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  • Wed Apr 10 06:38 CopyLink * - Subject: There is a time for everything even MEAD !
    Neytiri said:

    (04/09/24 : 20:23:43)
    - Many Travels, Many Fortunes -

    Aros Hrolfson
    - Captain of the Shrike | Breeder of Sleens -
    Neytiri's Companion | Citizen of Scagnar
    Steward of Green Cliffs

    ==on a ship moored at the docks==
    says to : Beyond the Parchment :: -he was quite shocked that you had lasted all the way to the isle, he had thought perhaps that they would need to find a healer along theway, but there were no such things needed as the Shrike bumped into the docks as the men tossed ropes to the dock workers and they tied off the longship. Aros moved out from the interior, the plank laid out and he hopped over onto it, waiting until he could help you up before they could continue along the journey to the steading- Are you sure you want to go to the steading darling?
    ☆ (04/09/24 : 20:29:08) : Beyond the Parchment :

    :| Neytiri Sevarius |:
    Companion of Aros Hrolfson

    :| Stains of the Past, Present and Future |:

    ==on a ship moored at the docks==
    says to - Many Travels, Many For: The wind coming in off the water had the hem of her cloak dancing about her ankles as she braced herself and waited until the ship bounced against the dock and then settled into place before joining you at the gangplank. "maybe we should stop in at the Hall for an ehn or two" She whispered as she placed her hand in yours and waddled across the gangplank hoping she didn't fall into the icy water. Spring had come early this year but the waters in the northern sea could still freeze the balls off the strongest Torvie within ehns of diving in.
    (04/09/24 : 20:32:09)
    - Many Travels, Many Fortunes -

    Aros Hrolfson
    - Captain of the Shrike | Breeder of Sleens -
    Neytiri's Companion | Citizen of Scagnar
    Steward of Green Cliffs

    ==at the docks==
    says to : Beyond the Parchment :: -as they were both on the docks, he heard the words and nodded his head slightly a bit of a chuckle falling as he thought about a few things on the isle that would need to be done, though the steading here was the largest one they owned aside from your massive piece of land- Then to the hall it is.. perhaps I can get a drink or two in.. -he chuckled softly, taking off with you, mathching your stride as he made his way along towards the hall-
    ☆ (04/09/24 : 20:37:19) : Beyond the Parchment :

    :| Neytiri Sevarius |:
    Companion of Aros Hrolfson

    :| Stains of the Past, Present and Future |:

    ==at the docks==
    says to - Many Travels, Many For: Oh she could see the wheels turning and wondered what you were thinking then chuckled softly as your words reached her ears. "more like a jug or two of the finest mead on all of gor and a sultry bondmaid to serve it to you as well I have no doubt" She teased then pivoted on her heels and waddled off along the dock leaving the crew to tend to the ship and their trunks. "if these pains keep coming as fast as they are you might get your wish love" She knew that you wanted your son or daughter to be born in the north hence their rush north after leaving the fair.
    (04/09/24 : 20:40:33)
    - Many Travels, Many Fortunes -

    Aros Hrolfson
    - Captain of the Shrike | Breeder of Sleens -
    Neytiri's Companion | Citizen of Scagnar
    Steward of Green Cliffs

    ==on the road between the docks and the Great Hall==
    says to : Beyond the Parchment :: -the road was easy, kept clean of debris and as much ice as possible, but this time of day that wasnt too bad, as the thaw from the day was only starting to freeze over, a chuckle as you spoke those words and he gave a slight shrug- Well my darling, I did not wish for you to be in so much pain. Though I promise to make it up to you
    ☆ (04/09/24 : 20:44:19) : Beyond the Parchment :

    :| Neytiri Sevarius |:
    Companion of Aros Hrolfson

    :| Stains of the Past, Present and Future |:

    ==on the road between the docks and the Great Hall==
    says to - Many Travels, Many For: "does that mean you are changing diapers for a month" She teased then gave your arm a gentle squeeze as they left the docks behind and strolled along the main road leading towards the great hall. "from what the healers have said and my cousin the pain is a good sign it means the baby is healthy and ready to come" And her cousin should know what she was talking about after spitting out so many little ones of her own.
    (04/09/24 : 20:46:13)
    - Many Travels, Many Fortunes -

    Aros Hrolfson
    - Captain of the Shrike | Breeder of Sleens -
    Neytiri's Companion | Citizen of Scagnar
    Steward of Green Cliffs

