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  • Tue Dec 05 17:19 CopyLink * - Subject: The Pyre of Jarl Ragnar
    honeycake said:
    (12/02/23-[19:20:05] )

    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar

    at the docks

    says to Everyone: I suppose we are ready to begin. helga of Scagnar has an announcement.

    (12/02/23-[19:20:07] )

    .r u n a.
    | Property of the Isle of Scagnar |
    | bondmaid |

    says to spiorad{*RgR*}: smiles and nods softly

    (12/02/23-[19:20:10] )

    says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: smiles up at Jarl hearing those words and nods softly.. thank You Jarl

    (12/02/23-[19:20:53] )

    Ulrika Stonegate
    Companion of Mahaz
    Caste of Singers | Minus, POD | MPG

    at the docks

    says to Sojourn Mijurai benazir : Tal, Sojourn

    (12/02/23-[19:21:29] ) Sojourn Mijurai benazir

    Sojourn benazir
    jusqu'à ce que la mort nous sépare
    says to Ulrika StonegateCompanio: Greetings Ulrika, good to see you

    (12/02/23-[19:21:37] )

    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar

    at the docks

    says to Sojourn Mijurai benazir : Tal Sojourn. nods You shall fire the arrow when the time comes

    (12/02/23-[19:21:54] )

    Scagnar's Skald
    Isle Trainer
    Isle of Scagnar

    at the docks

    says to Everyone: "My Jarl unfortunately won't be able to be here. A wretched Thassa is keeping his hostage at sea. But his thoughts are with the Jarl and all of you today" Lowering my head momentarily ((RT Jonas's typist is unwell))

    (12/02/23-[19:21:56] )

    says to KimbaPantherClaw Lair: catches the chocolate and stashes it quickly yes Mistress He will always be alive in my heart always

    (12/02/23-[19:22:27] ) Sojourn Mijurai benazir

    Sojourn benazir
    jusqu'à ce que la mort nous sépare
    says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: Tal Thorarin ..

    (12/02/23-[19:22:57] )

    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar

    at the docks

    says to Sojourn Mijurai benazir : LET US BEGIN!

    (12/02/23-[19:22:59] )

    Matron (Retired)
    Chat Whisper Tuchuks
    says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: Please convey My compliments to your Jarl when He returns, helga. *s*

    (12/02/23-[19:23:27] ) Sojourn Mijurai benazir

    Sojourn benazir
    jusqu'à ce que la mort nous sépare
    says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: sounds good to me

    (12/02/23-[19:23:39] )

    Scagnar's Skald
    Isle Trainer
    Isle of Scagnar

    at the docks

    says to YvonneMatron (Retired)Ch: "Yes Mistress, I will" giving you a soft but warm smile

    (12/02/23-[19:24:01] )

    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar

    at the docks

    says to Everyone: Ragnar was just a man.... a man with the same foilbles, concerns, likes, dislikes, fears, worries, and consternations that plague humankind. But he lived a life what was WORTH living. Gods, how he lived. smiles He won fights and lost them. He won women.... and he lost them.... the last being his slave girl, prism. We mourn her too.

    (12/02/23-[19:25:53] )

    Ulrika Stonegate
    Companion of Mahaz
    Caste of Singers | Minus, POD | MPG

    at the docks

    says to .The Entropic Illusion.M: *I nodded to you, then held Brandanon's shoulder with my free hand as Thorarin began to speak*

    (12/02/23-[19:25:59] )

    PantherClaw Lair

    at the docks

    says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: Foibles indeed. I recall the day he had to reconcile himself to the fact that he was only human, when Zosk had to rescue him from Sheera.

    (12/02/23-[19:26:28] )

    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar

    at the docks

    says to Everyone: But do not fear. Shed NO tears for Ragnar. For in Valhalla he'll laugh at you..... or laugh with you. In Valhalla he'll throw mead at you.... or drink with you.

    (12/02/23-[19:27:06] )

    PantherClaw Lair

    at the docks

    says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: Sart a brawl, more likely

    (12/02/23-[19:27:40] )

    says to Everyone: thinks my Jarl is already plotting how to get Odin's goat

    (12/02/23-[19:27:48] )

    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar

    at the docks

    says to Everyone: So there is NO REASON for us to be sad..... save a selfish desire for ourselves. BE GLAD for a life well lived.

    (12/02/23-[19:28:07] )
    .The Entropic Illusion.
    Mahaz Mahad Djinn
    Companion of Ulrika
    Minus POD

    at the docks

    says to Ulrika StonegateCompanio: I wrapped my arm about your shoulder and Brandonon was quiet I would listen .

    (12/02/23-[19:28:20] )

    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar

    at the docks

    says to spiorad{*RgR*}: Verr spi. grins

    (12/02/23-[19:28:36] )

    .r u n a.
    | Property of the Isle of Scagnar |
    | bondmaid |

    says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: grins nodding

    (12/02/23-[19:28:50] )

    Matron (Retired)
    Chat Whisper Tuchuks
    says to KimbaPantherClaw Lair: That brawl's probably already underway, and I'm sure He's already laughing about it.

    (12/02/23-[19:28:56] )
    --Zearia {Svein}--
    ||You, alone, are responsible..||
    ||...of your fate...||
    |- Isle of Scagnar-|

    says to ALL: enters the room....

    (12/02/23-[19:28:59] )

    says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: little grin slides across my lips and wink's

    (12/02/23-[19:29:29] )

    honey cake {Svein}
    ...his instrument...
    ..Isle of Scagnar..

    at the docks

    says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: I held your hand as Jarl spoke

    (12/02/23-[19:30:17] )

    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar

    at the docks

    says to Everyone: The gods are capricious. They seem to take great delight in kicking men's asses. The Norns are worse! They know the wyrd ... or fate.... of man before he is born.... but they tell no one.

