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  • Sun Dec 31 15:41 CopyLink * - Subject: From the archives
    helga {JtR} said:

    ☆ (12/31/23 : 16:39:18) [PIC]

    Scagnar's Skald
    Isle Trainer
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==on the road between the docks and the Great Hall==
    says to ALL: Crouching behind the wall, I sang to myself, I created some more balls, I pulled at some wayward threads on my kirtle, I twiddled my thumbs....until eventually I grew bored with waiting for an unsuspecting bond to walk past. Besides, I was freezing my arse off here. Slowly, I pulled myself up to a standing position and drew my fur cloak tighter around myself in the hopes this action might quell the shiver that was assaulting my slight frame. The fur lining of the boots encasing small feet kept them warm and prevented me from slipping on the ice like surface of the compacted snow upon the path. Really, someone should shovel this. Of course, I failed to acknowledge that as a bond of the High Jarl, that someone should probably be me...

    It was a slow stroll I made, enabling me to listen to the conversations of the Isle citizens that I passed. Some of the talk was of the missing free woman and her possible whereabouts. I heard talk of possible scouting missions, especially by the men who had caught sight of the beautiful Mistress when she had arrived here

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