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  • Sat Nov 18 17:12 CopyLink * - Subject: *
    helga {JtR} said:

    Scagnar's Skald
    Isle Trainer
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==at the shipyards==
    says to Jonas the Redd High Jarl: Oh no! A font size 4 slap! The worst kind. The pain! The pain! And yet, even as the ache of your massive blow throbbed, I was aware yet again of my burgeoning need. The sweet nectar of my desire seeped from me, moistening my inner thighs. The scent of slave heat rose around us. I was made acutely aware of the power you held over me and the right you had to treat me as you saw fit. The stirrings of understanding your ownership over me began to warm my stomach and again I answered. "Please my more beating"

    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==at the shipyards==
    says to ALL: laughing rt

    Scagnar's Skald
    Isle Trainer
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==at the shipyards==
    says to --|Twitch|----Zearia {Sv: "Thanks....friend" Looking at you from my upside down position. Devising ways to get at you for this...

    --Zearia {Svein}--
    ||You, alone, are responsible..||
    ||...for your fate...||
    |- Isle of Scagnar-|

    ==at the shipyards==
    says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: --is betting you are just soooooo proud of me for sticking up for you being a tougher then a silkie-

    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==at the shipyards==
    says to ALL: ((Font size 4 slaps are the WORST my bond maids tell me. LOL))

    Jonas the Red
    High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

    ==at the shipyards==
    says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: I think that may show you how I respond to secrets being kept from me.... you can use this as a reminder for next time, Zee won't have enough fingers 'n toes to count the slaps.. ... *Drops my palm to smooth over each butt cheek... I may take out further punishment in the furs later... for now. this will suffice...... then lowers my knees until your feet hit the ground and allow you to stand.....

    Now then, show Jarl Thorarin your newly acquired marks......

    Jonas the Red
    High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

    ==at the shipyards==
    says to --|Twitch|----Zearia {Sv: You enjoyed that, didn't you little slut?

    --Zearia {Svein}--
    ||You, alone, are responsible..||
    ||...for your fate...||
    |- Isle of Scagnar-|

    ==at the shipyards==
    says to ALL: doesnt even have the ability to conceal the lustful look of .... could it be actual envy that she was stifling??.... and then you downright ask her and she starts that fidgeting with her tiny feet and her body even starts to flush lightly as she squeaks...

    ummm... of course Jarl.. who wouldn't enjoy the site of helga's gorgeous ass wriggling for you

    Scagnar's Skald
    Isle Trainer
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==at the shipyards==
    says to Jonas the Redd High Jarl: "Oh" A little awkwardly, I rolled from you, but with your assistance, I managed to land upon my feet. Tears stung my eyes, even as the desire continued to flow though me. What a tumultuous juxtaposition of emotions. It was something only a slave girl could understand...or enjoy.

    Jonas the Red
    High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

    ==at the shipyards==
    says to --|Twitch|----Zearia {Sv: Chuckles and looks to Thorarin for his response

    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==at the shipyards==
    says to --|Twitch|----Zearia {Sv: laughing rt

    Jonas the Red
    High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

    ==at the shipyards==
    says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: Keep your skirt off, I want everyone to admire your newly acquired marks.....

    Scagnar's Skald
    Isle Trainer
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==at the shipyards==
    says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: Still naked, I moved toward you, looking up at you with a lift of blue eyes before slowly turning and bending over, showing you the red marks upon a beautiful shaped back side. "This is who you sold me to!"

    Jonas the Red
    High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

    ==at the shipyards==
    says to --|Twitch|----Zearia {Sv: Aye,,,, n you be such a creature o virtue as well..*Coughs*

    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==at the shipyards==
    says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: looks over the handprints

    Did I own you?? laughing

    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==at the shipyards==
    says to Jonas the Redd High Jarl: Well done Jarl! grins

    Jonas the Red
    High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

    ==at the shipyards==
    says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: been a while since I have done that.. now if we only find that FW.....

    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==at the shipyards==
    says to Jonas the Redd High Jarl: I think the other girl could use some handprints on her ass too. grins As long as you're in a spanking mood....