    Such behavior is .... well.... ungodly. Such behavior gave Ragnar his sense of humor.... which was enormous. smiles

    (12/02/23-[19:30:43] )
    --Zearia {Svein}--
    ||You, alone, are responsible..||
    ||...of your fate...||
    |- Isle of Scagnar-|

    at the docks

    says to Everyone: [[respectruflly greets all the Jarls and Mistresses and girls and such]]... she moves off within the shadows and stays out of the ay fo the crowd as she listens

    (12/02/23-[19:30:44] )

    Scagnar's Skald
    Isle Trainer
    Isle of Scagnar

    at the docks

    says to Everyone: Respectfully silent, holding your hand, feeling the closeness and warmth of you, spi and runa

    (12/02/23-[19:31:17] ) Sojourn Mijurai benazir

    Sojourn benazir
    jusqu'à ce que la mort nous sépare
    says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: listens

    (12/02/23-[19:31:45] )

    Scagnar's Skald
    Isle Trainer
    Isle of Scagnar

    at the docks

    says to --|Twitch|----Zearia {Sv: Meeting your eyes and smiling, quietly gesturing for you to join us

    (12/02/23-[19:32:44] )

    honey cake {Svein}
    ...his instrument...
    ..Isle of Scagnar..

    at the docks

    says to --|Twitch|----Zearia {Sv: finger waves

    (12/02/23-[19:33:59] )

    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar

    at the docks

    says to Everyone: This was the world that Ragnar was born to. Then he moved to the great plains, and became Ubar of Tuchuk WM.... and he became well known. Most know him from his years there, and they were great years.... great days. smiles I remember how proud I was when Ragnar returned to the Torvaldsland and stood on the pile of shields and reclaimed his Torvaldslander heritage at Our Althing.... while maintaining his adopted home that he was known for.... the Tuchuk of WM.

    (12/02/23-[19:34:19] )

    samantha {LYv}
    ~Mistress' slice of pie~
    Chat Whisper Tuchuks
    says to YvonneMatron (Retired)Ch: -smiles up at You and bites my tongue-

    (12/02/23-[19:34:35] )

    honey cake {Svein}
    ...his instrument...
    ..Isle of Scagnar..

    at the docks

    says to spiorad{*RgR*}: holding helga hand with one hand and holding yours with the other giving you a squeeze

    (12/02/23-[19:34:47] )
    --Zearia {Svein}--
    ||You, alone, are responsible..||
    ||...of your fate...||
    |- Isle of Scagnar-|

    at the docks

    says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: she sees your gesture and with silent footfalls caressing the planksof the docks she easily weaves around various people easily thanks to her being so small and settles to one side f you where the others arent so she doesnt disturb anyone

    (12/02/23-[19:35:50] )

    Ulrika Stonegate
    Companion of Mahaz
    Caste of Singers | Minus, POD | MPG

    at the docks

    says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: *I nodded, recalling that Althing*

    (12/02/23-[19:35:53] )

    says to honey cake {Svein}...Bon: smiles as i hold both yours and helga' hand...squeezing both as i square my shoulders in pride and honor of my Jarl

    (12/02/23-[19:36:44] )

    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar

    at the docks

    says to Everyone: Ragnar, the Tuchuk .... Ragnar, the Torvaldslander..... Ragnar, THE GREAT!

    (12/02/23-[19:37:44] )

    says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: deep smile hearing Your words and knowing what they would mean to my Jarl coming from You

    (12/02/23-[19:38:47] )

    Matron (Retired)
    Chat Whisper Tuchuks
    says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: Ragnar, the original Torvald-chuk... Never out of touch with His proud heritage... Ever present as a steady force among the Wagons.

    (12/02/23-[19:39:02] )

    PantherClaw Lair

    at the docks

    says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: You can't reclaim what you never gave up. Conan was still a Cimmerian even as he sat on the Aquilonian throne. There never was nothing Tuchuk about him but being in charge there.

    (12/02/23-[19:41:25] )

    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar

    at the docks

    says to Everyone: Ragnar died .... in combat.... with the kurii who stole his children. There were three but he had the advantage of surprise and ambush. He killed two.... before the third got him.... but he slashed the beast across the chest.... there Ragnar died..... just south of Serenity Point. His children lived.

    The third kurii was dispatched by the patrol that found the site. They were the ones who brought back his body.

    (12/02/23-[19:43:23] )

    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar

    at the docks

    says to Everyone: This means that Valkyries escorted Ragnar to Valhalla. And I'll bet.... once he felt better in the Halls of Infinity.... he fucked two or three of them. laughs

    (12/02/23-[19:44:37] )

    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar

    at the docks

    says to Everyone: Let us now recite the Prayer for the Fall..... and yell it..... so that Ragnar may hear us in Valhalla.

    (12/02/23-[19:45:13] )

    Scagnar's Skald
    Isle Trainer
    Isle of Scagnar

    at the docks

    says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: I couldnt help but laugh at that...laughing through tears, thinking of the Jarl livening up Valhalla

    (12/02/23-[19:46:04] )

    Matron (Retired)
    Chat Whisper Tuchuks
    says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: *glances and chuckles*

    (12/02/23-[19:48:23] )

    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar

    at the docks

    says to Everyone:
    Lo, there do I see my father.
    Lo, there do I see my mother, and my sisters, and my brothers.

    (12/02/23-[19:49:06] )

    Scagnar's Skald
    Isle Trainer
    Isle of Scagnar

    at the docks

    says to Everyone: Lifting my chin and speaking with pride "Lo, there do I see my father. Lo, there do I see my mother, and my sisters, and my brothers."

    (12/02/23-[19:49:11] )

    honey cake {Svein}
    ...his instrument...
    ..Isle of Scagnar..

    at the docks

    says to Everyone: Lo, there do I see my father. Lo, there do I see my mother, and my sisters, and my brothers.

