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  • Mon May 02 19:33 CopyLink ~ - Subject: A Verr for Jamila
    Thorarin said:

    ☆ (04/29/22 : 20:01:11)
    >>-Arrow of the Aesir->
    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar
    ==on Thorarin's farm steading==
    says to ALL: walking out to where the verr are penned.... opens the gate and begins to sort thru the verr.... looking for one
    ☆ (04/29/22 : 20:13:01)

    >>-Arrow of the Aesir->
    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar
    ==on Thorarin's farm steading==
    says to ALL: finding the buck that I wanted.... the verr would be sacrificed at the Ve to honor Jamila..... looping a rope around his neck and walking from the pen.... closing the pen behind me

    ☆ (04/29/22 : 20:23:04)
    >>-Arrow of the Aesir->
    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar
    ==on Thorarin's farm steading==
    says to ALL: walking to the barn where verr tooth and tarsk tooth has the wagon ready.... verr tooth says, "Jamila kicked me, too.".... he smiles and I smile back

    I tie the verr's rope to the back of the wagon

    (04/29/22 : 20:32:36)
    Rianna Llyonesse
    Isle of Scagnar
    : Enters the room...

    ☆ (04/29/22 : 20:35:38)
    >>-Arrow of the Aesir->
    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar
    ==on Thorarin's farm steading==
    says to ALL: Tal Ri. smiles Its good to see you again.

    (04/29/22 : 20:38:10)
    Rianna Llyonesse
    Isle of Scagnar
    : (Bare with me, still getting use to the chat here) I'd heard the news and had taken the night to work through all that came over me after the news had been delivered. I had packed up a bag, come down off the mountain top and with a somber expression made my way to the village to take care of some business and see to where they had taken Jamila. I still was not completely sure of who had sit it, but I was appreciative and had come with bag in hand to be sure to take care of the body if no one else had. It happened more and more often in these days in these times and I just always felt a bit older, and tried harder to not feel at all in some ways. My Hair was pulled back and up in the way of braids, but with a hint of a flower here or there. It had been a joke from very long ago and it was about all that had made a smile cross crimson lips for a moment since the note had arrived at the Cabin.

    ☆ (04/29/22 : 20:40:52)
    >>-Arrow of the Aesir->
    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==on Thorarin's farm steading==
    says to Rianna LlyonesseIsle of : You are welcome to come with me, if you'd like.
    the buzz of honey bees is heard

    (04/29/22 : 20:41:04)
    Rianna Llyonesse
    Isle of Scagnar
    ==on Thorarin's farm steading==
    says to >>-Arrow of the Aesir-> : I waved as I heard His large booming voice and I then smiled once again with a warmth as I looked around for his minxes.... "Tal and greetings to You Bloodaxe. IT is good to be seen." nodding softly as I meant it, even if I hated the reason for having returned back from the Mountain side. I made short work of the steps between where I could see you looking at your bosk and slung the back back up on My back for now. Not really sure who we needed to talk to about Jamilla as far as family went, but I had plenty of time for that. "How are You? How is the Home."

    (04/29/22 : 20:43:44)
    Rianna Llyonesse
    Isle of Scagnar
    ==on Thorarin's farm steading==
    says to >>-Arrow of the Aesir-> : Looking as if I didn't understand for a second and then joining you at your side. I'd forgotten Myself for a moment and then I bit at my lip gently, "Where are We headed to then Bloodaxe?" Looking over the Bosk and steading and wondering what you were up to but knowing I Was not very good company at this moment, wondering if you would not be better off without Me.

    ☆ (04/29/22 : 20:44:14)
    >>-Arrow of the Aesir->
    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar
    ==on Thorarin's farm steading==
    says to Rianna LlyonesseIsle of : The Home? The Home is missing someone today.

    Put your pack in the wagon. We'll leave shortly.