    ==on the road between the docks and the Great Hall==
    says to : Beyond the Parchment :: -he laughed softly as he looked down at the squeeze, making sure to keep you upright and moving- Well also according to your cousin, there are things a companion can do to help things along. -he laughed softly and gave a lewd wink as the strolled along, the large building at the end of the road was starting to loom ever closer-
    ☆ (04/09/24 : 20:52:35) : Beyond the Parchment :

    :| Neytiri Sevarius |:
    Companion of Aros Hrolfson

    :| Stains of the Past, Present and Future |:

    ==on the road between the docks and the Great Hall==
    says to - Many Travels, Many For: She was glad that the ground hadn't ice over this evening otherwise it would be like a skating rink and you would have more than your hands full trying to keep her from slipping and sliding around in her condition. "oh do tell what those are" She knew that her cousin had spoken quietly to you when Mahaz had distracted her but what the conversation had been about she had no clue. The lewd wink and rumbling laughter that spilled from your lips had her eyes going wide and a soft blush kissing her cheeks. "I'm so going to have to have a talk with my cousin" She chuckled softly. "you know she told the healer not to tell me if I was having twins I swear Ulrika is as evil as Loki at times"
    (04/09/24 : 20:56:51)
    - Many Travels, Many Fortunes -

    Aros Hrolfson
    - Captain of the Shrike | Breeder of Sleens -
    Neytiri's Companion | Citizen of Scagnar
    Steward of Green Cliffs

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to : Beyond the Parchment :: -he smiled and continued to move with you, a wide grin on his face as they passed through the doors of the hall and into the warm interior of it. As he looked about for a warm spot by the hearth he moved you towards it and settled you down on a bench there- Rest your feet darling, im sure they are hurting by now.
    ☆ (04/09/24 : 21:02:30) : Beyond the Parchment :

    :| Neytiri Sevarius |:
    Companion of Aros Hrolfson

    :| Stains of the Past, Present and Future |:

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to - Many Travels, Many For: She opened her mouth to great the two men standing guard on the front steps of the hall but instead of a polite greeting, it sounded more like a wounded animal snarling as another contraction ripped across her stomach and her grip tightened on your arm. "Odin's balls" She hissed and both guards looked at you questioningly as they entered the hall. "did my cousin happen to tell you anything useful" She asked while reaching up and unfastening the clasp on her shoulder and shrugging the soft woolen cloak off then tossing it at one of the bondmaids that rushed forward. "I think you might need to have the girl bring two jugs of mead Aros you're looking a little faint"
    (04/09/24 : 21:05:21)
    - Many Travels, Many Fortunes -

    Aros Hrolfson
    - Captain of the Shrike | Breeder of Sleens -
    Neytiri's Companion | Citizen of Scagnar
    Steward of Green Cliffs

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to : Beyond the Parchment :: -he laughed, ahh you were quite teh little tovie woman these days. as you asked the question he shook his head- Aside from be patient nothing I cna remember. -he smiled and then moved off seeing the bonds busy he passed a jug, lifting it and sniffing at the contents, still smelled good. Adn so he went to settle in next to you, retrieving his drinking horn from his belt-
    ☆ (04/09/24 : 21:09:33) : Beyond the Parchment :

    :| Neytiri Sevarius |:
    Companion of Aros Hrolfson

    :| Stains of the Past, Present and Future |:

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to - Many Travels, Many For: "Aros" Your name was more like a hags screech than the soft spoken tone of your companion as she watched you lifting a jug off one of the nearby tables and sniffing it before reaching for the horn attached to your belt. "you did not just do that, what if someone has put shrooms in it" Or worse pissed in it she thought but bit the words back oh she knew all men in the north had strong constitutions but still. She turned to the bondmaid who had hung her cloak up and sent the girl off to the kitchen to fetch her some tea and a plate of sandwiches for them she was hungry again even if you weren't.
    (04/09/24 : 21:13:13)
    - Many Travels, Many Fortunes -

    Aros Hrolfson
    - Captain of the Shrike | Breeder of Sleens -
    Neytiri's Companion | Citizen of Scagnar
    Steward of Green Cliffs

