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  • Sat Dec 30 12:03 CopyLink * - Subject: Lost in the mountains for new years
    Askatla said:

    (12/30/23 : 12:19:25)

    : ~lost in the hills~
    (12/30/23 : 12:57:51)


    ==in the Scagnar Mountains, in the north of the Isle==
    says to ALL: ~The wind swept across the higher elevations, seeming to draw right through her thicker outer robes which she had bundled up. Thinking back to the first warm night at the high Jarls homestead, hiding in a barn amid straw and animals. She had heard the loud male voices during the night and decided it had not been safe, likely waiting for a hammered collar of the first north man to encounter her. So it had been out into the country side while everyone slept, managing to slip between sleen and guard patrols with light step and careful preparation. Verr wool had been wrapped around her slippers, keeping her toes warm, and hiding her scent until she was far enough away from the homestead. The next morning, huddled next to a rock and mortar wall she heard the resounding font size 4 slaps onto a bare ass from the village bellow. Oh dear.. Surely poor little helga was being punished for loosing the collar bait she had tried to trap in the shed until morning.. Well that would be the last time she ever trusted a bondmaid with her safety!

    Scangar and Torvaldsland were not an easy place to live, especially not for a free woman, and alone with little tools. She had managed to chip a hole in some ice with her dagger, and using a clasp from her robes and a length of thread and a frozen berry for bait, she had managed to catch a fish with near frozen fingers. Later she had come across a frozen kill in the snow, and cut a leg of the animal off which had been sustaining her for the last weeks in a makeshift shelter at the base of the mountains. Now, with supplies running low, she had climbed up the lower edge of the mountains to look for something that would make life easier. Small hands curled to her lips, warming in her breath before opening to cover veiled but cold cheeks and frosty eye lashes. Hopefully the fire she had been trying to make would catch tonight and clothes could dry, meat could be cooked and snow melted.~
    (12/30/23 : 13:02:00)


    ==in the Scagnar Mountains, in the north of the Isle==
    says to ALL: ((I am sorry I have not been back, r/t has been a lot busier leading up to the holidays. I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas, and that it extends into the new year. Health, wealth and happiness to those she calls friends and family.))

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    The Message Board of the Torvaldslanders of The Isle of Scagnar and Inlet of Green Cliffs
    Anonymous Posts Will be Deleted

    1. Mon Jan 01 18:15 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
      Thorarin said:
      RT happens! Don't worry about it.

    2. Sun Dec 31 15:41 * - Subject: From the archives - 0 reaction(s)
      helga {JtR} said:

      ☆ (12/31/23 : 16:39:18) [PIC]

      Scagnar's Skald
      Isle Trainer
      Isle of Scagnar

      ==on the road between the docks and the Great Hall==
      says to ALL: Crouching behind the wall, I sang to myself, I created some more balls, I pulled at some wayward threads on my kirtle, I twiddled my thumbs....until eventually I grew bored with waiting for an unsuspecting bond to walk past. Besides, I was freezing my arse off here. Slowly, I pulled myself up to a standing position and drew my fur cloak tighter around myself in the hopes this action might quell the shiver that was assaulting my slight frame. The fur lining of the boots encasing small feet kept them warm and prevented me from slipping on the ice like surface of the compacted snow upon the path. Really, someone should shovel this. Of course, I failed to acknowledge that as a bond of the High Jarl, that someone should probably be me...

      It was a slow stroll I made, enabling me to listen to the conversations of the Isle citizens that I passed. Some of the talk was of the missing free woman and her possible whereabouts. I heard talk of possible scouting missions, especially by the men who had caught sight of the beautiful Mistress when she had arrived here

    3. Sun Dec 31 15:26 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
      helga {JtR} said:
      Oh Mistress, my intention was to help you, not set you up. I even suffered that font size 4 beating for it!

      ((RT always first Mistress. Wishing you and yours a wonderful New year and hope to see you soon :) ))

    [End of Transfer]

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