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  • Wed May 04 08:56 CopyLink * - Subject: Jamila's Bath
    The Witchy Woman said:
    (05/04/22 : 09:24:01)
    Rianna Llyonesse
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==at the ice house on the grounds==
    says to ALL:

    We had ridden back quietly from the Ve and I was appreciative that the Bloodaxe had taken me along with Him for the sacrifice. I had sent word to Fallon and she'd been hit hard like I had been in the passing. I knew that she had tried and offered all her medical advice and expertise and now understood a little more of what had come to pass, but understanding what happened and even perhaps why it had happened did nothing to stave away the pain of it happening.

    I had dressed in the warm attire once again as I entered into the ice house and fought back the emotions which seemed to try again and again to overtake Me these days in the events that were unfolding.
    (05/04/22 : 09:24:12)
    Rianna Llyonesse
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==at the ice house on the grounds==
    says to ALL: (RTI - of course) BRB
    (05/04/22 : 09:35:36)
    Rianna Llyonesse
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==at the ice house on the grounds==
    says to ALL: Stepping in as I looked over her, I closed my eyes for a moment and allowed the tears to flow freely, there was no one around who could see and I let the basket float down my arm as it landed in my hand it slid off finger tips as I reached for a hand I knew was cold, but the warmth of her heart still beat in my own. "Oh My." it was not anything really, but it was so much said in just two simple words as I laid my head over a moment to collect myself against her shoulder, whispering things into a deaf ear. Suddenly standing back up quickly as I let out a sudden chuckle even as the tears still stained ivory cheeks... thinking to myself as I looked around to make sure no one was still watching... as I finally stopped laughing. Speaking to her this way and her not listening was just as truth as if she were still here with her deaf ear sometimes. By the gods I loved this woman as if she'd been blood family. I was going to miss her for the rest of My life.
    In truth I was so tired of trying to send folks on into the after life here, but it was not yet my time to go. I knew She would be watching over the Bloodaxe now, if My blessing had pleased Freya and for that I was comforted.
    I let myself have one last deep breath before turning to bellow for a thrall and kicking them for warm water and picked up My basket again to begin to cut the cloth so that she maybe bathed and made ready for her final trip. I reached for my brush as the warm water was brought in and I began to brush back her long loose tresses, humming softly as I now smiled, and took care of My friend and confidant. "I hope that you can find peace now, I pray that you can once again be made whole." nodding as I lay down the brush to continue to finish taking off the old cloth for the new red crimson robes I had made especially for this occasion. It was a joke between the two of Us and I'd known immediately I had to keep this promise at least for if she passed before Me, she was to be pyred in red. If it had been Me taken first, I was to be pyred in green. That way she would always be a part of the Thassa Sea and I would be the land for her to find, when She needed to come home again.
    hammering from the ship yards echoes through the low hills

    (05/04/22 : 09:44:14)
    Rianna Llyonesse
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==at the ice house on the grounds==
    says to ALL: Washing her as best as I could, making sure to take care of her face and patting her all dry once more as I take the robes of red, she would certainly always be firey even upon the seas, mouthy as any Free Woman should be, ready to draw blood if needed or to eat her favorite candy. "I am going to write to you still, and fling them into the ocean... so you best not forget to come and visit Me." nodding as I now went to set her hair, taking up the brush and continuing along with putting it up with the golden strands to hold it in place. "I do get the last chuckle though, I am going to make you look like a proper Lady." softly laughing even as I worked with her hair and finally decided I was pleased with it. Moving her form from one side to the other as I moved to lay her body upon the beautiful blue cloth for which her body would be carried to the Pyre and then adding onto her hand a ring from My basket, and a strand of coin pearls. "You will need something there to make sure you are kept in sea candy." as if speaking to a child or someone who may not understand the choice. "The ring is a token and vow that whenever I see it's flash at night against the fire's purest light, I will think of you and add some drink to the ground." *nodding to you as I went to add on the boots you had always worn. "no need to break in new boots."

    05/04/22 : 09:55:47)
    Rianna Llyonesse
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==at the ice house on the grounds==
    says to ALL: I turned back to the basket, adding back in the soap and oils and brush and gathering just a bit of color for her cheeks, and lips, I set to work to make her look the very best I could. She never needed much for She was beautiful in every way. Mouthy and wild and full of fire and passion, we had not always seen eye to eye but when learning how much we deeply loved the Men that we cared about, it was made abundantly clear that we had been cut from the same cloth in some regards. I was glad that I'd gotten a chance to spend the time we needed to find each other and reconnect once again. I put back to the basket the colors and the brush and smiled as I looked her over, and then took some back off again, nodding until I was compeletly satisfied. Then whispering to her, "I hid your cankles on in your old boots." and smiled a bit more knowing I would pay for that in the here and after somehow. and reaching for the second bag that I'd had in My pack when the Bloodaxe and I had gone to the Ve... I laid the bag quietly at your side, hidden within the pouch that I'd had made for you as well. "May you never run out of your so called suckers My dear friend." Placing your shawl onto your other arm, I looked you over once again and bellowed for that worthless thrall once more.

    "YOU... I command that YOU are not to leave her side unless there is a guard here to make sure that nothing happens to Her. She has been bathed, redressed and is at the ready for her Pyre. If ANYTHING at all happens to Her, it will not only be YOU whom I come after for it!" Nodding as I kicked him in the shins for good measure and picked up My basket as I headed back out of the Ice Houce once again, remembering to not look back in case My emotions should by chance be caught. whispering as I hurried out "Good rest Jamila and good bye."

    Responses follow...

    [End of Transfer]

  • Sat May 07 17:23 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
    nýr{JtR} said:
    Beautiful indeed.... a very loving and thoughtful tribute

  • Sat May 07 05:55 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
    honeycake said:
    this was beautiful to read, i am sure she is smiling with joy at how you have honoured her

  • Fri May 06 18:37 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
    helga{TBx} said:
    That is lovely Mistress, you honoured her beautifully.

  • Thu May 05 19:37 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
    Thorarin said:
    Well done, Rianna.