    --Zearia {Svein}--
    ||You, alone, are responsible..||
    ||...for your fate...||
    |- Isle of Scagnar-|

    ==at the shipyards==
    says to Jonas the Redd High Jarl: -ALMOST chokes hearing you call her a creature of virtue... but.. plays along as she bats those long lashes at you ever so coyly.... and keeps all her thoughts to herself of course.... as her mind races away thinking of that hand... or the feels of a belt or god forbid other things on her flesh.. but keeps those eyes batting and softly says...

    but why of course Jarl.... Helga even told me if my Jarl not come by soon I be considered a virgin all over again..

    and just beams up at you angelically

    Scagnar's Skald
    Isle Trainer
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==at the shipyards==
    says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: "Once Jarl...but it was a long time ago, just a fleeting memory now" Drawing myself up to a stand again, I headed back toward my owner, scooping up my kirtle and cloak on the way.

    Jonas the Red
    High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

    ==at the shipyards==
    says to --|Twitch|----Zearia {Sv: What!! *Coughs and splutters*

    --Zearia {Svein}--
    ||You, alone, are responsible..||
    ||...for your fate...||
    |- Isle of Scagnar-|

    ==at the shipyards==
    says to Jonas the Redd High Jarl: -nods sagely-... u huh.... she did... she did......

    Jonas the Red
    High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

    ==at the shipyards==
    says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: I think she speaks with a very forked tongue!!! *Roars laughing*

    --Zearia {Svein}--
    ||You, alone, are responsible..||
    ||...for your fate...||
    |- Isle of Scagnar-|

    ==at the shipyards==
    says to Jonas the Redd High Jarl: [[is seriously dying here between me being a spicey brat and helga and the thoughts of that hand coming down on my ass... lol... am totally dead .. and cant stop ;laughing]]]

    Scagnar's Skald
    Isle Trainer
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==at the shipyards==
    says to --|Twitch|----Zearia {Sv: "I don't remember saying that!" Laughing softly "You could never be a virgin again, you are waaaaay too far gone for that!"

    --Zearia {Svein}--
    ||You, alone, are responsible..||
    ||...for your fate...||
    |- Isle of Scagnar-|

    ==at the shipyards==
    says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: -huffs.... your jest old and forgetful silly.. of course it was you

    Scagnar's Skald
    Isle Trainer
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==at the shipyards==
    says to Jonas the Red High Jarl : "Zee is telling fibs Jarl!" Pointing to the little slut. The crowd around us began to chant "Whip her arse, whip her arse!"

    --Zearia {Svein}--
    ||You, alone, are responsible..||
    ||...for your fate...||
    |- Isle of Scagnar-|

    ==at the shipyards==
    says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: -hearing you .... gets her into losing the battle of a giggling fit coming on as she flips off the crowd because... well... that's just how she is

    Jonas the Red
    High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

    ==at the shipyards==
    says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: hey. I know she is .. How can I tell>? her lips be moving.....

    --Zearia {Svein}--
    ||You, alone, are responsible..||
    ||...for your fate...||
    |- Isle of Scagnar-|

    ==at the shipyards==
    says to ALL: -mutters hearing the Jarl lips move the best over hard cocks

    Scagnar's Skald
    Isle Trainer
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==at the shipyards==
    says to Jonas the Red High Jarl : Laughing again. "Isn't honesty always expected of a slave girl my Jarl?" Oh, I was really throwing her under the wagon now....but hey! She started it. Besides, I knew she would LOVE a good solid beating from you

    Jonas the Red
    High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

    ==at the shipyards==
    says to --|Twitch|----Zearia {Sv: Nought a truer word ever be spoken!!!

    --Zearia {Svein}--
    ||You, alone, are responsible..||
    ||...for your fate...||
    |- Isle of Scagnar-|

    ==at the shipyards==
    says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: she aint be lying... you said yourself she was fibbing.. fibbing aint lying... fibbing is just teasing and not serious kinda thing

    Jonas the Red
    High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

    ==at the shipyards==
    says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: I'll let her owner know first.. if he nought minds, I'll give her a good'un

    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==at the shipyards==
    says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: ROARING LAUGHTER as you huff off

    --Zearia {Svein}--
    ||You, alone, are responsible..||
    ||...for your fate...||
    |- Isle of Scagnar-|

    ==at the shipyards==
    says to Jonas the Redd High Jarl: -hears that and eyes widen a bit... she had only seen him like 5 times... she wasnt sure how he would respond... or .. if he would.... and... she pondered just how much trouble she had found herself in -

    Scagnar's Skald
    Isle Trainer
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==at the shipyards==
    says to --|Twitch|----Zearia {Sv: "Reeeeeaaaaaallly? In my books, a fib is a lie! You play with semantics. You told an untruth! Dishonesty is not very becoming in a slave girl" Shaking my head as if in disapproval as I tried hard to control the grin that was threatening to erupt.

