )
      --|His puzzle|--

      --Zearia {Svein}--
      ||You, alone, are responsible..||
      ||...of your fate...||
      |- Isle of Scagnar-|

      at the docks

      says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: -she was laughing as she heard the song and it want long before she was caroling rigt along withyou belting out the words and untying her cloa as she flashed her titties at you with each jingle tits verse

      (12/09/23-[19:58:03] )

      Jonas the Red
      High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to --|His puzzle|----Zearia: Get reaady

      (12/09/23-[19:58:20] )

      Thorarin Bloodaxe
      Isle of Scagnar

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: smiles entirely ooc

      (12/09/23-[19:58:31] )
      --|His puzzle|--

      --Zearia {Svein}--
      ||You, alone, are responsible..||
      ||...of your fate...||
      |- Isle of Scagnar-|

      at the docks

      says to Everyone: [[btw will be scripting this li,e i do most my roleplay if any would want a copy or if i should post it other then on my board]]

      (12/09/23-[19:58:35] )

      Aetos Vidus

      at the gate from the main path of Groennvik to the loggers road

      says to . . . i n c i t e . . . : I would follow the others as they continued on, noting the stone we'd passed and only giving it a brief look over, he saw the names upon it and a couple had come to his memory, names told in tales when it the southern regions, especially the last, alas, you didn't need to know of this man.

      (12/09/23-[19:58:37] )

      Scagnar's Skald
      Isle Trainer
      Isle of Scagnar

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to Jonas the Red High Jarl : The was a squeal that leapt from my lips as I fell into your arms and snuggled there momentarily before time was taken to just....look around. "So many trees to choose from!"

      (12/09/23-[19:59:13] )

      Thorarin Bloodaxe
      Isle of Scagnar

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to .r u n a.| Property of t: sets the wagon brake.....jumps down from the wagon..... holding my hands up for you

      (12/09/23-[19:59:28] )
      --|His puzzle|--

      --Zearia {Svein}--
      ||You, alone, are responsible..||
      ||...of your fate...||
      |- Isle of Scagnar-|

      at the docks

      says to Jonas the Red High Jarl : Ready Jarl??.... naught done this before.... ready ta do what... OH!!... bury helga in the snow??

      (12/09/23-[19:59:42] )

      Jonas the Red
      High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: Catches you as you leap and lowers you to the ground..... ''Start looking''

      (12/09/23-[19:59:44] )

      .r u n a.

      | Property of the Isle of Scagnar |
      | bondmaid |

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: Helga's beautiful voice rung through the forest, holding fast in the heavy snow laden branches. I leaned back in the seat beside you and smiled happily

      'it is so beautiful here Jarl. It's so peaceful'

      (12/09/23-[19:59:57] )

      Jonas the Red
      High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to --|His puzzle|----Zearia: Holds out my arms for you to jump down

      (12/09/23-[20:00:24] )

      .r u n a.

      | Property of the Isle of Scagnar |
      | bondmaid |

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: I would timidly lean out and jump itowards your arms, clinging to you and kissing your cheek

      (12/09/23-[20:01:09] )
      --|His puzzle|--

      --Zearia {Svein}--
      ||You, alone, are responsible..||
      ||...of your fate...||
      |- Isle of Scagnar-|

      at the docks

      says to Jonas the Red High Jarl : -oh she wouldnt hesitate at that invite as she leaped from the wagon and instantly wrapped her legs around your bisy and owled as her head tippe in and thoseteeth teased and grazed along your jawline with soft lips caressing where she nipped'

      (12/09/23-[20:01:29] )

      Thorarin Bloodaxe
      Isle of Scagnar

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to .r u n a.| Property of t: Thats the way the forest girls wish it. snorts You don't see them until there upon you.

      catches you by your tits and lowers you to the ground

      (12/09/23-[20:02:03] )

      Jonas the Red
      High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to Aetos Vidus: We have a treaty o sorts with the forest huggers.... they leave us be 'n we stay in the area we tell them we use for timber..... it sort o works... most times

      (12/09/23-[20:02:27] )

      Scagnar's Skald
      Isle Trainer
      Isle of Scagnar

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to Jonas the Red High Jarl : "Aye my Jarl....I will find us the biggest tree there is, just like I do every year" I heard the men around us groan, afterall, they would be carting it back

      (12/09/23-[20:02:41] )

      .r u n a.

      | Property of the Isle of Scagnar |
      | bondmaid |

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: I squirmed in your grip, playfully kicking and squealing before you set me firmly to the ground

      'What do they do to slave girls, Jarl?'

      (12/09/23-[20:03:05] )

      Jonas the Red
      High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to --|His puzzle|----Zearia: Catches you and lowers you to the ground with my left hand firmly holding your ass.....

      Now then, join helga in finding some Jul trees for us and for the hall

      (12/09/23-[20:03:36] )
      . . . i n c i t e . . .

      - Ramii of Ar -

      at the docks

      says to Aetos Vidus: -Hearing you, both manicured brows lift.- They don't seem like savages, just different. The man who I spoke to welcomed me and offered me the name of the leader of this place. Thorarin ,,, I think he said. I asuume that the second man is him. -I lifted my chin to him up ahead of us.-

      (12/09/23-[20:04:33] )

      Jonas the Red
      High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: We need a large one for the hall.......