    (04/29/22 : 20:46:31)
    Rianna Llyonesse
    Isle of Scagnar
    ==on Thorarin's farm steading==
    says to >>-Arrow of the Aesir-> : I had looked back around to you and sighed as deeply as if I had been punched in the gut once again and nodded. "Was it You that sent the note then? I was sent for yesterday with Her passing." Slinging the back up into the back of the Wagon and looking around as I slipped the cape back over my shoulders and went to get up onto the buck board of the wagon and suddenly felt old once again.

    ☆ (04/29/22 : 20:47:07)
    >>-Arrow of the Aesir->
    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar
    ==on Thorarin's farm steading==
    says to Rianna LlyonesseIsle of : To Serenity Point.... to the Ve. I'll sacrifice the verr to Freyja for Jamila.

    ☆ (04/29/22 : 20:49:05)
    >>-Arrow of the Aesir->
    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar
    ==on Thorarin's farm steading==
    says to Rianna LlyonesseIsle of : Aye. It was me.

    climbing into the wagon.... grabbing the reins.... releasing the brake

    (04/29/22 : 20:49:10)
    Rianna Llyonesse
    Isle of Scagnar
    ==on Thorarin's farm steading==
    says to >>-Arrow of the Aesir-> : Looking back to You and listening as I reached to get some ginger for my belly if you were driving and we were going to be taking a verr there. "Very good then, very fitting, a good idea." nodding and then wiggling My nose once more just a bit. "I have something to leave while we are there."

    (04/29/22 : 20:49:29) Aros : Enters the room...

    (04/29/22 : 20:50:19) Aros : (just letting you guys know im still alive, works been hectic and all)

    ☆ (04/29/22 : 20:51:06)
    >>-Arrow of the Aesir->
    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar
    ==on Thorarin's farm steading==
    says to Rianna LlyonesseIsle of : cracking the reins on the backs of the bosk team.... the wagon lurches toward Serenity Point

    Whats that?

    (04/29/22 : 20:51:35)
    Rianna Llyonesse
    Isle of Scagnar
    ==on Thorarin's farm steading==
    says to >>-Arrow of the Aesir-> : "Thank You for the notice. It is much appreciated Blooxaxe..." then trying it with a soft deep in hale. "I am going to miss that one eyed old daughter of a bosk's left something or another." The just sat quietly as I slipped the gloves off my hands and let them fall into the pockets of my robes.

    (04/29/22 : 20:52:01)
    Rianna Llyonesse
    Isle of Scagnar
    ==on Thorarin's farm steading==
    says to Aros: I understand that sentiment.

    ☆ (04/29/22 : 20:52:01)
    >>-Arrow of the Aesir->
    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar
    ==on Thorarin's farm steading==
    says to Aros: ((Hey, amigo. We're going to Serenity Point.))

    ((Jamila has passed away RT.))

    (04/29/22 : 20:52:35)
    Rianna Llyonesse
    Isle of Scagnar
    ==on Thorarin's farm steading==
    says to >>-Arrow of the Aesir-> : Heading to the Point. *nods*

    (04/29/22 : 20:52:39) Aros says to Rianna LlyonesseIsle of : (im sure you do. LOL. Good to see you though)

    (04/29/22 : 20:52:53) Aros says to >>-Arrow of the Aesir-> : ((Hola, and yeah saw it on the boards.. sad sad news)

    (04/29/22 : 20:53:08)
    Rianna Llyonesse
    Isle of Scagnar
    ==on Thorarin's farm steading==
    says to Aros: (thanks, good to be seen.)

    ☆ (04/29/22 : 20:58:44)
    >>-Arrow of the Aesir->
    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar
    ==on the trail between Jomsbourg and Serenity Point==
    says to ALL: driving the bosk team and pulling the verr down the broken trail between

    I remember you talked a lot Ri. grins

    (04/29/22 : 20:59:13)
    Rianna Llyonesse
    Isle of Scagnar
    ==on the trail between Jomsbourg and Serenity Point==
    says to ALL: I knew that it was all a cycle. I felt sometimes like I had lived 3 lifetimes here though. I sat in the quiet of the trip with you, comforted in a manor with the company oddly enough, but not wanting to keep things sad just because I was hurting. "Do you know what happened? I'd like to help place stone for Her if that would be acceptable." Nodding as I looked off through the scenery to be sure I could control my voice and face.

