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  • Mon Apr 08 16:15 CopyLink * - Subject: When slaves don't pay attention.
    helga{JtR} said:
    Mending the clothes with honeycake

    (04/07/24 : 17:53:22)
    honey cake {Svein}
    ...his instrument...
    ..Isle of Scagnar..

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: I was sitting on my pink cushion with the basket of mending next to me, my mind was running with mischief, these clothes belonging to Frees without bonds

    ☆ (04/07/24 : 17:57:08) [PIC]

    Scagnar's Skald
    Isle Trainer
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==in the hills overlooking the village==
    says to honey cake {Svein}...Bon: I had managed to hitch a ride into town with one of my Jarl's men. Approaching the hall, I asked if I could be let off there. He said "Sure! but I ain't stopping" Groaning, I knew it would have to be a leap of faith made from where I sat beside him upon the bench. I hoped he would at least slow down. But alas, that was wishful thinking and so it was from a wagon moving at full speed that I leapt from, landing upon the grass in a superhero pose.
    "Pretty nifty if I do say so myself"

    ☆ (04/07/24 : 17:58:13) [PIC]

    Scagnar's Skald
    Isle Trainer
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to honey cake {Svein}...Bon: Smoothing my kirtle and hair, I pulled myself up to my full height and strode forth toward the hall....entering the lofty structure to see who might be about this day. "Heeeellloooooooo?"

    (04/07/24 : 17:59:34)
    honey cake {Svein}
    ...his instrument...
    ..Isle of Scagnar..

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: Nimble fingers deftly holding the needle and thread a Jarl's trousers resting upon my lap, slowly mending but a noise that could only be helga made me look away "helloooooooooooo bestie of mine" giving you a playful wink, it was than i would look down and just groan, but thinking would he even notice

    ☆ (04/07/24 : 18:01:27) [PIC]

    Scagnar's Skald
    Isle Trainer
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to honey cake {Svein}...Bon: "Hey honeycake!" bounding toward you with youthful energy and a bond-maids vivacity. "Whatcha up to?"

    (04/07/24 : 18:02:54)
    honey cake {Svein}
    ...his instrument...
    ..Isle of Scagnar..

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: leaning over and whispering in your ear while showing you these trousers i was mending, "when I wasnt paying attention i sewed his pocket shut" showing you how he wouldnt be able to put anything in the pockets, "you think he will notice?"

    ☆ (04/07/24 : 18:04:51) [PIC]

    Scagnar's Skald
    Isle Trainer
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to honey cake {Svein}...Bon: "I've never seen a pocket before! Maybe he got some fancy duds from Ar" tapping my chin as I pondered your question. "Ummmm.....he MIGHT notice" Grimacing as I thought of him beating you. "Who owns those pants?"

    (04/07/24 : 18:06:17)
    honey cake {Svein}
    ...his instrument...
    ..Isle of Scagnar..

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: shrugging my shoulders as you asked, "no clue, they were in the basket of things needing mending" pondering my situation while licking at soft lips, "i got it, i will sew the other shut, perhaps he will think they are made to be like such?"

    ☆ (04/07/24 : 18:09:25) [PIC]

    Scagnar's Skald
    Isle Trainer
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to honey cake {Svein}...Bon: "Ooooh, that might work! Good idea honeycake. He won't notice at all!" Even as I said the words with conviction, a slight scepticism of the wisdom of this crept into my head

    (04/07/24 : 18:11:07)
    honey cake {Svein}
    ...his instrument...
    ..Isle of Scagnar..

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: clapping those delicate hands of mine, "sometimes i have great ideas" laughter escaping as i toss a tunic towards you, "help a girl out here please" giving you a lopsided grin, "the mending basket has been full for a couple of hands"

    ☆ (04/07/24 : 18:14:12) [PIC]

    Scagnar's Skald
    Isle Trainer
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to honey cake {Svein}...Bon: Laughing as I caught the tossed tunic and responding with a grin "Sure! I always enjoyed sewing, it was a way to relax whilst doing a chore, much like fishing was.
    A fold of long slender legs took me to kneel beside you, where I could reach into the sewing basket and pull out a needle.

    (04/07/24 : 18:17:15)
    honey cake {Svein}
    ...his instrument...
    ..Isle of Scagnar..

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: I was glad you were helping but i had no doubt that you would, starting to sew the other pocket closed hoping whoever owned this funny trousers would not notice, "you think these trousers belong to a visiting Jarl? i mean they are a bit different than the norm? you were looking quite ravishing today, almost flushed wondering what you were up to before arriving,

    "So how is that sexy Jarl of yours?"

    ☆ (04/07/24 : 18:20:36) [PIC]

    Scagnar's Skald
    Isle Trainer
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to honey cake {Svein}...Bon: Although I had spent my formative years as a free person, my mother had still ensured I was adept in the art of needlework. Two reasons....the first was that it was part of the slave lessons even free females received. The second was that I was a northerner and many of the winter days in the north were spent in sewing circles. Some of my fondest memories involved making tapestries with my mother and her friends.

    "I don't know honeycake....but I’m beginning to think maybe we should find out....I mean, what if he is a cranky Jarl!!??"