      (12/09/23-[20:05:02] )
      --|His puzzle|--

      --Zearia {Svein}--
      ||You, alone, are responsible..||
      ||...of your fate...||
      |- Isle of Scagnar-|

      at the docks

      says to Jonas the Red High Jarl : she pressed that tight little ass back into that grop of your hand and wriggled her hips just a bit only to flash you a pout as you put her to her feet ,., but the pout was shortlived as she spun on her boottips and started running for the trees . calling after helga and runa ....

      (12/09/23-[20:05:38] )
      . . . i n c i t e . . .

      - Ramii of Ar -

      on the main path through Groennvik

      says to Aetos Vidus: [lol - is here]

      (12/09/23-[20:05:53] )

      .r u n a.

      | Property of the Isle of Scagnar |
      | bondmaid |

      in the forest at the Logging Camp of Green Cliffs

      says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: I watched the girls leave the wagon and looked up to you with a hopeful smile

    9. Sun Dec 10 02:14 * - Subject: part3 - 0 reaction(s)
      zearia-Sveins- said:
      (12/09/23-[19:27:35] )

      Scagnar's Skald
      Isle Trainer
      Isle of Scagnar

      at the docks

      says to Jonas the Red High Jarl : Falling into a heel behind you, oggling that fine arse of yours and enjoying the way the muscles could be seen clenching beneath the tight fitting leathers

      (12/09/23-[19:27:39] )

      Jonas the Red
      High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

      at the docks

      says to . . . i n c i t e . . . : Half turns to respond...... It be cold, to be sure, but it be exilherating.... there be nought anything wrong with learning other cultures...... You be under our protection for the period o time you wish to stay either here or the Isle..... That big hairy man there, the one with the big assed axe, he be known as Thorarin Bloodaxe 'n he be the steward o the Inlet...... he traditionally leads this venture,,,,,,,

      (12/09/23-[19:27:44] )

      Aetos Vidus

      at the docks

      says to --|His puzzle|----Zearia: Little did you know, and any in our presence this night, that I was in fact a man of wealth, and perhaps more importance then I'd generally allow to be seen. The sights of women, and more specifically their beauty was not new to me, but I still found myself appreciative of all the luster the world had to offer, each region seeming to surprise me more then the next, and I would be a fool to say that the bonds of the North wouldn't draw my eye with ease. I was used to this behavior, from the southern kajira, and would allow you to look me over as you wished, as it seemed to be of this culture, only to wink eventually to you once your eyes had returned back to mine. " A pleasure, I assure you beauty. " winking to you

      (12/09/23-[19:27:58] )

      Thorarin Bloodaxe
      Isle of Scagnar

      at the docks

      says to Everyone: laughs.... walking from the docks to the livery stable where Orm has our wagons ready

      (12/09/23-[19:28:06] )
      . . . i n c i t e . . .

      - Ramii of Ar -

      at the docks

      says to Aetos Vidus: -gasps.- I never said they were! -scoffs at you, shining amberlight eyes glittering in the glow of the dark night.- I said they were monstrously laaaaaaaaaaarge. -I whispered to you in a quiet tone.-

      (12/09/23-[19:28:43] )

      Jonas the Red
      High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

      at the docks

      says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: Grins....... "Make sure you bring along plenty o hot or warm liquid to drink,,,,

      (12/09/23-[19:29:37] )

      Jonas the Red
      High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

      at the docks

      says to --|His puzzle|----Zearia: See the requirements o our visitors, Zea,,,,, show them what makes you a proud leg spreader o the Isle....*Nods & winks*

      (12/09/23-[19:29:44] )

      .r u n a.

      | Property of the Isle of Scagnar |
      | bondmaid |

      at the docks

      says to Everyone: I followed along the long line of people, leaping from step to step so I didn't get wet from the deep snow.

      (12/09/23-[19:29:53] )
      . . . i n c i t e . . .

      - Ramii of Ar -

      at the docks

      says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: O.O .. oh dear.

      (12/09/23-[19:30:06] )

      Jonas the Red
      High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

      at the docks

      says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: Pats the handle of my axe........"We take wagons?''

      (12/09/23-[19:30:15] )

      Aetos Vidus

      at the docks

      says to Jonas the Red High Jarl : Laughs at your comment, because we didn't need to terrify the woman yet.

      (12/09/23-[19:30:37] )

      Thorarin Bloodaxe
      Isle of Scagnar

      at the stables

      says to Everyone: talking with Orm..... growls and pays him four silver slugs that weight approximately 1 oz ..... the price had gone up (Bidenomics, doncha know)

      (12/09/23-[19:31:47] )

      .r u n a.

      | Property of the Isle of Scagnar |
      | bondmaid |

      at the stables

      says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: I couldn't help but laugh as I watched you haggle. I had seen you a few times grumble and gripe over the cost of things.

