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  • Sun Apr 02 14:11 CopyLink * - Subject: Kajuralia - What REALLY happened in the Hall that night...(pt 2)
    -runa said:
    ☆ (04/01/23 : 20:38:08) [PIC]

    Thor’s Skald
    Isle Trainer
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to Jonas the Redd High Jarl: I had been rolling around with Runa, laughing ....hicupping and just generally being unruly when I heard that loud bang and bellow. "Who's that?" My eyes were wide and I looked from the door to Runa, fear written all over my face....before I remembered. It was Kajularia!
    ☆ (04/01/23 : 20:39:39) [PIC]

    Thor’s Skald
    Isle Trainer
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to r u n aPropertyy of the : "Ok.....Good plan. I'll dishtract him" Only just managing to haul myself up, I then staggered to door and swung it open with a somewhat exaggerated flourish.
    ☆ (04/01/23 : 20:39:57)

    r u n a

    .Property of the Isle of Scagnar .
    .Bondmaid in Training .

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to helga{TBx}Thor’s Skald: I laughed and gave you another SHOVE to the door.

    'Distract him!'
    With that, I peeled off towards the stores of mead and ale and started rolling barrels out the kitchen's back door
    ☆ (04/01/23 : 20:39:59)
    Jonas the Red
    High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

    ==on the grounds of the Hall==
    says to ALL: Bangs on the door even harder....."Who you think this is, A Priest King?
    ☆ (04/01/23 : 20:41:25) [PIC]

    Thor’s Skald
    Isle Trainer
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to Jonas the Redd High Jarl: "High Jarl!" I was trying.....but failing to sober myself up. "mena and honey locked it..." Another loud hiccup erupted from soft right hand flung to my mouth, as if I could somehow stop the next one that was threatening to come out.
    ☆ (04/01/23 : 20:42:07)

    r u n a

    .Property of the Isle of Scagnar .
    .Bondmaid in Training .

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to ALL: Those blue eyes of mine were wild with excitement and fear but Helga and I were good 'cause WE had a plan; hide the booze, blame mena and honey. It was perfect. What could possibly go wrong? I shook my head and sighed seeing helga barely walking to the door but it WOULD be a distraction. Please, don't vomit on his boots helga! I thought about that with a smirk though, and rolled the first of the barrels outside into the dark
    ☆ (04/01/23 : 20:43:14)
    Jonas the Red
    High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

    ==on the grounds of the Hall==
    says to helga{TBx}Thor’s Skald: Pushes past you and glances as oyu stumble drunkedly before making my way to one of the tables
    ☆ (04/01/23 : 20:46:13) [PIC]

    Thor’s Skald
    Isle Trainer
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to Jonas the Redd High Jarl: Again, I staggered, nearly falling back with that hefty shove of yours. "How rude!" I could say that today because it was.....well you know what it was! Distract you, Distract you. Runa's words ringing in my head "Jarl!" calling it boldly from where I stood at the door.
    ☆ (04/01/23 : 20:47:41)

    r u n a

    .Property of the Isle of Scagnar .
    .Bondmaid in Training .

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to ALL: Damn, these barrels were heaaaavy! I tore back up into the kitchen, and worked on the next barrel. There had to be a faster way......

    I thought a moment and grinned. I pushed the barrel near the wall and climbed up on top of the barrel. Men could do this on logs, why could I not do it on a barrel? I had the barrel pointed in a way that it was heading to the kitchen, but also with just a little movement, I could very well head into the hall but I'd go for it.

    I pushed the wall with my hand and slowly begin to 'walk' the barrel. Pfffffft, this was a snap. I could do this and probably out walk the men on their logs too.

    .. my feet began to move faster but not of my own will. The barrel spun, my feet moved faster yet...faster, faster.....faster...

    I was beginning to loose control. The barrel was now racing out into the hall but I was glued to that barrel as though my life depended on it. I SCREAMED now, as my feet were movign so fast I could barely keep my balance

    ☆ (04/01/23 : 20:48:46)
    Jonas the Red
    High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

    ==on the grounds of the Hall==
    says to ALL: What in Loki's beard be going on here then...mmmm???
    ☆ (04/01/23 : 20:51:34) [PIC]

    Thor’s Skald
    Isle Trainer
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to r u n aPropertyy of the : Damn! Look at you! "You go girl!" That was some pretty fancy footwork you were doing there....only....only weren't you supposed to be going the OTHER way?" I began to stagger toward the Jarl....feeling al lttle queasy now...I felt the vomit rising up from within. "Keep it together helga" saying it to myself as I closed in on the Jarl.
    ☆ (04/01/23 : 20:53:02)
    Jonas the Red
    High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

    ==on the grounds of the Hall==
    says to helga{TBx}Thor’s Skald: What you doing to the new slut? She be doing well ?
    ☆ (04/01/23 : 20:53:33) [PIC]

    Thor’s Skald
    Isle Trainer
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to Jonas the Redd High Jarl: "Jarl!" calling it out again....I was close to you now, only no longer was I laughing and my face was a rather frightful looking green colour. "I feel sick, I think I'm going to....going to" I was really, really close to you....hovering over you as you sat there.
    ☆ (04/01/23 : 20:53:50)

    r u n a

    .Property of the Isle of Scagnar .
    .Bondmaid in Training .

