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  • Sun Mar 06 07:40 CopyLink * - Subject: Blooper
    honeycake said:
    (03/05/22 : 20:19:19)
    The Salt Man Cometh

    Svein Thornson
    Harbor Master, Salt Merchant
    Brevet Captain
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==among the stalls in the open markets of the Village==
    says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: I chuckled as I heard you and smirked. "So do I... she used to tease me about seeing her ankles... Never would show, but would tease me with them.. Now I get to see them often, and what nice ankles they are." I chuckled and shifted my eyes to look you over slowly and smirked. I began to slowly walk around you and brushed a fingertip along the back of your neck. I used it to draw your hair up and to the side and then slowly tied a knot in it and let that drape off your left shoulder.

    Responses follow...

    [End of Transfer]

  • Sun Mar 06 19:22 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
    Thorarin said:
    After I BRAGGED about not missing a pd!! LOL

  • Sun Mar 06 15:19 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
    helga{TBx} said:
    Hahahahahahahahahahahhahahhaha! That is hilarious!
    I think that is my new favourite blooper of all time. (But again, not that there is anything wrong with that!)

    Maybe we need a new pulldown. Roman bath section for the men LOL

    ☆ (03/05/22 : 21:28:59)
    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==among the stalls in the open markets of the Village==
    says to The Salt Man ComethSvein: grins and releases your nipples

    She is healthy. They last test is in a man's furs. grins I return your property to .... ummmm.... test.