      (12/09/23-[19:32:08] )
      --|His puzzle|--

      --Zearia {Svein}--
      ||You, alone, are responsible..||
      ||...of your fate...||
      |- Isle of Scagnar-|

      at the docks

      says to Aetos Vidus: [she fidgeted ... her toes of booties digging absently in the snow and her cheeeks were right prettily flushed.... surely that was from the cold .. or was it... she wasa tad different then the others... the exotic nature of those mosaic eyes with the gold flecks gave a probably hint that she wasnt necessarilly as she seemed either.... though most wouldnt notice as she picked up the ways of the north swiftly .... the iminutive size was yet another hint perhaps and as the group began to head out.. sse whirled around revealing hair as black as the midnight sun as it careened down over her cloak to nearly her knees as she fell in behind you and the Misteress silently to heel and be at yerr beck and call if you should require anything

      (12/09/23-[19:32:19] )

      Thorarin Bloodaxe
      Isle of Scagnar

      at the stables

      says to .r u n a.| Property of t: How much are you gonna cost me? Eh?

      (12/09/23-[19:32:41] )

      Scagnar's Skald
      Isle Trainer
      Isle of Scagnar

      at the docks

      says to Jonas the Red High Jarl : "yes my Jarl" Patting down the botas myself, Runa and Zee had brought along with us. "Lots of cocoa" Lowering my head to hide my grin.

      (12/09/23-[19:32:43] )

      Jonas the Red
      High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

      on the road between the village and forest

      says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: (But also come down again!!)

      (12/09/23-[19:33:14] )
      . . . i n c i t e . . .

      - Ramii of Ar -

      at the docks

      says to --|His puzzle|----Zearia: Oh I am so sure of that. Thank you for letting me know. I will rememberthat. -winks.- and greetings to you bond.

      (12/09/23-[19:33:15] )

      Thorarin Bloodaxe
      Isle of Scagnar

      at the stables

      says to Jonas the Red High Jarl : ((WHEN??? LOL))

      (12/09/23-[19:33:24] )

      .r u n a.

      | Property of the Isle of Scagnar |
      | bondmaid |

      at the stables

      says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: I grinned impishly, giving you a big smile

      'I'm sure every bit of what it is Jarl, will be worth it! '

      (12/09/23-[19:33:32] )

      Jonas the Red
      High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

      on the road between the village and forest

      says to .r u n a.| Property of t: No freebies!!..... *Coughs*

      (12/09/23-[19:34:20] )

      .r u n a.

      | Property of the Isle of Scagnar |
      | bondmaid |

      at the stables

      says to Jonas the Red High Jarl : grins... ' can't have the bosk without payin for the milk my Jarl!'

      (12/09/23-[19:35:02] )

      Thorarin Bloodaxe
      Isle of Scagnar

      at the stables

      says to Jonas the Red High Jarl : walking out of the stable to our readied two wagons

      You take one, and I'll take the other.

      (12/09/23-[19:35:16] )
      . . . i n c i t e . . .

      - Ramii of Ar -

      at the docks

      says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: -Turning to you finally, a smile rests on delicate features.- Greetings to you bond as well.

      (12/09/23-[19:35:17] )

      Jonas the Red
      High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

      on the road between the village and forest

      says to .r u n a.| Property of t: Plenty o bosk in the paddocks! *Roars laughing*

      (12/09/23-[19:35:32] )
      --|His puzzle|--

      --Zearia {Svein}--
      ||You, alone, are responsible..||
      ||...of your fate...||
      |- Isle of Scagnar-|

      at the docks

      says to . . . i n c i t e . . . : -well she downright preened seeing you takin in her word... and gave a subtle point to runa now a d lifted her voice just above a whisper..,., -

      " and that one there Mistresss... ohhhh.. she be an iinstigator.. -she nodded sagely an d added-... but me thinks helga dun puts her up to it ... cu.. well.. ya know how da blonds are

      (12/09/23-[19:35:35] )

      Jonas the Red
      High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

      on the road between the village and forest

      says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: There be more than 2 sluts???

      (12/09/23-[19:35:53] )

      Jonas the Red
      High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

      on the road between the village and forest

      says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: Oh. wagons!!!

      (12/09/23-[19:36:12] )

      Jonas the Red
      High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

      on the road between the village and forest

      says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: Turns to lift you up onto the wagon

      (12/09/23-[19:36:42] )

      Jonas the Red
      High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

      on the road between the village and forest

      says to . . . i n c i t e . . . : You wish to ride in the wagon?

      (12/09/23-[19:36:58] )
      --|His puzzle|--

      --Zearia {Svein}--
      ||You, alone, are responsible..||
      ||...of your fate...||
      |- Isle of Scagnar-|

      at the docks

      says to Everyone: -nearly skps in heel to the visiting Jarl ad Mistress at just how helpful she was being [[dying laughing.. sorry]

      (12/09/23-[19:37:21] )

      Jonas the Red
      High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

      on the road between the village and forest

      says to --|His puzzle|----Zearia: Here little slut..... *Picks you up and places you in the wagon next to helga

      (12/09/23-[19:37:21] )

      .r u n a.

      | Property of the Isle of Scagnar |
      | bondmaid |

      at the stables

      says to --|His puzzle|----Zearia: just gives you a grin

      (12/09/23-[19:37:32] )

      Scagnar's Skald
      Isle Trainer
      Isle of Scagnar

      at the docks

      says to Jonas the Red High Jarl : The joy within my laughter carried around us and just before my arse connected with the seat, I leaned my face in to yours, quickly brushing your lips with mine

