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  • Tue Feb 07 13:25 CopyLink * - Subject: The Wyldekat's Moon
    Rianna the Llyonesse said:
    The time had finally come. The Wyldekat had tried several times to get things moving on her own. I'd literally seen bosks do the same thing in wanting to get things going. There had been walking, more walking, lots of screaming and up and down.

    There had been other signs, I knew it was coming soon. Bosks don't nest as some women do before birth but the Wyldekat had adecreased appetite, increased vocalization, and so much restlessness. She may also have become more protective of her space and may even have kicked out everyone from her area. I'd seen that before for sure. It was then that I knew it was time for Me to step in, gently.

    For most women, it is a beautiful and wondrous miracle. The experience of a first-time mother giving birth to a baby girl is one of the most special moments in life. The mother will likely feel an overwhelming sense of joy and love as she holds her newborn daughter for the first time. She will be filled with emotion as she looks into her daughter's eyes and takes in the beauty of her new life. The mother will also likely feel a sense of awe and wonder as she realizes that she has created this new life and is now responsible for it.

    But for a Wyldekat, it is often days of unrelenting pain and constantly time pains. For this Wyldekat, she had been a warrior until the very end. After 4 almost 5 full circles of the moons, she had become too exhausted to even think. It was then that I was very fortunate that another had come, doing what needed to be done as I could not coax out that new Wyldekat from where it had been happy to eat, sleep and live. It was then that I had fully decided to give up the title of the most stubborn woman that any man had every had the chance to meet and silently given it to this new little Wyldekat, instantly. She had truely decided no matter what they tried, she was not leaving, unless she decided it was her idea, or she was captured. In the end, she was captured and even gave a slight fight then, but finally burst forth into the darkness of the wee hours, daring the word before her to even speak an utterance to her, before she decided to cry at the crack of the suns rays breaking forth into the light of the world she would one day own if she had her way.
    As the stars shone brightly in the night sky, a mysterious full snow moon appeared in the heavens, heralding the arrival of a Wild Kat of a baby girl. With dark hair and blue eyes, she was born into the world, her life unfolding before her like an adventure waiting to be explored.

    Leave it to Fallon to come to the rescue as always, having shooshed me, and the birth bosking book back to where we had come from and take over. Imagine - Me - tossed like so many had been before me during the days leading up to these events. It was a good thing though for the Wyldekat had informed the world of a few things in those deep dark hours between the throws of pain and joy and when she was accomplished, Fallon then ordered that none should come near them for the sum of 3 more circles of the sun, lest we had the craving for a fate worse than the deaths of those suffered who do not get to go to Valhalla. I had rolled my eyes at the over dramatics of it all, but had agreed to the 3 circles of the moon. She was already a child of luck, favored by the spirits who still roamed around her. I only hoped I was favored as well to get to see where her life would take her. I left them with the Birth bosking book. I did not think i would be in need of it again and returned back the way I had come, by sleigh, to My cabin on the mountain.

    Responses follow...

    [End of Transfer]

  • Fri Feb 17 20:06 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
    Thorarin said:
    Excellent and well told.

    (honey, I FINALLY got that person banned from this room)

  • Mon Feb 13 18:19 * - Subject: * - 1 reaction(s)
    honeycake said:
    for the one hiding behind visitor, did you mother ever teach you if you have nothing good to say than just shut up?

  • Thu Feb 09 15:08 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
    Visitor said:
    what a stupid story