    (12/02/23-[19:49:14] )

    Ulrika Stonegate
    Companion of Mahaz
    Caste of Singers | Minus, POD | MPG

    at the docks

    says to Everyone: Lo, there do I see my father.
    Lo, there do I see my mother, and my sisters, and my brothers.

    (12/02/23-[19:49:19] )

    .r u n a.
    | Property of the Isle of Scagnar |
    | bondmaid |

    at the docks

    says to Everyone: says to Everyone: Lo, there do I see my father. Lo, there do I see my mother, and my sisters, and my brothers.

    (12/02/23-[19:49:25] )

    says to Everyone: singing for my Jarl...Lo, there do I see my father. Lo, there do I see my mother, and my sisters, and my brothers.

    (12/02/23-[19:49:36] )

    Matron (Retired)
    Chat Whisper Tuchuks
    says to Everyone: Lo, there do I see my father. Lo, there do I see my mother, and my sisters, and my brothers.

    (12/02/23-[19:49:41] ) Sojourn Mijurai benazir

    Sojourn benazir
    jusqu'à ce que la mort nous sépare
    says to Everyone: Lo, there do I see my father. Lo, there do I see my mother, and my sisters, and my brothers.

    (12/02/23-[19:49:52] )

    PantherClaw Lair

    at the docks

    says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: *maintains a respectful, if momentary, silence, with my chin on my chest, as I do not share their religion.*

    (12/02/23-[19:49:57] )

    samantha {LYv}
    ~Mistress' slice of pie~
    Chat Whisper Tuchuks
    says to Everyone: Lo, there do I see my father. Lo, there do I see my mother, and my sisters, and my brothers.

    (12/02/23-[19:49:58] )
    --Zearia {Svein}--
    ||You, alone, are responsible..||
    ||...of your fate...||
    |- Isle of Scagnar-|

    at the docks

    says to Everyone: of course her lyrical softness would lift to join the other voices as she rrpeated the words that were so ingrained in us

    Post your response below, or scroll down to read what others have said...

    The Isle of Scagnar

    The Meeting Room

    The Combat Board

    Public Message Board for bond maids and thralls
    Private Message Board for slave trainers
    Sagas of the Isle of Scagnar

    From: . [Help|Old|Travel|Auto]
    [12:19] .. . . . . . [Local Controls]
    The Message Board of the Torvaldslanders of The Isle of Scagnar and Inlet of Green Cliffs
    Anonymous Posts Will be Deleted

    1. Thu Dec 07 16:58 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
      helga {JtR} said:
      I think Jarl Ragnar would have been touched very much by the ceremony.

      Thank you for scripting honeycake <3 >

    2. Tue Dec 05 18:54 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
      honeycake said:
      Most welcome Jarl, my pleasure

    3. Tue Dec 05 18:51 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
      Thorarin said:
      This must've been a tremendous amount of work! Thank you, honey.

    4. Tue Dec 05 17:25 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
      honeycake said:
      (12/02/23-[20:16:42] )
      .The Entropic Illusion.
      Mahaz Mahad Djinn
      Companion of Ulrika
      Minus POD

      at the docks

      says to Ulrika StonegateCompanio: I held Fadlan as he listened to you sing Brandonon smiled swaying a little as I listened as well

      (12/02/23-[20:16:50] )

      honey cake {Svein}
      ...his instrument...
      ..Isle of Scagnar..

      at the docks

      says to Ulrika StonegateCompanio: Listening to your words a smile lined soft lips

      (12/02/23-[20:17:15] )

      says to Ulrika StonegateCompanio: smiles as i can hear my Jarl roaring at the song

      (12/02/23-[20:18:05] )
      The Ost Queen

      ..:: Essa of Scagnar ::..

      Elder Physician
      Hrimgar Village - Portal of Dreams
      says to Everyone: I slipped in quietly and stood slightly to the back of the group just listening and watching

      (12/02/23-[20:18:09] )

      Thorarin Bloodaxe
      Isle of Scagnar

      at the docks

      says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: You may speak now.

      (12/02/23-[20:18:14] )

      honey cake {Svein}
      ...his instrument...
      ..Isle of Scagnar..

      at the docks

      says to Everyone: Valhalla Calling

      (12/02/23-[20:18:54] )

      Scagnar's Skald
      Isle Trainer
      Isle of Scagnar

      at the docks

      says to Everyone: Shaking as I stepped forward and placed a quiva upon his pyre ship. “This was a gift from the Jarl…he gave it to me when I was free. I want him to have it now, to think of me when he practises with the Einherjar” Clearing my throat and then continuing.

      “ What first impressed me about the Jarl….what I remembered most after meeting him for the first time, was his sense of humour. He was just so funny! But as I got to know him, I developed a better understanding and appreciation of his many other qualities. His ability to make even the lowliest amongst us feel special and valued. His deep sense of honour and his absolute passion for this crazy place called Gor. It’s funny how our perspectives change when we lose someone. Small things that we worried about become inconsequential and we know that if we had that time back again we would cherish it more. I would give so much to be with him again (to be roleplaying both with him as Rags and Stryker the herlit. He was a truly creative writer, an amazing imagination and talent for words)

      As I stepped back, Stryker, who had been watching on, rose from his perch and spread his wings...what a wing span. I smiled, watching him soar through the skies as he had done so many times before.

      (12/02/23-[20:19:41] )

      Scagnar's Skald
      Isle Trainer
      Isle of Scagnar

      at the docks

      says to Everyone:

      (12/02/23-[20:20:16] )

      Thorarin Bloodaxe
      Isle of Scagnar

      at the docks

      says to spiorad{*RgR*}: You may speak now.

      (12/02/23-[20:21:05] ) Sojourn Mijurai benazir

      Sojourn benazir
      jusqu'à ce que la mort nous sépare
      says to Everyone: quietly steps and sets a jeweleld handled axe on the pyre ..