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to Jonas the Redd High Jarl: I had almost lost all control! I screamed to Helga but it was too late! The Jarl was RIGHT in my sites....

    'HEEEEELLLGAAA!!!!!' I tried to leap from the barrel but I couldn't and continued to head RIGHT for you
    ☆ (04/01/23 : 20:54:49)
    Jonas the Red
    High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

    ==on the grounds of the Hall==
    says to r u n aPropertyy of the : Watching you on the barrel wondering what in Odin's ball sac you were ding and hoping you don't break the precious barrel
    ☆ (04/01/23 : 20:55:21)

    r u n a

    .Property of the Isle of Scagnar .
    .Bondmaid in Training .

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to helga{TBx}Thor’s Skald: SHIT... she wasn't looking so good.

    'NO helga! NOT the boots!'
    ☆ (04/01/23 : 20:55:25) [PIC]

    Thor’s Skald
    Isle Trainer
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to r u n aPropertyy of the : "Ruuuuuuna!" I called in reply .....the vomit was rising up quickly and here you were, heading toward the Jarl and I at a deadly pace.
    ☆ (04/01/23 : 20:55:46)
    Jonas the Red
    High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

    ==on the grounds of the Hall==
    says to helga{TBx}Thor’s Skald: Jump!!!
    ☆ (04/01/23 : 20:56:31)

    r u n a

    .Property of the Isle of Scagnar .
    .Bondmaid in Training .

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to Jonas the Redd High Jarl: Blond hair streamin, my voice loud n screamin!


    I was heading RIGHT towards you at warp bond speed
    ☆ (04/01/23 : 20:57:09) [PIC]

    Thor’s Skald
    Isle Trainer
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to Jonas the Redd High Jarl: "Save yourself Jarl!" You could take your choice as to which one you needed avoiding first because just as Runa was closing in on us, a mighty, projectile vomit spewed forth from lips that were supposed to be for the PLEASURE of men!
    ☆ (04/01/23 : 20:57:53)
    Jonas the Red
    High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

    ==on the grounds of the Hall==
    says to r u n a.Property of the : Steps to y left & out of the line of the path......
    ☆ (04/01/23 : 20:59:58)
    Jonas the Red
    High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

    ==on the grounds of the Hall==
    says to helga{TBx}Thor’s Skald: What in Odin's name!!!!

    A good part of the projectile landed on my breeks...... as I shuffled away trying to shake the gooey stuff off but giving up then undoing my belt to allow my breeks to drop to the fllor and step out of them and mumbling...

    Odin's ball sacs.....grrrr
    ☆ (04/01/23 : 21:00:27)

    r u n a

    .Property of the Isle of Scagnar .
    .Bondmaid in Training .

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to Jonas the Redd High Jarl: I breathed a sigh of relief to see you dodge me, but you walked right into Helga's projectile path. I took a breath, and JUMPED from the back of the speeding barrel of mead, tucked and rolled landing smack into a discarded pile of toilet paper that helga had used.

    The barrel sped and crashed into a bench, sending splinters and mead all over the floor. I laid there, in a heap of sweat and toilet paper, laughing and giggling
    ☆ (04/01/23 : 21:01:30)

    r u n a

    .Property of the Isle of Scagnar .
    .Bondmaid in Training .

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to Jonas the Redd High Jarl: 'shit... mena and honey made us do it'
    ☆ (04/01/23 : 21:02:17)
    Jonas the Red
    High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

    ==on the grounds of the Hall==
    says to helga{TBx}Thor’s Skald: The breeks.. need cleaning yup.. 'n I.. well the pair o you.. can start cleaning!
    ☆ (04/01/23 : 21:03:18) [PIC]

    Thor’s Skald
    Isle Trainer
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to Jonas the Redd High Jarl: "Good Gods!" I was beyond horrified. I had thrown up on the High Jarl!" The good news was however that you had avoided the barelling Runa....MORE good news was that you were now without your pants. Eyes if blue ogled you... "The Midgard serpent has come out to play!"

    But Runa was still on her wild ride, frantically, I forced my gaze from your magic healing wand and looked to see how the slut was faring.
    ☆ (04/01/23 : 21:04:19)
    Jonas the Red
    High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

    ==on the grounds of the Hall==
    says to r u n a.Property of the : Runa...... clean......!!!!
    ☆ (04/01/23 : 21:04:36) [PIC]

    Thor’s Skald
    Isle Trainer
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to r u n aPropertyy of the : ((Toilet paper I had USED? LMAO!)) "Yikes! You went flying and I raced to you, bending down and grabbing your arm to help you up "Are you OK?"

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    1. Sun Apr 02 22:53 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
      buttertart said:
      OMFG... I am dying here..... runa needs to enter in the next festival i think... and helga... really... you puked... i need to teach you to hold your liquor

    [End of Transfer]

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