    Threading the bone needle with tarsk twine, I pushed it through the rough fabric of the garment and smiled as you asked your question.
    "He is well! He took me fishing at the lake last hand"

    (04/07/24 : 18:24:32)
    honey cake {Svein}
    ...his instrument...
    ..Isle of Scagnar..

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: Lips form a perfect patented sapphire O as i heard you went fishing "did you have any luck? i mean catching fish not the get lucky with your Jarl kind of luck" i could not help but laugh after the words were spoken

    "well if he is a cranky Jarl we just let him use pudding for a bit" grinning as i fold up his trousers and take a free womans kirtle, "i better not mess this up"

    ☆ (04/07/24 : 18:27:54) [PIC]

    Scagnar's Skald
    Isle Trainer
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to honey cake {Svein}...Bon: "I did catch one and he was THIS big" Putting down my sewing to hold my hands about twenty horts apart “But he got away" From the corner of the hall, a sceptical "Hooooow big?" was called. I ignored it and picked up my sewing again. "On
    “Oh my GODS, no! Don’t mess that one up, she'll tan your hide. We both know how precious a free lady's wardrobe is to her" thinking about your pudding comment..."Pudding has been found?"

    (04/07/24 : 18:31:19)
    honey cake {Svein}
    ...his instrument...
    ..Isle of Scagnar..

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: Eyes darting to where the comments came, "always one from the peanut gallery" than replied "as big as ten hard cocks" laughing, looking at the kirtle, "could you imagine if this would have been Mistress Avi kirtle and I messed it up?

    "you didnt hear, pudding was up at various camps up in the mountain" pausing for a moment, "they couldn't deal with her wanting to fuck all day long, so they sent her packing down to the village, she been at the tavern day and night, or at the docks"

    ☆ (04/07/24 : 18:35:52) [PIC]

    Scagnar's Skald
    Isle Trainer
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to honey cake {Svein}...Bon: "No" Laughing "Not THAT big! Unless they were southern cocks" laughing some more. "Well, not that I have actually ever HAD or seen a southern cock, but I have heard the rumours"

    Picking up a free woman kirtle and starting to work on it. "If you or I messed these up, we would have to head for the hills and hide!"

    I had the scissors out and was snipping at the end of the thread when you spoke of pudding "Wait? What??? She's back! Oh wow" the shock of it caused a loss of concentration which resulted in my me snipping at the skirt and leaving a large cut in it "Oops!"

    (04/07/24 : 18:39:08)
    honey cake {Svein}
    ...his instrument...
    ..Isle of Scagnar..

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: I heard you and my eyes quickly went to the kirtle, ignoring the comments about the southern cocks because this was much much worse, placing the kirtle i was about to start on to the side,

    oooo by Odins sake, we need to fix this? fingers going to this cut, "you think we can cut it up to use as rags? you think the Mistress would miss it?

    ☆ (04/07/24 : 18:42:28) [PIC]

    Scagnar's Skald
    Isle Trainer
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to honey cake {Svein}...Bon: "I don't know" whispering it because I was terrified. "What if it's Mistress Fallon's? She will skin me alive. I hope it is Mistress Ri's....she wouldn't beat me...I think.
    "It's nice fabric...expensive...Oh! I know...what if we cut the bit where the tear is by taking up the hem? She might think it shrunk in the wash! And the free men would get pleasure out of seeing her your Jarl used to with you"

    (04/07/24 : 18:44:48)
    honey cake {Svein}
    ...his instrument...
    ..Isle of Scagnar..

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: laughing as i heard you speak of my Jarl, "he was such a bug about my ankles, a pesty like brother i thought" listening to your words, "perfect, yes lift the hem, shrinkage perfect"

    My Jarl still teases me about my ankles from when I was free, but now i show them off proudly, along with other things to him"

    ☆ (04/07/24 : 18:49:03) [PIC]

    Scagnar's Skald
    Isle Trainer
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to honey cake {Svein}...Bon: Mumbling under my breath "Pretty incestuous thoughts if it was a brotherly thing" recalling the lusty way he would ogle you. "How is your Jarl?" Smiling as I thought of the man who had once been a childhood friend.

    Feeling emboldened by you, I began to bravely attack the skirt with the scissors, cutting a neat line around it, raising the hemline above my previous cut. "I hope she doesn't come in!" Casting a furtive look toward the door.

    (04/07/24 : 18:53:00)
    honey cake {Svein}
    ...his instrument...
    ..Isle of Scagnar..

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: A soft smile would cross my lips as you speak of my Jarl, "he is doing well, his salt business is keeping him away longer than usual, but he keeps in touch so i know he stills breathes" eyes just go in thought for a moment, "perhaps i can have a good start on the garden by the time he returns"

    leaning over and giving you a kiss on the cheek, "i need to scoot and start dinner for myself, he will throttle me if i don't eat"

    ☆ (04/07/24 : 18:55:32) [PIC]

    Scagnar's Skald
    Isle Trainer
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to honey cake {Svein}...Bon: Taking my bottom lip beneath white teeth and furrowing my brow in deep concentration, I began to stich up the hem...making sure it was just a small one so as not to make it any shorter than I already had. The stitches were neat, tiny and barely visible, just as they should be. "She will never know! Just as the Jarl will never know about the pockets"

    Smiling as you kiss me and leaning in to kiss your cheek in return. "Serve him well, my pretty friend"

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