      (12/02/23-[20:21:12] )

      Ulrika Stonegate
      Companion of Mahaz
      Caste of Singers | Minus, POD | MPG

      at the docks

      says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: *I nodded as you said your piece and made your offering*

      (12/02/23-[20:21:36] )

      PantherClaw Lair

      at the docks

      says to Everyone: *tosses a turian-collar like a frisbee, on a high arcing trajectory that lands it in the ship* I knew you when, Old Friend

      (12/02/23-[20:22:28] )

      says to Everyone: moving to the pyre ship....leaning in as i press my lips to my Jarl's whipering to HIm alone for a moment before placing a rolled leather patch, carefully stamped with rune's private between my Jarl and i with a little silver bell from the anklet He placed around my ankle before stepping back and speaking softly.. i have known my Jarl for many many turns of the moon, He was more then my Jarl to me, He brought me back to life and i will forever hear that booming voice saying Hello My beauty... i hope i served Him with the love and devotion He so truly deserved,i love Him more then words can ever say and i know how much You all here at Scagnar and Tuchuk meant to Him, i know He is smiling down thinking finally Name Fame!! but most of all He would be smiling because you are here all together , anyone that has met my Jarl could never forget Him...and that is a wonderful legacy to leave and fitting for Him..

      (12/02/23-[20:24:12] )

      Scagnar's Skald
      Isle Trainer
      Isle of Scagnar

      at the docks

      says to spiorad{*RgR*}: Beautifully said spi

      (12/02/23-[20:24:33] ) Sojourn Mijurai benazir

      Sojourn benazir
      jusqu'à ce que la mort nous sépare
      says to spiorad{*RgR*}: listens

      (12/02/23-[20:24:43] )

      honey cake {Svein}
      ...his instrument...
      ..Isle of Scagnar..

      at the docks

      says to spiorad{*RgR*}: Your words were spoken with truth, "beautiful spi"

      (12/02/23-[20:24:54] )

      Matron (Retired)
      Chat Whisper Tuchuks
      says to spiorad{*RgR*}: *smiling warmly from ear to ear*

      (12/02/23-[20:24:56] )

      says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: steps back and slides a hand to yours and squeezes tightly

      (12/02/23-[20:25:01] )

      Ulrika Stonegate
      Companion of Mahaz
      Caste of Singers | Minus, POD | MPG

      at the docks

      says to spiorad{*RgR*}: *Nods to you*

      (12/02/23-[20:25:58] )

      Scagnar's Skald
      Isle Trainer
      Isle of Scagnar

      at the docks

      says to spiorad{*RgR*}: Whispering and squeezing your hand back "he would be so proud"

      (12/02/23-[20:26:19] )

      Thorarin Bloodaxe
      Isle of Scagnar

      at the docks

      says to Everyone: smiles as Sojourn, spi, helga and Kimba present gifts

      I walk aboard the pyre ship and lay an ornate great axe at his right..... then I take my scramasax from my boot and cut my braids off and lay them beside him...... whispering, "You do not walk alone."

      I then return to the group

      (12/02/23-[20:27:08] )

      PantherClaw Lair

      at the docks

      says to spiorad{*RgR*}: *if you look my way now, you will see a few tears, for the first time tonight*

      (12/02/23-[20:28:14] )
      .The Entropic Illusion.
      Mahaz Mahad Djinn
      Companion of Ulrika
      Minus POD

      at the docks

      says to Everyone: I rocked Fadlan as he took it all in , this was his second pyre he wasent even 1 yet . Brandonon was dancing and I stood quiet a smile etched apon my face

      (12/02/23-[20:28:16] )

      says to KimbaPantherClaw Lair: smiles over at You as You may see a few glistening in mine

      (12/02/23-[20:29:09] )

      Thorarin Bloodaxe
      Isle of Scagnar

      at the docks

      says to Sojourn Mijurai benazir : handing you the bow and oil soaked cloth around an arrow..... there is a flaming pot of pitch at your feet

      It is time. Are you ready? Wait until the ship passes 100 yards.

      (12/02/23-[20:30:09] ) Sojourn Mijurai benazir

      Sojourn benazir
      jusqu'à ce que la mort nous sépare
      says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: i am ready

      (12/02/23-[20:32:47] )

      Thorarin Bloodaxe
      Isle of Scagnar

      at the docks

      says to Sojourn Mijurai benazir : I walk to the stern of the pyre ship and release the stern line..... the wind in the sails push the little ship into the Inlet 25 yards

      (12/02/23-[20:33:29] ) Sojourn Mijurai benazir

      Sojourn benazir
      jusqu'à ce que la mort nous sépare
      says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: watches your movement and follows your movement

      (12/02/23-[20:33:46] )

      says to Everyone: small lift of my chin as slender throat moves with a swallow as eyes of indigo watch the ship..saying softly..
      Cattle die, Friends die, So, too, must you die. Though one thing Never dies; The fair fame one has earned.
      Cattle die, Friends die, So, too, must you die. I know one, That never dies; Judgment of a dead man's life.