    --Zearia {Svein}--
    ||You, alone, are responsible..||
    ||...for your fate...||
    |- Isle of Scagnar-|

    ==at the shipyards==
    says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: but helga..... haughty bitch ...., it was you.. yourself that declares consistently.. we are -NO- SLAVE GIRLS... WE ARE BONDMAIDS.... FIESTY AND STRONG ....

    Scagnar's Skald
    Isle Trainer
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==at the shipyards==
    says to --|Twitch|----Zearia {Sv: "Haughty bitch! Who are you calling haughty?" and with that, I lunged at you.

    --Zearia {Svein}--
    ||You, alone, are responsible..||
    ||...for your fate...||
    |- Isle of Scagnar-|

    ==at the shipyards==
    says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: [[it sooo not semantics.... its called looooopholes silly.... hands you a bondmaid handbook on .. you know... loopholes]]

    --Zearia {Svein}--
    ||You, alone, are responsible..||
    ||...for your fate...||
    |- Isle of Scagnar-|

    ==at the shipyards==
    says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: -swiftly sidesteps and slides behind your Jarl so as you lunge you hopefully won't be able to backtrack and crash into Him and not me

    Scagnar's Skald
    Isle Trainer
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==at the shipyards==
    says to --|Twitch|----Zearia {Sv: Oh, you were quick, I would give you that. I nearly face planted the docks, it was all I could do to keep myself from doing so. Spinning quickly around to face you....looking at you with distaste as you cowered behind my Jarl. "Come on, put em up!" Lifting my hands and forming fists as I started bouncing around you. "I once whupped Ruby's arse, I and do it again!"

    --Zearia {Svein}--
    ||You, alone, are responsible..||
    ||...for your fate...||
    |- Isle of Scagnar-|

    ==at the shipyards==
    says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: -she busted up laughing as she watched you bouncing about as she peered out from around your Jarl's other side with a grin..... "being small gots its advantages... yer right... I be quick.... but tooo tired tonight... tomorrow.. you.. me... naked.... I will whoop yer ass fer free!!

    Jonas the Red
    High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

    ==at the shipyards==
    says to ALL: Come little beasts, tomorrow is the day it is....*snorts* if anyone is too hurt not to fur, there will be repercussions!!

    --Zearia {Svein}--
    ||You, alone, are responsible..||
    ||...for your fate...||
    |- Isle of Scagnar-|

    ==at the shipyards==
    says to Jonas the Red High Jarl : -snorts and mutters-... could be half dead .... comatose.... and my legs still would instantly part and be all glistening with my juices body begging to be fucked

    Jonas the Red
    High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

    ==at the shipyards==
    says to --|Twitch|----Zearia {Sv: We'll talk tomorrow.. in the mean time.. get yourself prepared.. for battle..*Coughs*

    Jonas the Red
    High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

    ==at the shipyards==
    says to --|Twitch|----Zearia {Sv: I have nought any doubt those legs always ready to spread. heh.. same as helga's

    --Zearia {Svein}--
    ||You, alone, are responsible..||
    ||...for your fate...||
    |- Isle of Scagnar-|

    ==at the shipyards==
    says to Jonas the Red High Jarl : -just grins..... knows she will be well oiled for the battle.. all the better to avoid being held onto

    Scagnar's Skald
    Isle Trainer
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==at the shipyards==
    says to --|Twitch|----Zearia {Sv: It's a date! Don't be late. I'm a gonna rip you apart!" It was said with a violent fierceness before I lowered my voice and added softly "But only a little bit because I don't want to upset your Jarl by marking his property" nods gently

    Jonas the Red
    High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

    ==at the shipyards==
    says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: be oiled 'n ready as well.. heh

    --Zearia {Svein}--
    ||You, alone, are responsible..||
    ||...for your fate...||
    |- Isle of Scagnar-|

    ==at the shipyards==
    says to Jonas the Red High Jarl : of course JarL.... .. legs spread.. or mouth wide open... or fingers caressing.... ass wriggling... fuck... yer gunna make me have interesting dreams tonight JarL

    Scagnar's Skald
    Isle Trainer
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==at the shipyards==
    says to Jonas the Red High Jarl : "yes my Jarl!" I fell into a heel behind you and all the way home I was practicing with my fists, punching the air in front of me.

    Jonas the Red
    High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

    ==at the shipyards==
    says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: Picks you up and marches off towards my lodge....

    Now for your punishment.....

    Post your response below...

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    Sagas of the Isle of Scagnar

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