      (12/09/23-[19:37:40] )

      Thorarin Bloodaxe
      Isle of Scagnar

      at the stables

      says to Jonas the Red High Jarl : Gods. laughing

      (12/09/23-[19:38:04] )

      Jonas the Red
      High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

      on the road between the village and forest

      says to .r u n a.| Property of t: You go with Jarl Thorarin's wagon.. he needs to be kept warm

      (12/09/23-[19:38:29] )
      --|His puzzle|--

      --Zearia {Svein}--
      ||You, alone, are responsible..||
      ||...of your fate...||
      |- Isle of Scagnar-|

      at the docks

      says to Jonas the Red High Jarl : -yelps in surprise feeling that powerful hold and strength of you as she flet her feet lift off the ground and suddenly she was in the wagon... with.... um... helga... and just squeaks... '

      (12/09/23-[19:38:52] )

      .r u n a.

      | Property of the Isle of Scagnar |
      | bondmaid |

      at the stables

      says to Jonas the Red High Jarl : I moved to you first, wrapping my arms around you before running to the waiting wagon

      (12/09/23-[19:39:14] )
      --|His puzzle|--

      --Zearia {Svein}--
      ||You, alone, are responsible..||
      ||...of your fate...||
      |- Isle of Scagnar-|

      at the docks

      says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: -leans close and zerberts your cheek playfully after all you probably wouldnt have heard her .. right... and just purrs out.. -.,. oh so love ya i do helga

      (12/09/23-[19:39:29] )
      . . . i n c i t e . . .

      - Ramii of Ar -

      at the docks

      says to --|His puzzle|----Zearia: -Hearing your voice lift again, my light gaze fell on you once more, a look of pure amusement blanketed my face and a light laugh burst through parted lips.- Well aren't you the helpful one with all of information on others!

      (12/09/23-[19:39:29] )

      Thorarin Bloodaxe
      Isle of Scagnar

      at the stables

      says to Jonas the Red High Jarl : Its true, I do. grins

      (12/09/23-[19:39:38] )

      Aetos Vidus

      at the docks

      says to . . . i n c i t e . . . : I had been dressed in my normal attire, dark brown dyed leathers and tunic, leather saddle boots, short sleeve jerkin glammered in various insignia and of a gold color. Around my waist a belt secured a short sword in a sheath at my left thigh, a helm hung from it with a marvelous red plume that matched the color of my cloak that hung from my shoulders. I faired the chill quite well, considering my attire, being on the healthy end of stature, muscular and fit, a man in his prime that easily produced and kept his own warmth. " Come along then, apparently some sort of important tradition is underway. " I smirked at you, giving you a wink after in assurance things would be okay.

      (12/09/23-[19:39:53] )

      .r u n a.

      | Property of the Isle of Scagnar |
      | bondmaid |

      at the stables

      says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: I stepped onto the low step and jumped into the wagon right next to you, and snuggled up.

      'May I drive Jarl....?' I laughed and waggled my brows

      (12/09/23-[19:41:01] )

      Scagnar's Skald
      Isle Trainer
      Isle of Scagnar

      at the docks

      says to --|His puzzle|----Zearia: "Aaaaw. you are so sweet Zee! But I heard what you said to the free lady about don't get off that easily Laughing but snuggling in close to you

      (12/09/23-[19:41:05] )
      --|His puzzle|--

      --Zearia {Svein}--
      ||You, alone, are responsible..||
      ||...of your fate...||
      |- Isle of Scagnar-|

      at the docks

      says to . . . i n c i t e . . . : -lifting her voice just a bit so you heard her since she was depoited in the wagon.. -... thank ya Mistress.. iffn you have questions or anything or bein desirious of anything ya need ya just let me know... am called zee bby me Jarl iffn ya need me

      (12/09/23-[19:41:31] )

      Thorarin Bloodaxe
      Isle of Scagnar

      at the stables

      says to .r u n a.| Property of t: No. snorts Not in either way.

      (12/09/23-[19:41:45] )

      Jonas the Red
      High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

      on the road between the village and forest

      says to Aetos Vidus: How oyu be steering a wagon.. nought have done this often at all.....

      (12/09/23-[19:42:05] )
      . . . i n c i t e . . .

      - Ramii of Ar -

      at the docks

      says to Jonas the Red High Jarl : Thank you.. but I will stick to my warrior. He is well compensated for my safety. -Grins.-

      (12/09/23-[19:43:19] )

      .r u n a.

      | Property of the Isle of Scagnar |
      | bondmaid |

      at the stables

      says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: Those cheeks of mine flushed brightly

      (12/09/23-[19:43:38] )

      Thorarin Bloodaxe
      Isle of Scagnar

      at the stables

      says to .r u n a.| Property of t: cracking the reins on the backs of the draft bosk team...... the wagon slowly lurches forward

      (12/09/23-[19:43:53] )

      Jonas the Red
      High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

      on the road between the village and forest

      says to .r u n a.| Property of t: Then cover up your ass!! It was too cold to expose them.... *Chortles*

      (12/09/23-[19:43:58] )