      (12/02/23-[20:33:53] )

      Thorarin Bloodaxe
      Isle of Scagnar

      at the docks

      says to Sojourn Mijurai benazir : the ship passes 50 yards

      (12/02/23-[20:34:12] )

      Scagnar's Skald
      Isle Trainer
      Isle of Scagnar

      at the docks

      says to Everyone: Watching on as the "Wings of Freedom" breaks away from the docks

      (12/02/23-[20:34:15] ) Sojourn Mijurai benazir

      Sojourn benazir
      jusqu'à ce que la mort nous sépare
      says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: continues watching

      (12/02/23-[20:34:28] )

      PantherClaw Lair

      on board a ship at the docks

      says to spiorad{*RgR*}: *crosses over to a moored-ship, to get a better view, gesturing to spi to join me, if she wants*

      (12/02/23-[20:34:42] )

      Thorarin Bloodaxe
      Isle of Scagnar

      at the docks

      says to Sojourn Mijurai benazir : the pyre ship reaches 100 yards

      (12/02/23-[20:34:50] )

      Ulrika Stonegate
      Companion of Mahaz
      Caste of Singers | Minus, POD | MPG

      at the docks

      says to .The Entropic Illusion.M: *Takes your hand, pulling Brandanon closer as the ship pulls out into the fjord*

      (12/02/23-[20:34:51] )

      Scagnar's Skald
      Isle Trainer
      Isle of Scagnar

      at the docks

      says to spiorad{*RgR*}: Wise words...

      (12/02/23-[20:34:52] ) Sojourn Mijurai benazir

      Sojourn benazir
      jusqu'à ce que la mort nous sépare
      says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: released

      (12/02/23-[20:35:37] ) Sojourn Mijurai benazir

      Sojourn benazir
      jusqu'à ce que la mort nous sépare
      says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: the flame arrow hits the pyre

      (12/02/23-[20:35:39] )

      says to KimbaPantherClaw Lair: seeing Mistress's gesture as i move, slipping over to join as my eyes watch the ship

      (12/02/23-[20:35:41] )

      Thorarin Bloodaxe
      Isle of Scagnar

      at the docks

      says to spiorad{*RgR*}: I'm sure Odin will forgive editing the Havamal. grins

      (12/02/23-[20:36:46] )

      says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: little grin tugs..... it was how my Jarl had it in His writing, it seemed fitting to say it as He had written it

      (12/02/23-[20:36:59] )
      Taryn Iona
      Taryn Iona
      Retired Healer

      at the docks

      says to Everyone: spoken softly on to the light breeze Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam (translates loosely into es to “May his/her/their soul be on God's right hand" it's Gaelic and I have spoken it too many times this year it seems)

      (12/02/23-[20:37:00] )

      Scagnar's Skald
      Isle Trainer
      Isle of Scagnar

      at the docks

      says to Everyone: Gasping as the flaming arrow is released.....soaring upwards and then forming an arc. The flames held true and i found myself holding my breath as I waited for it to connect with the serpent.

      (12/02/23-[20:37:47] )

      Thorarin Bloodaxe
      Isle of Scagnar

      at the docks

      says to Everyone: the arrow flies true and falls on the oil soaked wood...... the ship bursts into flames

      (12/02/23-[20:38:16] )

      Matron (Retired)
      Chat Whisper Tuchuks
      says to Everyone: *watching silently as the arrow flies toward the serpent underway on its journey, taking our Friend to Valhalla*

      (12/02/23-[20:38:16] )

      Ulrika Stonegate
      Companion of Mahaz
      Caste of Singers | Minus, POD | MPG

      at the docks

      says to .The Entropic Illusion.M: *I nodded slowly as the arrow struck and flames leaped into the night sky*

      (12/02/23-[20:39:06] )
      .The Entropic Illusion.
      Mahaz Mahad Djinn
      Companion of Ulrika
      Minus POD

      at the docks

      says to Ulrika StonegateCompanio: Fadlan was glued to watching the ship ars tight around me and I watched along .I kept you close and Brandonon was glued to you and I squeeze your hand as we all watched

      (12/02/23-[20:39:15] )

      samantha {LYv}
      ~Mistress' slice of pie~
      Chat Whisper Tuchuks
      says to Everyone: -watching in silence as the mighty ship becomes alight-

      (12/02/23-[20:39:31] ) Sojourn Mijurai benazir

      Sojourn benazir
      jusqu'à ce que la mort nous sépare
      says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: watches as the arrow hits the mark and the pyre goes up in flames

      (12/02/23-[20:40:43] ) Sojourn Mijurai benazir

      Sojourn benazir
      jusqu'à ce que la mort nous sépare
      says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: thank you for that honor ..

      (12/02/23-[20:40:50] )

      Thorarin Bloodaxe
      Isle of Scagnar

      at the docks

      says to Sojourn Mijurai benazir : Good shot, old friend. nods

      (12/02/23-[20:41:04] )

      says to Everyone: swallows as my chin lifts...watching the arrow hit true and pyre comes ablaze, breathing deeply as i watch my Jarl's journey

      (12/02/23-[20:41:12] )

      Scagnar's Skald
      Isle Trainer
      Isle of Scagnar

      at the docks

      says to Everyone: The flames lapped at the wood, dancing high into the night sky as it sailed out to sea. Stryker circled the smoke, following the serpent's journey..
      "Freedom. Soar high Jarl"

      (12/02/23-[20:41:51] ) Sojourn Mijurai benazir

      Sojourn benazir
      jusqu'à ce que la mort nous sépare
      says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: us old timers have to take care of each other :)

      (12/02/23-[20:42:14] )

      Thorarin Bloodaxe
      Isle of Scagnar

      at the docks

      says to spiorad{*RgR*}: His journey..... just begins spi. smiles

      (12/02/23-[20:42:29] )

      .r u n a.
      | Property of the Isle of Scagnar |
      | bondmaid |

      at the docks

      says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: I quietly come near your side, and brush my fingers along your hand

      (12/02/23-[20:42:57] )

      says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: tumultuous smile crosses my lips as i nod softly in agreement

      (12/02/23-[20:43:02] )

      Thorarin Bloodaxe
      Isle of Scagnar

      at the docks

      says to Sojourn Mijurai benazir : I agree. offers you my right hand and arm

      (12/02/23-[20:43:44] )

      Thorarin Bloodaxe
      Isle of Scagnar

      at the docks

      says to .r u n a.| Property of t: smiles We shall never see his like again.