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to : Beyond the Parchment :: -he loooked at you as you said that and was pondering it, but he set it on teh long table anyways and then hollerd at the bond- AND MEAD! -he voice echoing in the hall as he moved to settle on the bench close- I'll behave myself then.. -laughing a bit, thinking you might need to stay closer to a healer at this point-
    ☆ (04/09/24 : 21:17:30) : Beyond the Parchment :

    :| Neytiri Sevarius |:
    Companion of Aros Hrolfson

    :| Stains of the Past, Present and Future |:

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to - Many Travels, Many For: She threw her head back and burst out laughing as you set the jug on the table and pushed away then BELLOWED for the bondmaid to bring mead. If the girl were half as smart as she thought she was she would grab the mead and bring it to you while her tea was steeping then make the sandwiches because you sounded like a bloodthirsty berserker now. "pfft you wouldn't know how to behave if Odin himself came through that door" She teased, then again she kind of liked you just as you were flaws and all it made you interesting.
    (04/09/24 : 21:22:03)
    - Many Travels, Many Fortunes -

    Aros Hrolfson
    - Captain of the Shrike | Breeder of Sleens -
    Neytiri's Companion | Citizen of Scagnar
    Steward of Green Cliffs

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to : Beyond the Parchment :: -he gave a soft laugh asyou said that, the girl was already dashing back with a fresh pitcher of mead- I dont htink I would have too, Im sure he would want mead and a pretty bond on his arm, he may be wise but he is still a man! -laughing deeply, and taking the pitcher from the bond, drinking directly from it with what seemed like a thirst-
    ☆ (04/09/24 : 21:28:33) : Beyond the Parchment :

    :| Neytiri Sevarius |:
    Companion of Aros Hrolfson

    :| Stains of the Past, Present and Future |:

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to - Many Travels, Many For: Her lips twitched at the corners as the girl slid to a halt in front of you and offered you the jug of mead along with a sassy grin then scampered off back to the kitchen to grab the tea and sandwiches. "true" She watched as you lifted the jug up and guzzled mead down like a man who had been at sea for weeks without any water. "getting drunk won't get you out of holding my hand when our baby arrives" She informed you quietly then hissed as another contraction had her leaping to her feet and grabbing hold of your shoulder. "best send one of the bonds to find a healer and have them meet us at the steading love"
    hags gossip and plan mischief near the fish sheds

    (04/09/24 : 21:32:49)
    - Many Travels, Many Fortunes -

    Aros Hrolfson
    - Captain of the Shrike | Breeder of Sleens -
    Neytiri's Companion | Citizen of Scagnar
    Steward of Green Cliffs

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to : Beyond the Parchment :: -listening to that as he blinked a few times then nodded his head slightly- BOND! Gather the sandwiches to go, and get the damned healer. Were headed to the steading! and be quick about it! -he grumbled teh words, then moved to get your cloak- You can make it?

    ☆ (04/09/24 : 21:34:11) : Beyond the Parchment :

    :| Neytiri Sevarius |:
    Companion of Aros Hrolfson

    :| Stains of the Past, Present and Future |:

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to - Many ravels, Many Fort: M A Y B E !

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    1. Mon Apr 15 08:35 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
      honeycake said:
      Congratulations to you both !!! Can't wait to meet Bjorn, too bad helga didnt get to perform with the rubber gloves. Maybe with the next one

    2. Sun Apr 14 22:12 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
      helga {JtR} said:
      Congratulations Jarl and Mistress! A son. What wonderful news. ~smiles~

      A shame I didn't get to use those rubber gloves though.....

    3. Sun Apr 14 09:02 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
      Neytiri said:
      (No rubber gloves are needed you two, but I appreciate the offer lol) Aros son made a grand appearance just before midnight on April 10, 2024 and has been given the name of Bjorn

    4. Thu Apr 11 16:35 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
      helga{JtR} said:
      Many babies honeycake? I had TWO! LOL And I wasn't on the receiving end of either of them.
      However, fear not Mistress. I am a high farm girl and should honeycake drag me wither to assist, I have had great experience in the birthing of animals. I'll put on those long, elbow touching rubber gloves and just reach in and pull the little one out. Easy! :)

    5. Wed Apr 10 14:03 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
      honeycake said:
      and i can drag helga with me, she had many babies

    6. Wed Apr 10 13:41 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
      honeycake said:
      i have delivered babies before, as a Free and as my bond status now, wonders if the rascal will wait

    [End of Transfer]

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