      Scagnar's Skald
      Isle Trainer
      Isle of Scagnar

      at the docks

      says to --|His puzzle|----Zearia: Nudges you gently "She said the Jarl is well compensated" Snort laughs

      (12/09/23-[19:44:35] )

      Aetos Vidus

      on the road between the village and forest

      says to Jonas the Red High Jarl : " Wagon? Nonsense, I am good with walking, besides, Our tour leader is plowing a path through the snow with that hammer of his. " Heh, lol

      (12/09/23-[19:44:44] )

      .r u n a.

      | Property of the Isle of Scagnar |
      | bondmaid |

      at the stables

      says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: I wriggled up against you, sliding a hand between your thighs, innocently of course to keep warm

      (12/09/23-[19:45:03] )
      --|His puzzle|--

      --Zearia {Svein}--
      ||You, alone, are responsible..||
      ||...of your fate...||
      |- Isle of Scagnar-|

      at the docks

      says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: -giggles into the fur of her cloak and mutters so only you heard... =-.."bettin we could compensate... ermmm.. him... uite well ... but you.. your the harlot... nods

      (12/09/23-[19:45:44] )

      Jonas the Red
      High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

      on the road between the village and forest

      says to Everyone: Let's go

      (12/09/23-[19:46:34] )

      Thorarin Bloodaxe
      Isle of Scagnar

      at the gate from the main path of Groennvik to the loggers road

      says to .r u n a.| Property of t: Careful.... if you warm your hand too much, you'll have to warm ME next. laughs

      we pass the gate

      (12/09/23-[19:47:35] )

      Scagnar's Skald
      Isle Trainer
      Isle of Scagnar

      on the road between the village and forest

      says to Jonas the Red High Jarl : Starts singing gaily as the wagon rolls along "JIggle tits, jiggle tits, jiggle all the way, oh what fun it is to ride on a one bosk open sleigh. hey!"

      (12/09/23-[19:48:12] )

      Jonas the Red
      High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

      on the road between the village and forest

      says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: Heh,,,,, I like the chorus o that

      (12/09/23-[19:48:23] )

      Jonas the Red
      High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

      on the road between the village and forest

      says to --|His puzzle|----Zearia: Sing along little slut

      (12/09/23-[19:48:37] )

      .r u n a.

      | Property of the Isle of Scagnar |
      | bondmaid |

      at the stables

      says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: I mean, that wasn't a bad thing but as helga says... time and a place runa! I grinned up to you and leaned against you

      'how far do we go Jarl? Are there panther girls here?' I leaned over the side of the wagon, peering into the dense brush

      (12/09/23-[19:48:43] )

      Scagnar's Skald
      Isle Trainer
      Isle of Scagnar

      on the road between the village and forest

      says to Jonas the Red High Jarl : My laugh carried a throaty timbre to it. "I thought you would my Jarl"

      (12/09/23-[19:48:56] )

      Aetos Vidus

      at the gate from the main path of Groennvik to the loggers road

      says to . . . i n c i t e . . . : " These people are savages!" I murmured low to you.

      (12/09/23-[19:50:40] )

      Thorarin Bloodaxe
      Isle of Scagnar

      at The Rune Stone carved with runes
      In the Inlet of the
      Green Cliffs
      near the village
      of Cimergaard
      met the kurii
      in battle.
      Here they fought.
      And though many
      beasts died
      Here were these men killed.


      says to .r u n a.| Property of t: passing the Rune Stone..... slows down a bit

    10. Sun Dec 10 02:13 * - Subject: part2 - 0 reaction(s)
      zearia-Sveins- said:

      .r u n a.

      | Property of the Isle of Scagnar |
      | bondmaid |

      at the docks

      says to Everyone: I stood back on the deck, leaning over the side of the ship just watching the sea. Thassa always drew me to her whether she was calm or angry. I loved the way she smelled and rolled, the way she absorbed the moon's soft rays. I lingered there, watching my family slowly make their way down the gang plank to the dock

      (12/09/23-[19:06:53] )

      Aetos Vidus

      at the docks

      says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: Gives the stuble of my goatee a scratch. " I didn't bring an axe, I might be able to find a saw, you know, like what us proper folk of the south find useful. " I smirked some and tossed you a wink.

      (12/09/23-[19:06:56] )
      --|His puzzle|--

      --Zearia {Svein}--
      ||You, alone, are responsible..||
      ||...of your fate...||
      |- Isle of Scagnar-|

      at the docks

      says to Aetos Vidus: -eyes instantly gazed upon you as she heard the High Jarl and then you ... stunning moasaic eyes lingered rather bldly over your every movement for a moment.. then remembering she had to actually .. you know... speak.. her lyrical like voice trickled into the frosty air...

      Greeting Jarl...

      oogling you jusyt a tad longer before she pulled her gaze away hearing helga and then seeing the demon spawn runa trailing you as she sirked her mind going all kinds of ways seeig runa following you

      (12/09/23-[19:07:08] ) Ramii
      says to ALL: enters the room....

      (12/09/23-[19:07:20] )

      Jonas the Red
      High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

      at the docks

      says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: Looks at your flushed sheeks and allows myself a wry grin.........

      Sharpen their what again?