      (12/02/23-[20:43:45] ) Sojourn Mijurai benazir

      Sojourn benazir
      jusqu'à ce que la mort nous sépare
      says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: takes your right hand and arm ..

      (12/02/23-[20:44:05] ) Sojourn Mijurai benazir

      Sojourn benazir
      jusqu'à ce que la mort nous sépare
      says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: i am always here for the isle

    5. Tue Dec 05 17:24 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
      honeycake said:
      (12/02/23-[19:58:19] )

      Thorarin Bloodaxe
      Isle of Scagnar

      at the docks

      says to Everyone:
      They bid me take my place among them in the halls of Valhalla,
      Where the brave may live forever!

      (12/02/23-[19:58:45] )

      .r u n a.
      | Property of the Isle of Scagnar |
      | bondmaid |

      at the docks

      says to Everyone: They bid me take my place among them in the halls of Valhalla, Where the brave may live forever!

      (12/02/23-[19:58:59] )

      Matron (Retired)
      Chat Whisper Tuchuks
      says to Everyone: They bid me take my place among them in the halls of Valhalla, Where the brave may live forever!

      (12/02/23-[19:59:04] )

      says to Everyone: singing....They bid me take my place among them in the halls of Valhalla, Where the brave may live forever!

      (12/02/23-[19:59:06] )

      honey cake {Svein}
      ...his instrument...
      ..Isle of Scagnar..

      at the docks

      says to Everyone: They bid me take my place among them in the halls of Valhalla, Where the brave may live forever!

      (12/02/23-[19:59:10] )

      Ulrika Stonegate
      Companion of Mahaz
      Caste of Singers | Minus, POD | MPG

      at the docks

      says to Everyone: *Calls out* They bid me take my place among them in the halls of Valhalla, Where the brave may live forever!

      (12/02/23-[19:59:15] )

      samantha {LYv}
      ~Mistress' slice of pie~
      Chat Whisper Tuchuks
      says to Everyone: They bid me take my place among them in the halls of Valhalla, Where the brave may live forever!

      (12/02/23-[19:59:23] )
      Taryn Iona
      Taryn Iona
      Retired Healer

      at the docks

      says to Everyone: They bid me take my place among them in the halls of Valhalla, Where the brave may live forever!

      (12/02/23-[19:59:34] )
      --Zearia {Svein}--
      ||You, alone, are responsible..||
      ||...of your fate...||
      |- Isle of Scagnar-|

      at the docks

      says to Everyone: they bid me take my plzce among them in the halls of Vlhalla, where the brave may live foreverr!

      (12/02/23-[19:59:47] )

      Scagnar's Skald
      Isle Trainer
      Isle of Scagnar

      at the docks

      says to Everyone: They bid me take my place among them in the halls of Valhalla, Where the brave may live forever!

      (12/02/23-[20:00:13] )
      .The Entropic Illusion.
      Mahaz Mahad Djinn
      Companion of Ulrika
      Minus POD

      at the docks

      says to Everyone: They bid me take my place amoung them in the halls of Valhalla,Where the Brave may live forever

      (12/02/23-[20:01:01] )

      Thorarin Bloodaxe
      Isle of Scagnar

      at the docks

      says to Everyone: The gods know.... Ragnar was brave.

      Does anyone else have anything to say or any gifts to send to Ragnar? If so, speak your peace and put the gifts aboard the pyre ship.

      (12/02/23-[20:01:54] )

      .r u n a.
      | Property of the Isle of Scagnar |
      | bondmaid |

      at the docks

      says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: Jarl, I wrote something...

      (12/02/23-[20:02:12] )

      PantherClaw Lair

      at the docks

      says to YvonneMatron (Retired)Ch: *whispers a question to one of the faithful, though perhaps audible to others.*For ever? I thought they all died again at Ragnarok? I was thinking they named it after him because they knew he was coming.

      (12/02/23-[20:03:49] )

      Thorarin Bloodaxe
      Isle of Scagnar

      at the docks

      says to KimbaPantherClaw Lair: Donar has a plan. grins

      (12/02/23-[20:03:52] )

      honey cake {Svein}
      ...his instrument...
      ..Isle of Scagnar..

      at the docks

      says to Everyone: ((Just so everyone knows I am scripting and it will be on our boards within the next couple days))

      (12/02/23-[20:04:10] )
      .The Entropic Illusion.
      Mahaz Mahad Djinn
      Companion of Ulrika
      Minus POD

      at the docks

      says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: I have a gift , on behalf of my self and my Companion . I have a hand forged Scimitar and a jug of Taharian made Mead I said setting a clay jug and the Scimitar down

      (12/02/23-[20:04:28] )
      .r u n a.
      | Property of the Isle of Scagnar |
      | bondmaid |

      at the docks

      says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: waits for your ok before starting

      (12/02/23-[20:04:44] )

      Thorarin Bloodaxe
      Isle of Scagnar

      at the docks

      says to .r u n a.| Property of t: Say your peace.

      (12/02/23-[20:05:04] )

      .r u n a.
      | Property of the Isle of Scagnar |
      | bondmaid |

      at the docks

      says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: I am a Torvaldsman with sea by my front and wind at my back, mainsails billowing as a crimson mistral sets my boat out to sea to lands afar through the gurgling pulsating fury of lightning and thunder playing upon waves from the ocean deeps. I came as warrior, I came as raider I came as slaver to pillage and to conquer for my gods and for my sons, feel my wrath in battle, ashes on my forehead from the rubble at my feet, I have no fear in death for I hear the Valkyries cry, my Valhalla awaits. The omen of death has resonated through the deep hoarse of the raven's croak, as they carry me to Odin's hall up high I will drink my share of mead and hear my brothers sing. Through the frozen nights and the misty dawns amidst the curling smoke from my burning blood and bones spreading upon the raging tides across to foreign coasts, onward over the mountain tops, may my name be carried on.