    ☆ (04/29/22 : 21:00:20)
    >>-Arrow of the Aesir->
    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar
    ==on the trail between Jomsbourg and Serenity Point==
    says to ALL: She fell ill.... and didn't recover. nods

    (04/29/22 : 21:00:57)
    Rianna Llyonesse
    Isle of Scagnar
    ==the Mead Hall near the Ve==
    says to ALL: I looked back to you then and cut My eyes a moment. "I was gifted with the gab. Aii." chucking a bit at that grin. You really were too much the spitting image of your Brother and Father sometimes. Nudging you.... Pida.

    ☆ (04/29/22 : 21:02:16)
    >>-Arrow of the Aesir->
    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar
    ==on the trail between Jomsbourg and Serenity Point==
    says to Rianna LlyonesseIsle of : the wagon rolls to the grounds of the Ve.... I rein the bosk team to a halt and set the brake

    Jumping down to the ground

    ☆ (04/29/22 : 21:03:13)
    >>-Arrow of the Aesir->
    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar
    ==on the trail between Jomsbourg and Serenity Point==
    says to Rianna LlyonesseIsle of : laughs Aye, I'm a pida to some too.

    (04/29/22 : 21:03:45)
    Rianna Llyonesse
    Isle of Scagnar
    ==on the grounds surrounding the Ve==
    says to ALL: I nodding having heard of the illness and not realizing that it had been that grave. I see, well I can take care of the body as well if anyone wishes. I am sure there will be a pyre at some point. Perhaps I could borrow one of your bonds to assist? " then changing for a moment and waiting as I saw You there and I looked down to the ground, then back to You.

    (04/29/22 : 21:06:59)
    Rianna Llyonesse
    Isle of Scagnar
    ==on the grounds surrounding the Ve==
    says to >>-Arrow of the Aesir-> : *cough, cough* "Come help an Old Woman down off this thing, lest I fall and brake a hip or something." flicking a bota cork at you from the wagons seat. "Living on a farm, I see you've forgotten all your manners." The absolutely grin trying not to show, even at the serious nature of what we were doing, I knew that She would want me to harass You as much as possible. She'd made me promise it once.

    ☆ (04/29/22 : 21:10:09)
    >>-Arrow of the Aesir->
    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar
    ==on the trail between Jomsbourg and Serenity Point==
    says to Rianna LlyonesseIsle of : Gods. laughs

    walks to the left side of the wagon.... helping you down

    The stone.... a rune stone?

    (04/29/22 : 21:13:04)
    Rianna Llyonesse
    Isle of Scagnar
    ==on the grounds surrounding the Ve==
    says to >>-Arrow of the Aesir-> : I rose up to the full tiny height that I could muster and waited for You to come and get me down. I looked to make sure that My pack and made it in one piece on the ride here and then rose a brow as I looked back to You once again. I am not getting any younger Bloodaxe! Yes, the rune stone, We will place one up for her, correct? Now looking back up to you instead of down upon you as I slipped from the wagon in as close to a Lady Like fashion as I could. "Thank You." slipping from your left side to the back of the wagon to grab the small back from within it. Candy balls on sticks to leave at the VE for her to take with her. The very same I'd sent with Tur so many years ago and I shook my head once again at the memory before I turned back around to see what I could help You with, wiping off that very odd smile from my face, and trying to erase the crimson from My cheeks.

    ☆ (04/29/22 : 21:16:25)
    >>-Arrow of the Aesir->
    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar
    ==on the grounds surrounding the Ve==
    says to Rianna LlyonesseIsle of : Aye. She shall have her own Rune Stone.

    Responses follow...

    [End of Transfer]

  • Sat May 07 17:16 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
    nýr{JtR} said:

  • Fri May 06 18:41 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
    helga{TBx} said:
    A fitting sacrifice indeed. I have no doubt Frejya was pleased and has taken the Mistress by the hand for a smooth crossing.