      (12/09/23-[19:07:32] )

      Scagnar's Skald
      Isle Trainer
      Isle of Scagnar

      at the docks

      says to --|His puzzle|----Zearia: I had been with you and runa on the shop of course, but I still looked over at you and smiled, truly happy you could join us today

      (12/09/23-[19:08:11] ) marvie -o-
      says to ALL: enters the room....

      (12/09/23-[19:08:15] )

      Jonas the Red
      High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

      at the docks

      says to --|His puzzle|----Zearia: Little beast,,,, see to our visitor's requirements while he be here... you know your way about,,,,,,*Winks*

      (12/09/23-[19:08:22] )

      .r u n a.

      | Property of the Isle of Scagnar |
      | bondmaid |

      at the docks

      says to Jonas the Red High Jarl : The deep timbre of your voice pulled me from my head and I grinned to you, now jogging with ease to your side. I slid into you, biting playfully at your bicept

      'Behaving is for silk slaves my Jarl, not me..' I lifted that chin with pride, twisting slightly to help Helga with a large basket

      (12/09/23-[19:08:55] )

      Aetos Vidus

      at the docks

      says to Jonas the Red High Jarl : " Jonas it is then, please, don't let me hold up your festivities in any manner, I'm just a fly on the wall at times. " Laughing lightly.

      (12/09/23-[19:09:08] )

      Scagnar's Skald
      Isle Trainer
      Isle of Scagnar

      at the docks

      says to .r u n a.| Property of t: Giving you the gentlest of hips checks and smiling "Is this your first time here to get a tree Runa?"

      (12/09/23-[19:09:22] )
      --|His puzzle|--

      --Zearia {Svein}--
      ||You, alone, are responsible..||
      ||...of your fate...||
      |- Isle of Scagnar-|

      at the docks

      says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: she sidestepped to preen beside you even though she was totally concealed under ful loined cloak and such it was a w0nder she could even more she was sure some thought and she hipchecked you... though.. with her heay cloak it was probably more of a cushioned tap

      its be the sluttist bond of all

      (12/09/23-[19:09:42] )

      Jonas the Red
      High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

      at the docks

      says to .r u n a.| Property of t: Chortles to myself as your flushed cheeks, bow egged style of walking bow legged and disheviled kirtle gave you up.....

      (12/09/23-[19:09:51] )

      Scagnar's Skald
      Isle Trainer
      Isle of Scagnar

      at the docks

      says to Jonas the Red High Jarl : "Axes Jarl" Laughing...."Although perhaps that is just what they SAID they were doing"

      (12/09/23-[19:09:52] )

      .r u n a.

      | Property of the Isle of Scagnar |
      | bondmaid |

      at the docks

      says to Aetos Vidus: I smiled. You know that kind of smile, the kind that shows just a little bit of teeth and a whole lot of... well, I'm sure you do.

      'Tal Master! How wonderful that you can join us!'

      (12/09/23-[19:10:11] )

      .r u n a.

      | Property of the Isle of Scagnar |
      | bondmaid |

      at the docks

      says to --|His puzzle|----Zearia: I blew a kiss to you and to Helga giving you both a wink

      (12/09/23-[19:10:26] )

      Aetos Vidus

      at the docks

      says to --|His puzzle|----Zearia: A wink would be given to you in pleasantries, taking in the situation as it evolved quietly mostly.

      (12/09/23-[19:10:29] )

      Jonas the Red
      High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

      at the docks

      says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: Mmmm,,,,, That be an old line... heh

      (12/09/23-[19:11:01] )

      Scagnar's Skald
      Isle Trainer
      Isle of Scagnar

      at the docks

      says to --|His puzzle|----Zearia: "In the flesh" said with a proud head wobble

      (12/09/23-[19:11:12] )

      Jonas the Red
      High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

      at the docks

      says to Ramii: Looks at the stranger and waves you closer,,,,,,

      Tal... ;n what business is it that brings you to this place o trade then?

      (12/09/23-[19:11:49] )

      .r u n a.

      | Property of the Isle of Scagnar |
      | bondmaid |

      at the docks

      says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: I stood back slightly and nodded

      'it is my first! How exciting!'

      (12/09/23-[19:11:56] )

      Jonas the Red
      High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

      at the docks

      says to Aetos Vidus: Oh,,, Thorarin always leads the Jul tree gathering.. it be a tradition o sorts....

      (12/09/23-[19:12:18] )

      Aetos Vidus

      at the docks

      says to .r u n a.| Property of t: Gives my sheathed Saber an adjustment in my leathers and winks to the eye candy of a bond.

      (12/09/23-[19:12:20] )

      Jonas the Red
      High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

      at the docks

      says to .r u n a.| Property of t: What? You nught ever been here before?

      (12/09/23-[19:12:59] )
      . . . i n c i t e . . .

      - Ramii of Ar -

      says to ALL: enters the room....