      (12/02/23-[20:05:37] )

      Thorarin Bloodaxe
      Isle of Scagnar

      at the docks

      says to .The Entropic Illusion.M: Taharian mead?? cringes a little Please board the pyre ship.

      (12/02/23-[20:05:57] )

      Ulrika Stonegate
      Companion of Mahaz
      Caste of Singers | Minus, POD | MPG

      at the docks

      says to .The Entropic Illusion.M: *I smiled as you stepped up and made your offering*

      (12/02/23-[20:07:20] )

      Thorarin Bloodaxe
      Isle of Scagnar

      at the docks

      says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: You may say your peace now.

      (12/02/23-[20:08:42] )

      Matron (Retired)
      Chat Whisper Tuchuks
      says to KimbaPantherClaw Lair: *leans and whispers* I was born of the wagons, so that, I do not know. I only know what I have learned on my life's journey, from valued friends, such as Kurzon, Utar, and of course, Ragnar.

      (12/02/23-[20:10:04] )

      Scagnar's Skald
      Isle Trainer
      Isle of Scagnar

      at the docks

      says to .r u n a.| Property of t: Placing my hand to my heart at your words "Wonderful, Runa"

      (12/02/23-[20:10:10] )
      .The Entropic Illusion.
      Mahaz Mahad Djinn
      Companion of Ulrika
      Minus POD

      at the docks

      says to Ulrika StonegateCompanio: I smiled and noded and smiled to Fadlan

      (12/02/23-[20:10:23] )

      .r u n a.
      | Property of the Isle of Scagnar |
      | bondmaid |

      at the docks

      says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: blushes ' thank you helga'

      (12/02/23-[20:10:55] )

      honey cake {Svein}
      ...his instrument...
      ..Isle of Scagnar..

      at the docks

      says to .r u n a.| Property of t: gives you a thumbs up

      (12/02/23-[20:11:38] )

      Scagnar's Skald
      Isle Trainer
      Isle of Scagnar

      at the docks

      says to Ulrika StonegateCompanio: The Jarl was never known for being fussy with his mead....I knew he would truly enjoy that

      (12/02/23-[20:11:58] )

      Scagnar's Skald
      Isle Trainer
      Isle of Scagnar

      at the docks

      says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: "Thank you Jarl"

      (12/02/23-[20:12:02] )

      says to .r u n a.| Property of t: soft smile at the wonderful words

      (12/02/23-[20:12:40] )

      Ulrika Stonegate
      Companion of Mahaz
      Caste of Singers | Minus, POD | MPG

      at the docks

      says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: *Calls out* Thorarin of the Bloody Axe, you mentioned Ragnar at the Althing. I should like to sing a little tune of some of his adventures at the Thing that year, if it is acceptable

      (12/02/23-[20:12:50] )

      Thorarin Bloodaxe
      Isle of Scagnar

      at the docks

      says to spiorad{*RgR*}: Do you... who knew him best.... have words?

      (12/02/23-[20:12:52] )

      Ulrika Stonegate
      Companion of Mahaz
      Caste of Singers | Minus, POD | MPG

      at the docks

      says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: *I wnked to you*

      (12/02/23-[20:13:25] )

      Thorarin Bloodaxe
      Isle of Scagnar

      at the docks

      says to Ulrika StonegateCompanio: Aye. It is fitting.

      (12/02/23-[20:13:45] )

      says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: smiles.. yes Jarl i do have words

      (12/02/23-[20:14:08] )

      Ulrika Stonegate
      Companion of Mahaz
      Caste of Singers | Minus, POD | MPG

      at the docks

      says to Everyone: *Handing Fadlan to Mahaz, I stepped forward, looked about all those assembled, then began to sing. It had a familiiar rhythm*

      Come and listen to my story
      'Bout the Tuchuk named Ragnar
      A wily Ubar
      He took his family far
      He took his family north to the Thing of Torvaldsland
      And that festival he thought it real grand

      Mead serving. Bond-maids. Snow. Cold!

      (12/02/23-[20:14:44] )

      Matron (Retired)
      Chat Whisper Tuchuks
      says to Everyone: *rising up and moving toward the Pyre ship, pausing to crouch, raising a small barrel of mead onto My shoulder before pushing with My legs under its weight, and continuing to the ship, taking care as I board, and lower the barrel to the deck* While the bosk continue to nurture the wagon peoples, know that our year keepers will keep the stories of your exploits among us alive for generations to come... and that you left the quivas sharp, the axels greased and the bosk as well as anyone could ever hope for. And may you revel in the glory of Valhalla, dear Friend.

      (12/02/23-[20:14:53] )
      The Ost Queen

      ..:: Essa of Scagnar ::..

      Elder Physician
      Hrimgar Village - Portal of Dreams
      says to ALL: enters the room....

      12/02/23-[20:15:23] )

      Ulrika Stonegate
      Companion of Mahaz
      Caste of Singers | Minus, POD | MPG

      at the docks

      says to Everyone: *I chuckled, recalling that night well*

      Before he could enjoy it,
      a Kur bellowed from the Law Rock
      Demanding tribute and bosk
      Many thought it a real crock
      Ol’ Ragnar, he took it all in stride
      Didn’t let that Kur ruffle his pride
      He invited the beast to feast in the hall, taking it inside

      Told the beast he did.
      “Sit a spell, take your claws off”

      (12/02/23-[20:15:25] )

      Matron (Retired)
      Chat Whisper Tuchuks
      says to Everyone: *bringing my arm to my chest and disembarking from the ship, to return to all gathered*

      (12/02/23-[20:16:20] )

      Scagnar's Skald
      Isle Trainer
      Isle of Scagnar

      at the docks

      says to Ulrika StonegateCompanio: Having always admired your skadlic prowess, I couldnt help myself and solidly clapped my right fist to my left shoulder.

