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  • Sun Apr 02 14:09 CopyLink * - Subject: Kajuralia - What REALLY happened in the Hall that night...(pt 1)
    -runa said:
    (04/01/23 : 19:56:41) [PIC]

    Thor’s Skald
    Isle Trainer
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==on the grounds of the Hall==
    says to ALL: Almost falling down the stairs with my exit from the hall..... Hiccupping, staggering, the bottle of peach wine held firmly in my right hand. The hall had been left with toilet paper strewn everywhere. Quite the decoration...hanging from the great candelabra, lengths lining the large central table....WE DID try to hang some from the torches but we quickly found out that paper and fire close together isn't a good mix. We only JUST managed to avoid another hall fire. Somehow, I doubted that would have been a forgivable feat...even on Kajuralia.

    The decorations had continued out onto the grounds and through the village....I wondered if there was any toilet paper left on the Isle! The most impressive and hilarious decoration however was the large pair of bloomers flying boldly from the top of the flag pole. Too funny! I hoped they were at least clean. I wondered how they had been obtained. Perhaps from a clothes line? Surely not from the Mistress herself. Was there a free woman walking the Isle now without bloomers? Shameful!!
    ☆ (04/01/23 : 19:57:08)

    r u n a

    .Property of the Isle of Scagnar .
    .Bondmaid in Training .

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to ALL: The Hall was oddly quiet tonight, but it was almost welcoming. Sometimes a woman just had to allow herself to think and sort out her mind. I strode deeper into the hall, and shed myself of my boots and cloak and stretched my arms high over my head. I was still struggling a little, trying to get back into the swing of things on the Isle as mountain life was much different.
    three Jomsvikingr make their way through the snow


    r u n a

    .Property of the Isle of Scagnar .
    .Bondmaid in Training .

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to ALL: It suddenly dawned on me what it was! What day was coming! Oh!!! I squealed and darted through into the Hall, eyes gleaming as I studied the long wooden bench
    ☆ (04/01/23 : 20:05:24)

    r u n a

    .Property of the Isle of Scagnar .
    .Bondmaid in Training .
    PRIVATELY whispers to ALL: brb
    ☆ (04/01/23 : 20:09:16)

    r u n a

    .Property of the Isle of Scagnar .
    .Bondmaid in Training .

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to ALL: I stopped suddenly and had a thought... a delicious, evil, smashing thought but I needed help. Helga, where in the Hel had that slut gone this time. She was probably out drinking again. I ran to the doors and SHOUTED as loudly as I could


    r u n a

    .Property of the Isle of Scagnar .
    .Bondmaid in Training .

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to ALL: I kicked at some of the toilet paper, pushing it out of the way and held the door open
    ☆ (04/01/23 : 20:16:11)
    Jonas the Red
    High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

    ==on a ship in the harbor of the Isle==
    says to ALL: Steers the long ship slowly towards the docks
    ☆ (04/01/23 : 20:17:10)
    Jonas the Red
    High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

    ==at the docks==
    says to ALL: Steps onto the docks area after berthing and ambles at a casual pace along the docks towards the intersection of the road and village path
    ☆ (04/01/23 : 20:17:32) [PIC]

    Thor’s Skald
    Isle Trainer
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to r u n aPropertyy of the : The last three stairs were slid down rather than stepped down. "SAFE!" The cry was made triumphantly as the bottle was lifted high over my head. I decided that falling down steps was fun! And if you happened to be inebriated, it was also rather painless. Laughing a silly laugh, I managed to haul myself back up the steps, I was going to do it again! But upon reaching the top and after taking a hefty swig of my bottle, I realized I was almost out of peach wine. Oh no!!! Time to restock.

    Back within the hall again and looking decidedly disheveled, I managed to see you there through blood shocked eyes. "Runa! a wicked grin eased across my lips and I raced toward you, almost tripping several times in the process.
    ☆ (04/01/23 : 20:19:37)

    r u n a

    .Property of the Isle of Scagnar .
    .Bondmaid in Training .

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to helga{TBx}Thor’s Skald: I laughed and coughed as you breathed on me and snapped the empty bottle from you, tossing it onto the floor with a SMASH!!