  • Mon May 02 19:33 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
    Thorarin said:
    (04/29/22 : 21:21:05)
    Rianna Llyonesse
    Isle of Scagnar
    ==on the grounds surrounding the Ve==
    says to >>-Arrow of the Aesir-> : Listening and nodding as I approved, like anyone cared. "Very good then, very good." Watching as you retrieve the verr and looking it over. It was a wonderful sacrifice, though she would have been furious with you for killing it and I smiled that ever very odd smile again. "I always kinda thought that woman was going to be the end of Me." Not really talking to anyone around. I paused a moment near the creature and whispered some words to its ear as you two passed by.

    ☆ (04/29/22 : 21:21:42)
    >>-Arrow of the Aesir->
    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar
    ==on the grounds surrounding the Ve==
    says to Rianna LlyonesseIsle of : You wish to invoke, Freyja? I don't pray to her.

    (04/29/22 : 21:28:23)
    Rianna Llyonesse
    Isle of Scagnar
    ==on the grounds surrounding the Ve==
    says to >>-Arrow of the Aesir-> : I stood back up and looked to You. I would be honored to, thank you. *nodding* slipping my cloak back round my shoulders a bit more and thinking as I placed a hand more more to touch the creature and thinking of My words as I rumage around in the bag and quickly bring out a candy, a bota, a little grain and your verr to make the circle complete with the candy on sticks.

    Sacred flame, in Freyja�s name, cleanse and bless this space. Banish from it all baleful wights and wills and make it whole and holy. In Freyja�s name, oh sacred flame, so be it. Hail Blotgydja! Accept these gifts that we send to Thee, and watch for the Lady who comes to You Free. We ask a blessed bounty You see for She was Family for We two You see.

    Hail to Freyja, cat-chariot riding, Hail to Freyja in passion abiding, Hail to Freyja in red-gold lust screaming, Hail to Freyja in deep seidh-trance dreaming, Hail to Freyja on falcon wings flying, Hail to Freyja in dwarven bed sighing, Hail to Mardoll in brightness and beauty, Hail Blotgydja in your sacred duty, Accept Jamilia now into Your Family.

    stepping back to look to You as I nodded knowing what now must be done.

    ☆ (04/29/22 : 21:37:26)
    >>-Arrow of the Aesir->
    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar
    ==on the grounds surrounding the Ve==
    says to Rianna LlyonesseIsle of : Excellent and well said, Rianna.

    getting the great axe from the back of the wagon.... walking over to the verr.... raising the axe high.... swinging it down hard, decapitating the verr in one stroke.... the beast sinks to its knees without bleating.... Rune Priests come to take the meat to the kitchens

    Hail Freyja. nods

    (04/29/22 : 21:38:56)
    Rianna Llyonesse
    Isle of Scagnar
    ==on the grounds surrounding the Ve==
    says to >>-Arrow of the Aesir-> : moving to allow you to do what must be done, speaking a little more as you do so quietly. "Hail to Freyja, bright Vanaheim�s flower! Hail, Freyja, Vanadis! Please accept our offerings, pouring out a bit of Mead as you spill the blood and nodding as I take a small drink of the bota and then offer it to You, finally able to look you fully in the eyes. My own were tired looking and a bit bloodshot and I knew how much You were going to miss her too. Drink My Friend?

    ☆ (04/29/22 : 21:44:01)
    >>-Arrow of the Aesir->
    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar
    ==on the grounds surrounding the Ve==
    says to Rianna LlyonesseIsle of : Aye. Perhaps there is something to drink in the beer hall. Eh? smiles

    (04/29/22 : 21:44:07)
    Rianna Llyonesse
    Isle of Scagnar
    ==on the grounds surrounding the Ve==
    says to >>-Arrow of the Aesir-> : Then watching as the Priest Kings come to take the meat to the kitchens and leaving the bit of spray across my face and robes as I smoothed then down. Packing the pack back up once again and moving to put it back into the back of the Wagon. That was very nice Thorarin, and a fitting sacrifice to Her god.

    I think She would have hated every moment of it and all the attention of it being just about Her. *softer found smile as I look back around to you* She would be so honored and touched at the thoughts of it though.

