Torvaldlander's Message Board...(torvald)

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  • Thu Feb 29 04:48 CopyLink * - Subject: The new saga board
    helga {JtR} said:
    The transferring of information is going well.

    Someone in particular needs a mention. Now, while she is not alone in doing the transferring and I thank Zearia also (who I know, like myself would do more if RT allowed), I wanted to point out that at this time, honey cake has transferred over a massive 2967 posts (180.7 per day)

    That's 93.27% of the total forum posts transferred to date. This includes the training and chores of other bond-maids, so if she has done this for you, please ensure you thank her for her time. She has also done it post by post, very neat, much more so than my system of copying an entire page of threads and posting it over!

    This has meant we are on our way to meeting the deadline to have all valid posts transferred by the 14th March. And to be honest, I was really worried about how we would be able to achieve this when we first embarked upon this project.

    There is still more to do, so if you can, please pitch in too.

    Thank you honey cake and Zearia, you bring pride to your home and owner. Thank you also to Mistress Neytiri for your help it is very much appreciated :)
    And as always, thank you to Ruby for all your hard work setting up the board and for continuing to help with the upkeep of this valuable board.

    Post your response below, or scroll down to read what others have said...

    The Isle of Scagnar

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    Sagas of the Isle of Scagnar

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    The Message Board of the Torvaldslanders of The Isle of Scagnar and Inlet of Green Cliffs
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    1. Fri Mar 01 18:56 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
      honeycake said:
      Hey z rt always comes first, any help, all help is appreciated

    2. Fri Mar 01 18:00 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
      zearia-Sveins- said:
      I wish i could have done a bit more but due to some r/t issues with my roatour for a bit and then a medical situation I have had a couple multi day absences.

      I think everyone that hs helped get stuff over is amazing and i am just glad I was able to help in some way

    3. Thu Feb 29 08:49 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
      Visitor said:
      Thank you to all who have been involved in this mission. sometimes Hero's don't wear capes, they wear collars... even if those things make me break out in hives. *wink*

      Rianna's Typist

    [End of Transfer]

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