    'Sober up slutkins! I need you!' I grinned and dragged you into the Hall, LOCKING the doors behind us
    ☆ (04/01/23 : 20:19:55) [PIC]

    Thor’s Skald
    Isle Trainer
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to Jonas the Redd High Jarl: ((Ha Jarl! You might think you are a safe distance away, but we will fiiiiind you))
    ☆ (04/01/23 : 20:20:08)
    Jonas the Red
    High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

    ==on the road between the docks and the Great Hall==
    says to ALL: (Waves to everyone)
    ☆ (04/01/23 : 20:20:28)

    r u n a

    .Property of the Isle of Scagnar .
    .Bondmaid in Training .

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to Jonas the Redd High Jarl: ( we won't need to find you...... you'll come to us like a fly to a spider ))
    ☆ (04/01/23 : 20:20:58)
    Jonas the Red
    High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

    ==on the road between the docks and the Great Hall==
    says to ALL: The walk is slow... a passing thought about whether to pause and change clothes in the lodge but, instead, decide to go directly to the hall and catch up with people.....
    ☆ (04/01/23 : 20:22:26) [PIC]

    Thor’s Skald
    Isle Trainer
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to r u n aPropertyy of the : There was a silly grin upon my face as you dragged me along, I barley moved my feet and allowed you to do all the work....enjoying a bit of a rest. "Sober up? Well that no fun.....What did you have in mind?" My tone was noticeably one of a fellow conspirator.
    ☆ (04/01/23 : 20:24:27)

    r u n a

    .Property of the Isle of Scagnar .
    .Bondmaid in Training .

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to helga{TBx}Thor’s Skald: I grinned and quickly looked to the locked doors

    ' We gotta move fast seeeee.... ' I dragged you to the back of the Hall where the mead and ale were stored

    'See this booze? We are going to HIDE it all and blame mena and honey of course.' I grinned and waggled my eyebrows 'but we have to move fast'
    ☆ (04/01/23 : 20:26:11)
    Jonas the Red
    High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

    ==on the grounds of the Hall==
    says to ALL: Steps onto the gournds of the hall and trudges slowly towards the doors leading to the hall
    ☆ (04/01/23 : 20:29:19) [PIC]

    Thor’s Skald
    Isle Trainer
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to r u n aPropertyy of the : "Oooooooh! yeah....hide the mead! Hide the mead! Blame mena and honey! blame mena and honey!" I was chanting it in an alcohol infused haze of stupidity.

    WAIT" Spinning quickly and grabbing the place where the Wide V of your kirtle met....twisting it in my hand and holding it tight as I pulled you REALLY close to me. Our noses were almost touching, you could smell the heady aroma of peach wine on my breath "Where are we gonna hide it?"

    ☆ (04/01/23 : 20:30:06)
    Jonas the Red
    High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to ALL: Tries to oush the door open but finds it locked.. then lets out a snort of sorts and bangs hard on the door....
    ☆ (04/01/23 : 20:31:48)

    r u n a

    .Property of the Isle of Scagnar .
    .Bondmaid in Training .

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to helga{TBx}Thor’s Skald: I laughed and rolled my eyes ' yes, never, never NEVER take the blame woman!' I tried to step away but you latched onto me like a whore's lips latch onto a cock

    'Lets put them outside the kitchen! Cover them up with some leather or something but we HAVE to move!' I laughed and gently pushed you back but I tripped over your foot and toppled right on top of you. I was laughing and rolling with you

    ☆ (04/01/23 : 20:32:41)
    Jonas the Red
    High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to ALL: Open up in there!!!!

    What in Loki's beard be gong on in there?
    ☆ (04/01/23 : 20:35:02) [PIC]

    Thor’s Skald
    Isle Trainer
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to r u n aPropertyy of the : "Great idea! We can stash some in the woodpile too!" I was already unsteady on my feet, it didn't take much to get me down, but get e down you did. Again, my body was relaxed and fluid, no pain was felt, not even when you landed on top of me "UGH!"
    ☆ (04/01/23 : 20:36:28)

    r u n a

    .Property of the Isle of Scagnar .
    .Bondmaid in Training .

    ==within the Great Hall==
    says to helga{TBx}Thor’s Skald: I sputtered and rolled off of you but then I heard that knock

    ' SHIT! Helga, you distract him, I'll hide the booze. Ok?' I jumped up then, and tugged you back up to your feet, giving you a shove towards the locked door

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    1. Mon Apr 03 15:37 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
      honeycake said:
      i am innocent i tell you, INNOCENT !!!

    2. Sun Apr 02 22:47 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
      buttertart said:
      yes... honey and mena... perfect scapegoats

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