    (04/29/22 : 21:45:30)
    Rianna Llyonesse
    Isle of Scagnar
    ==the Mead Hall near the Ve==
    says to >>-Arrow of the Aesir-> : Yes, Yes, to the Beer Hall for You. *laughing softly as I turn and head into the building in front of you. Taking off the clock as we slip inside and ordering some Cho as I await to see if you can find anything you thought you could drink, and rolling My eyes just a bit.

    ☆ (04/29/22 : 21:46:22)
    >>-Arrow of the Aesir->
    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar
    ==the Mead Hall near the Ve==
    says to Rianna LlyonesseIsle of : I hope Freyja heard you.

    walking into the mead hall of the Ve

    (04/29/22 : 21:50:50)
    Rianna Llyonesse
    Isle of Scagnar
    ==the Mead Hall near the Ve==
    says to >>-Arrow of the Aesir-> : NOdding as I make my way to a seat near the fire's light and I look back around to You. "I hope so as well, I am sure the priests will see to it once again at the Pyre." Taking up the mug of cho and drinking from it deeply having missed having the deep taste of bosk milk in the Cho and looking over the top of the mug to You.

    ☆ (04/29/22 : 21:53:28)
    >>-Arrow of the Aesir->
    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar
    ==the Mead Hall near the Ve==
    says to Rianna LlyonesseIsle of : getting a large horn of mead.... drinking from it

    I think Jamila is part of Our Disir now.

    (04/29/22 : 21:55:36)
    Rianna Llyonesse
    Isle of Scagnar
    ==the Mead Hall near the Ve==
    says to >>-Arrow of the Aesir-> : Oh, I have My thoughts but I like that idea. *nodding softly* I have to wonder if the Fates now regret taking her so quickly so I like your idea that She now watches over Us. We who do not walk alone.

    ☆ (04/29/22 : 21:57:09)
    >>-Arrow of the Aesir->
    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar
    ==the Mead Hall near the Ve==
    says to Rianna LlyonesseIsle of : tapping your mug of cho with my horn....smiles

    She really was insane. laughs Come to think of it....

    (04/29/22 : 22:00:30)
    Rianna Llyonesse
    Isle of Scagnar
    ==the Mead Hall near the Ve==
    says to >>-Arrow of the Aesir-> : I grinned back around to you as you tapped the mug of cho and I actually roared with laughter at Your words. We are all insane in Your mind Bloodaxe! Some of Us just excelled in letting it be known to others. *lol* I am so very glad to have known her and walked with her for a bit. I respected never having to wonder where she stood on issues and loved her Spirit. If you knew her, you had to love her Spirit, so now to think that She is a Spirit makes my heart feel a bit lifted. *nodding* kicks at your ankle a bit knowing you'd meant I was insane as well and I just huffed to you a bit as I drank from My mug once again.

    (04/29/22 : 22:03:03)
    Rianna Llyonesse
    Isle of Scagnar
    ==the Mead Hall near the Ve==
    says to >>-Arrow of the Aesir-> : Do you want to head back this evening, or stay here or did you bring camping gear? *chuckling quietly knowing after you had started drinking we were probably not going back tonight.*

    ☆ (04/29/22 : 22:04:21)
    >>-Arrow of the Aesir->
    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar
    ==the Mead Hall near the Ve==
    says to Rianna LlyonesseIsle of : I think we'll sleep here tonight in our booths from the Althing. smiles Goodnight.
    (04/29/22 : 22:05:01)
    Rianna Llyonesse
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==the Mead Hall near the Ve==
    says to >>-Arrow of the Aesir-> : It sounds a good plan. Good night *warm smile* May She watch over you tonight and from now on.
    (04/29/22 : 22:05:09)
    Rianna Llyonesse
    Isle of Scagnar
    : Leaves...

    ☆ (04/29/22 : 22:08:26)
    >>-Arrow of the Aesir->
    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar
    ==the Mead Hall near the Ve==
    says to ALL: walks outside.... pours a little mead onto the ground for the Disir

    Hail Jamila.