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  • Sat Jun 17 17:41 CopyLink * - Subject: Ragnar's Revenge
    helga{TBx} said:
    (06/17/23 : 18:05:35) [PIC]
    Scagnar's Skald
    Isle Trainer
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==at Drekalanda, the Steading of Ragnar on the south shore of North Lake==
    says to ALL: Nyr's garden was already in full bloom. Mine was still in its early stages, it would be some time before the plants flower. But I knew she wouldn't mind that I had plucked some of them to make his bouquet. It was a handsome arrangement, talendars and flamininiums. None of the pretty, pastel blooms had been chosen, I thought the vibrant red and yellow were more suitable for a male. Along the way I had come across some taldendars growing wildly in the hills and I had added them to the bunch, keeping them all together with the string tied around the stalks.

    I had considered some vulo soup too, but I was sure that between Mistress Nightstorm and Spi, he would already be well catered for in that regard.

    ☆ (06/17/23 : 18:11:37) [PIC]
    Scagnar's Skald
    Isle Trainer
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==at Drekalanda, the Steading of Ragnar on the south shore of North Lake==
    says to ALL: I could see the boys playing with their wooden swords, looking every bit as handsome and strong as their father. My right arm lifted in a wave to them and the smile that swept across soft lips was warm and genuine. "Tal helga!" They all called to me, the older boys coming over to ask about Gersemi and Thorbjorn.....but mostly about Gersemi. I had to hold back my laughter. Donar hovered in the background, he was interested in listening to his brothers but didn't join in. He was still yet to meet the other children. Soon he would be starting school with Mistress Ri. He would meet them all the other Isle children then.

    ☆ (06/17/23 : 18:22:40) [PIC]
    Scagnar's Skald
    Isle Trainer
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==at Drekalanda, the Steading of Ragnar on the south shore of North Lake==
    says to ALL: I learned their father had taken himself off early again, in search of those wretched kurii. I knew of the struggles with his health as a result of past injuries incurred from the beasts and yet....he was still determined to find and kill all the creatures responsible for the kidnapping of the children. A frown of concern marred my brow but I knew a slave had no right to protest against the folly of, it would serve no purpose anyway. He was as stubborn as a bosk bull and would do what he wanted, regardless of the fears of women.

    A smile of tenderness upon my lips and my eyes full of softness as I crouched down so I could look eye to eye with Donar.....holding the flowers out for his taking. "Please, give these to your father when he returns and let him know those from the village....and all the Isle for that matter hold the great man in their thoughts and continue to make sacrifices for him. I hope to serve him in the hall again soon"

    ☆ (06/17/23 : 18:29:16) [PIC]
    Scagnar's Skald
    Isle Trainer
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==at Drekalanda, the Steading of Ragnar on the south shore of North Lake==
    says to ALL: Young Donar accepted the flowers from me and held them to his nose, smiling at the exotic scent. His brothers commented upon how lovely they were and I thought nothing odd of this; Gorean men enjoyed the beauty of nature and had been known to take time to stop and enjoy the simple beauty of a flower growing. Skalds sang about them, warriors stooped to smell them on their way to battle. Perhaps a Torvaldslander man, turned Tuchuk would also find delight in them.

    ☆ (06/17/23 : 18:37:24) [PIC]
    Scagnar's Skald
    Isle Trainer
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==at Drekalanda, the Steading of Ragnar on the south shore of North Lake==
    says to ALL: With waves of farewell and promises to say hello to Gersemi and Thorbjorn, I turned and left his steading, smiling as I thought of the Jarl slashing his sword and wielding his axe, felling those wretched furry scourge. Vengeance for their audacious act of attempting to instill fear in his and the Isle's children.

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    1. Sun Jul 02 20:44 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
      shay leah{TBx} said:
      Beautiful my sister.

    2. Fri Jun 30 17:33 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
      Jonas the Red said:
      That's OK sweetie. We all know who owns you.
      But I still might take it out on your flesh *grins*

    3. Tue Jun 27 03:19 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
      helga{JtR} said:
      My Jarl, please accept my sincere apologies. The initials TBx in parenthesis was an autofill from my previous posts. I didn't notice it when I made the post. I meant no disrespect to you or Jarl Thor.

    [End of Transfer]

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