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  • Tue Nov 28 18:22 CopyLink * - Subject: Port Olni (SL) Memorial Gardens
    Kimba said:
    On Second Life, Port Olni is the oldest what we call BTB (By the Books) city. The Ubara there has roots in chatgor before SL. Outside the roleplay area, in a skybox, there is a memorial-garden where many Goreans are honored. Ragnar's memorial is the most recent, and has not been placed in the garden yet. It is near the entrance, in an area set aside for services. Usually we pick a certain day for people to gather and speak, or mourn silently, and then the monument and memorials that people leave are moved to a permanent site in the garden. For those that have SL accounts, the exact location is But the link won't take you directly there. Anybody who enters the sim drops at the same landing-point, in an OOC area, then you have to teleport to a specific area. Part of the way the sim is financed is by shopping in a skybox. You have to go through the shopping-mall to get from the landing-point to the teleporter. On the teleporter, you select memorial-garden and it will land you near Ragnar's monument. If you contact me in world (Giannia Rossini), when I am online during US evening hours, I can teleport you directly there. Once there, there is a vendor that you can use to get a memorial candle, that you can rezz there, and leave a personal-message, that will move with stone, to the permanent-location.

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