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  • Fri Oct 20 20:17 CopyLink * - Subject: Paying my respects to Ragnar and his kinsfolk.
    helga{TBx} said:
    10/17/23 : 18:59:08) [PIC]

    Scagnar's Skald
    Isle Trainer
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==at Drekalanda, the Steading of Ragnar on the south shore of North Lake==
    says to ALL: I wasn't the only one who had felt compelled to be here. Many of the Isle had come, arms laden with food and flowers for the Mistress Nightstorm and the boys. We came to help at this difficult time and to show our respects to the great man.

    ☆ (10/17/23 : 19:17:33) [PIC]

    Scagnar's Skald
    Isle Trainer
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==at Drekalanda, the Steading of Ragnar on the south shore of North Lake==
    says to ALL: Now that the colder weather was upon us, it had been hard to find as many flowers as I would have liked. What remained blooming in my and nyr's garden had been collected and along the way, I had requested the wagon be halted while I gathered up the wildflowers sighted in the hills as we travelled.

    I had remained in the tray of the wagon, slender fingers deftly entwining the stems that were long enough, twisting and tying them until an impressive wreath had been created. But completing the task had brought me no joy or sense of fulfillment. There was still that sadness and emptiness that the knowledge that any hope of seeing him again was now fully extinguished.

    ☆ (10/17/23 : 19:23:29) [PIC]

    Scagnar's Skald
    Isle Trainer
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==at Drekalanda, the Steading of Ragnar on the south shore of North Lake==
    says to ALL: Sometimes the Disr would speak to me...I would keep my ears and heart open for such. . Perhaps some words I might put in verse for him. The wreath was cradled with care upon my lap as I cast my gaze over the baskets of food also in the wagon. Cloths covered the goodies within, substantive fare cooked by my chain sisters and myself. The aroma wafted gently around me and yet, not a single pang of hunger was felt. But I hoped it might bring some comfort to the Mistress and their sons. If nothing else, it would let them know they were in the thoughts of others.

    ☆ (10/17/23 : 19:29:59) [PIC]

    Scagnar's Skald
    Isle Trainer
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==at Drekalanda, the Steading of Ragnar on the south shore of North Lake==
    says to ALL: Young Jarl Donar was the first to greet us and I smiled to see what a strong and handsome boy he had grown into. Much like his father and his namesake. "Tal Helga" It was offered with a feeble smile and my heart went out to him. Somehow the traditional bringing of food baskets and flowers seemed to be .....not enough. I wanted to do say the right thing....but all I could manage was a "I am so sorry for your loss" It all seemed so little, redundant even in light of the enormity of his loss. "Your father was loved and admired. He will remembered always" Even the addition of those extra words seemed so little but he smiled back at me and came to me..I knew what he wanted and my arms went around him, bringing him some of the comfort he would be in need of right now.

    ☆ (10/17/23 : 19:35:01) [PIC]

    Scagnar's Skald
    Isle Trainer
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==at Drekalanda, the Steading of Ragnar on the south shore of North Lake==
    says to ALL: I watched him go inside with my Jarl's men, carrying the gifts. But I would remain outside. Inside the Mistress would be there, she would know we had cooked for her. That for now would be enough. I wouldn't intrude upon her at her time of grief. It seemed inappropriate for a slave to do so. She wouldn't be alone, she would have her family and friends with her for support.

    I began to wander around his steading, looking over the field he had tended and then visiting the bosk that he was so proud of and attached to. I knew it was a Tuchuk thing. My right hand was run gently over the lumpy backs of the beasts and I spoke to them softly, cooing words of comfort. Whoever thought I would speak so to one of these red eyed, rather unattractive creatures?

    ☆ (10/17/23 : 19:54:47) [PIC]

    Scagnar's Skald
    Isle Trainer
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==at Drekalanda, the Steading of Ragnar on the south shore of North Lake==
    says to ALL: Walking further around his land I felt a flicker of a shadow fall upon me and I looked up, shielding eyes of blue from the light of Tor Gor and....smiled. It was Stryker, the herlit gifted me by Ragnar. I had wondered where he had gone. Once of age, he had taken a mate in the mountains and rarely came into the village. I could of course have kept him hobbled, he was domesticated and tame enough to do that. But....his spirit was that of a wild creature, untamed and longing for the frequent freedom of flight. How could I deny him that? Or the time with his mate for that matter.

    As I had done so many times before, I held my arm out before me and waited.

    He didn't disappoint. Without hesitation, he circled down to land upon my outstretched arm, gently curling his talons around it. I was grateful for the care he took, I no longer carried with me the leather arm brace for his perch and if he wanted to, he could easily shred my soft flesh with his wicked claws.

    ☆ (10/17/23 : 20:03:33) [PIC]

    Scagnar's Skald
    Isle Trainer
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==at Drekalanda, the Steading of Ragnar on the south shore of North Lake==
    says to ALL: He stayed there maybe a few ehn, but the weight of him was becoming unbearable. No longer the small bird I had raised, he was now huge and heavy! But I had managed to stroke him lovingly before once again he took off in flight, as if he and sensed the discomfort his size was giving me.

    But... he remained with me, landing softly to walk behind me just as he had done when I was free....I guessed it mattered not to a bird whether I wore a collar or not.

    As always, his unwieldly gait made me laugh. How was it that such a creature could be so majestic looking soaring smoothly through the skies and yet look so awkward here on the ground. I turned slowly and lowered myself to a crouch so we were eye to eye. Which really didn't require much of a crouch, he had grown so tall.
    "Fly, Stryker. Soar high with your mate. I will look for you" And then....he did exactly that. Taking to flight he rose higher and higher, looking glorious with his wings outstretched and the glow of the sun shining upon his beautiful feathers.

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    1. Sat Nov 04 23:20 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
      nýr{JtR} said:
      Smiling so brightly at this

    2. Sat Oct 21 11:45 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
      shay leah{TBx} said:
      So beautiful.

    3. Fri Oct 20 21:07 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
      Thorarin said:

    [End of Transfer]

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