      (12/02/23-[20:16:23] )

      Thorarin Bloodaxe
      Isle of Scagnar

      at the docks

      says to Ulrika StonegateCompanio: can't help but grin as Ulricka and Yvonne present their gifts

      (12/02/23-[20:16:41] )

      Ulrika Stonegate
      Companion of Mahaz
      Caste of Singers | Minus, POD | MPG

      at the docks

      says to Everyone: *Aware of the arrival of another, I looked about and smiled, remembering how the wily man was*

      When the Kur attacked, Ragnar got in its way
      Took out his axe and said it was time to play.
      Tag-teaming with Kyros and Charles
      They taught that Kur what for
      And brought it down, ere it could fight some more

      Peace of the Thing. Raging Kur.
      Kur, don’t bother coming back now, y’hear

      *Then, the song over, stepped back to my Companion*

    6. Tue Dec 05 17:23 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
      honeycake said:
      (12/02/23-[19:50:17] )

      Thorarin Bloodaxe
      Isle of Scagnar

      at the docks

      says to Everyone:
      o, there do I see the line of my people, Back to the beginning!

      (12/02/23-[19:50:19] )
      Taryn Iona
      Taryn Iona
      Retired Healer

      at the docks

      says to Everyone: Lo, there do I see my father.
      Lo, there do I see my mother, and my sisters, and my brothers.

      (12/02/23-[19:50:35] )

      Matron (Retired)
      Chat Whisper Tuchuks
      says to Everyone: o, there do I see the line of my people, Back to the beginning!

      (12/02/23-[19:50:37] )

      honey cake {Svein}
      ...his instrument...
      ..Isle of Scagnar..

      at the docks

      says to Everyone: o, there do I see the line of my people, Back to the beginning!

      (12/02/23-[19:50:40] )

      Ulrika Stonegate
      Companion of Mahaz
      Caste of Singers | Minus, POD | MPG

      at the docks

      says to Everyone: *Calls out* Lo, there do I see the line of my people, Back to the beginning!

      (12/02/23-[19:50:46] )

      Scagnar's Skald
      Isle Trainer
      Isle of Scagnar

      at the docks

      says to Everyone: o, there do I see the line of my people, Back to the beginning!

      (12/02/23-[19:50:47] ) Sojourn Mijurai benazir

      Sojourn benazir
      jusqu'à ce que la mort nous sépare
      says to Everyone: o, there do I see the line of my people, Back to the beginning!

      (12/02/23-[19:50:50] )
      .The Entropic Illusion.
      Mahaz Mahad Djinn
      Companion of Ulrika
      Minus POD

      at the docks

      says to Everyone: Lo there do I see my mother my sisters and my brothers

      (12/02/23-[19:50:55] )

      samantha {LYv}
      ~Mistress' slice of pie~
      Chat Whisper Tuchuks
      says to Everyone: o, there do I see the line of my people, Back to the beginning!

      (12/02/23-[19:50:59] )

      says to Everyone: soft melodic voice rising ...o, there do I see the line of my people, Back to the beginning!

      (12/02/23-[19:51:17] )
      Taryn Iona
      Taryn Iona
      Retired Healer

      at the docks

      says to Everyone: o' there do I see the line of my people. Back to the beginning!

      (12/02/23-[19:51:22] )

      .r u n a.
      | Property of the Isle of Scagnar |
      | bondmaid |

      at the docks

      says to spiorad{*RgR*}: gently squeezes your hand ' o, there do I see the line of my people, Back to the beginning!

      (12/02/23-[19:51:24] )

      Thorarin Bloodaxe
      Isle of Scagnar

      at the docks

      says to Everyone: ((I'm sorry.))

      Lo, there do I see the line of my people, Back to the beginning!

      (12/02/23-[19:52:00] )

      Thorarin Bloodaxe
      Isle of Scagnar

      at the docks

      says to Everyone: ((This is tough for me.))

      (12/02/23-[19:52:17] )

      says to .r u n a.| Property of t: smiles at you as you squeeze my hand and hips bumps you as we sing

      (12/02/23-[19:52:24] )
      --Zearia {Svein}--
      ||You, alone, are responsible..||
      ||...of your fate...||
      |- Isle of Scagnar-|

      at the docks

      says to Everyone: there do i see the line of my people, bck to the beginning

      (12/02/23-[19:52:27] )

      Ulrika Stonegate
      Companion of Mahaz
      Caste of Singers | Minus, POD | MPG

      at the docks

      says to Everyone: *As we took part in the leave-taking, I held my sons, the better for them to learn*

      (12/02/23-[19:52:39] )

      Matron (Retired)
      Chat Whisper Tuchuks
      says to Everyone: Lo, there do I see the line of my people, Back to the beginning!

      (12/02/23-[19:52:47] )
      Taryn Iona
      Taryn Iona
      Retired Healer

      at the docks

      says to Everyone: Lo, there do I see the line of my people. Back to the beginning!

      (12/02/23-[19:52:57] )

      samantha {LYv}
      ~Mistress' slice of pie~
      Chat Whisper Tuchuks
      says to Everyone: Lo, there do I see the line of my people, Back to the beginning!

      (12/02/23-[19:53:29] )

      N I L E S

      at the docks

      says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: (understandable, youre doing very well and thank you for this)

      (12/02/23-[19:53:33] )

      says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: smiles as You do my Jarl justice , knowing how fond He was of You....Lo, there do I see the line of my people, Back to the beginning!

      (12/02/23-[19:53:44] )
      Taryn Iona
      Taryn Iona
      Retired Healer

      at the docks

      says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: (you realize he's watching and guffawing as you mess up... take your time, don't give him ammo for further jokes for when you meet up with him again. )

      (12/02/23-[19:58:08] ) Sojourn Mijurai benazir

      Sojourn benazir
      jusqu'à ce que la mort nous sépare
      says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: you did well old friend

    [End of Transfer]

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