      (12/09/23-[19:13:15] )
      --|His puzzle|--

      --Zearia {Svein}--
      ||You, alone, are responsible..||
      ||...of your fate...||
      |- Isle of Scagnar-|

      at the docks

      says to Jonas the Red High Jarl : -her head whipped around so fast it nearly gave her whiplash hearing you.... course she put on a good show while safely out of reach... but deep down she tended to be a rather shy thing at the best of times... course... the last couple years in the Isle had nearly stomped that out... but... its different not knowing the person.. she gulped... those breathtaking eyes blinking lidely as she nodded and stammered her answer to you but her voice was too stunned by the chold air most likely cuz you probably never heard it and she spun on the tips of her one fooot and glanced to the stranger a moment and shoved her nerves down as he headed towards the rathe blood boiling Styranger

      (12/09/23-[19:13:27] )

      Scagnar's Skald
      Isle Trainer
      Isle of Scagnar

      at the docks

      says to marvie -o-: ((Hello, please feel free to PM any questions))

      (12/09/23-[19:13:56] )

      Aetos Vidus

      at the docks

      says to Jonas the Red High Jarl : Thumbs towards the woman. " She is with me, apparently she needed my protection. I haven't found out exactly why yet, perhaps it'll be the death of me. " heh

      (12/09/23-[19:14:10] )

      Thorarin Bloodaxe
      Isle of Scagnar
      says to ALL: the Rhythm moors at the docks

      (12/09/23-[19:14:50] )

      .r u n a.

      | Property of the Isle of Scagnar |
      | bondmaid |

      at the docks

      says to Jonas the Red High Jarl : I felt my cheeks flush a bit

      'oh I have my Jarl, just never for yul'

      (12/09/23-[19:14:54] )

      Jonas the Red
      High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

      at the docks

      says to Aetos Vidus: *Nods*.. If she traves with you, she be safe here as well..... I can see by her attire she also o the south... Ar as well?

      (12/09/23-[19:16:50] )

      Thorarin Bloodaxe
      Isle of Scagnar

      at the docks

      says to Everyone: mooring lines are made fast.... gangplanks are dropped into place..... I walk down to the docks

      Tal great Jarl, friend and brother.

      Tal to all of you. nods

      (12/09/23-[19:17:26] )
      . . . i n c i t e . . .

      - Ramii of Ar -

      at the docks

      says to Aetos Vidus: -Clutching my new fur lined cloak a little bit tighter around my petite frame, I shivered as the chill of the northern night slid right up my arching spine and throughout my body. I cleared my throat and leaned against your large form for warmth and comfort, mumbling beneath my breath.- ... I have never been this far north before, you do realize this.

      (12/09/23-[19:17:34] )

      .r u n a.

      | Property of the Isle of Scagnar |
      | bondmaid |

      at the docks

      says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: I shifted my weight from foot to foot, the heavy basket held fast to my tummy

      "tal Jarl!'

      (12/09/23-[19:17:57] )

      Aetos Vidus

      at the docks

      says to Jonas the Red High Jarl : " Aye, Ar is where I come to know her. I take it off some high caste considering how firm her ass appeared. " I added that last part with a hand directing the words towards you, and a quieter tone. The hand lowering after a I give her a quick smile over and look back to you. " I tale for later. " Laughing again lowly.

      (12/09/23-[19:18:02] )

      Jonas the Red
      High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

      at the docks

      says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: After your seprent docks... and you step on the docks I wave to you adding....

      Tal my brother,,,... good to see you here... we near all set

      (12/09/23-[19:18:15] )

      Scagnar's Skald
      Isle Trainer
      Isle of Scagnar

      at the docks

      says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: "Jarl!" I smiled happily to you "The High Jarl insisted we wait for you to lead this before we began." The smile the played upon my lips gave away more than my words did

      (12/09/23-[19:18:42] )

      Jonas the Red
      High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

      at the docks

      says to Aetos Vidus: Nods...."I see"

      (12/09/23-[19:18:47] )
      --|His puzzle|--

      --Zearia {Svein}--
      ||You, alone, are responsible..||
      ||...of your fate...||
      |- Isle of Scagnar-|

      at the docks

      says to Aetos Vidus: -she was rather small in stature compared to the others.. standing only 4'10 generally in booties she was a tad hort or two taller... the typical ful lined cloak of the north pratically dro3ned her and the hem dragged in thesnow behind her... her booted feet caused the snow to crunch under her usually silent footfall as she prowled towards you and yet kept her gaze n you an ou alone and asshe drew closer to you... she would smile with those blood hued lips and once a mere fooor two from you she would lift her soft voice once more..

      So glad ya decided to attend Jael... this be the inlet see... a up the road a bit there be a palce ta stay iffn you wish or tavern... mostly workers be here now unlike the isle ... so can tend ta be a rough crowd...

      she eyesyou up and down almot skeptically ... was she just yanking your chain and teasing you or was she serious as she spoke hawltingly..

      hrmm... ya dont look like that be a problem though.. you know.. dealin with a rough sort.. .nods softly

      (12/09/23-[19:19:12] )

      Aetos Vidus

      at the docks

      says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: Offers over a nod. " Tal Thorarin. "

      (12/09/23-[19:20:08] )

      Scagnar's Skald
      Isle Trainer
      Isle of Scagnar

      at the docks

      says to . . . i n c i t e . . . : "Greetings Mistress" It was said politely and with an edge of fear that was typical of a slave when first meeting a woman of your station

      (12/09/23-[19:20:26] )

      Jonas the Red
      High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

      at the docks

      says to . . . i n c i t e . . . : Be welcome,,, this be a Torvaldsand tradition, or more specifically a Scagnar tradition... the collection o Jul trees... this village be a rotectorate ot eh Isle 'n we have rights to the forest for logging... with a very loose agreement with the tree sluts.. they leave us alone and we them

      (12/09/23-[19:20:35] )

      Aetos Vidus

      at the docks

      says to . . . i n c i t e . . . : " Hmm? Me either, and look, these people don't appear to be monsters after all eh?" I smirked to you

      (12/09/23-[19:21:36] )
      --|His puzzle|--

      --Zearia {Svein}--
      ||You, alone, are responsible..||
      ||...of your fate...||
      |- Isle of Scagnar-|

      at the docks

      says to . . . i n c i t e . . . : -well of course she would see you as you came up to the Jarl she was sent to and she dipped her head just a bit an double and triple checked that her cloak be nice and tightly tied closed... she wouldnt wanna get kicked.... and her soft voice spoke up..

      Greetins Mistress.... and iffn you lookin to get out frustrations.. helga loves gettin kicked and stuff

      (12/09/23-[19:21:49] )

      .r u n a.

      | Property of the Isle of Scagnar |
      | bondmaid |

      at the docks

      says to . . . i n c i t e . . . : I smiled warmly to the beautiful woman

      'Tal to you Mistress!'

      (12/09/23-[19:21:56] )

      Thorarin Bloodaxe
      Isle of Scagnar

      at the docks

      says to Jonas the Red High Jarl : checking my gear...... 6'8" tall, 270 lbs, woolen tunic and breeches, thick leather boots, leather gloves ..... Crossbow - stirrup type, unloaded - attached to the right side of my pack near my right shoulder ..... Quiver of 10 bolts - small leather quiver - left side belt ..... Single bladed war axe - 30 inch long and 1 inch diameter temwood handle, leather grip, 3 inch wide bearded axe blade - axe is loosely fastened to my master belt diagonally on my back from My left lower back to upper right shoulder, the handle over my right shoulder ..... Short hatchet (more for blazing trees than use as a weapon) - 12 inch handle, 8 inch long X 4 inch wide blade - the handle is tucked in the back of my belt ..... Battle seax (long knife) - 16 inch blade, 6 inch handle, small crossguard, vertical on my belt across the small of my back, handle points to my left..... Knife - 8 inch blade, 6 inch handle, small cross guard - inside the right side of my right boot ..... Miscellaneous items: Back pack with supplies - on back over the sheathed sword; Signal horn on a lanyard - hung over my left shoulder .....

      Let us go, then. grins

      (12/09/23-[19:22:07] )

      Jonas the Red
      High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

      at the docks

      says to Aetos Vidus: Monsters???.. Ermmm.. perhaps she better shield her eyes from any o us if we ever naked....*Coughs & roars laughing*

      (12/09/23-[19:22:47] )

      .r u n a.

      | Property of the Isle of Scagnar |
      | bondmaid |

      at the docks

      says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: I tugged at your arm

      'Why is Jarl Thor all loaded up with his weapons?'

      (12/09/23-[19:24:51] )

      Jonas the Red
      High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

      at the docks

      says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: You be rigged up for anything... I only be carrying light.....

      At 6'3'' all I had was my hand axe in the ring around my belt and a scramasax on my back with the handle leaning over my left shoulder. The usual short bladed seax was sheathed on my right outer thigh.. I did grab a large temwohandle axe, designed more for tree choping than for battle to sling over my right shoulder....

      Let's depart....

      (12/09/23-[19:24:55] )
      . . . i n c i t e . . .

      - Ramii of Ar -

      at the docks

      says to Jonas the Red High Jarl : -Hearing your words with the warrior I had travelled with, I offered a pressed lip smile to you. When there was a break in conversation, my voice lifts, my tone was polite yet warm.- Tal.. I am called Ramii. It is a pleasure to meet you, Thank you for the welcome. It is quite chilly in these parts, but I see it is also, quite beautiful. -I paused and considered, the ever present smile lifting.- Oh? Tradition.. I would love to learn about the story behind it. If you should part with it.

      (12/09/23-[19:25:23] )

      Scagnar's Skald
      Isle Trainer
      Isle of Scagnar

      at the docks

      says to --|His puzzle|----Zearia: Just....nearly....chokes.

      (12/09/23-[19:26:12] )

      Thorarin Bloodaxe
      Isle of Scagnar

      at the docks

      says to . . . i n c i t e . . . : I .... am a monster. sly smile

      (12/09/23-[19:26:22] )

      Scagnar's Skald
      Isle Trainer
      Isle of Scagnar

      at the docks

      says to .r u n a.| Property of t: "To make us swoon?" Slowly raking my eyes over the man...wiping a little drool from the side of my mouth

      (12/09/23-[19:26:27] )
      --|His puzzle|--

      --Zearia {Svein}--
      ||You, alone, are responsible..||
      ||...of your fate...||
      |- Isle of Scagnar-|

      at the docks

      says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: -glances to you with large wide eyed innocence and mouthes the word- "whhhhaaaatttt"

    [End of Transfer]

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