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  • Sat Aug 19 19:14 CopyLink * - Subject: High Jarl Blooper
    helga{TBx} said:
    This commonly made blooper is one that always appeals to my inner 12 year old sense of humour :)

    (08/19/23 : 20:04:33)
    Jonas the Red
    High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

    ==at the docks==
    says to r u n a Property of the : Aye. the quickest on Gor.... 'n soon we'll take you on one for a trip and perhaps you can enjoy the bucking motion o the seas rocking the ship while you.. ermmm.. entertain... *Coughs*.. now then.. describe the dicks area 'n what you see..... n I nought mean spending times in the warehouses furring the dock hands!

    ☆ (08/19/23 : 20:05:54) [PIC]

    Scagnar's Skald
    Isle Trainer
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==at the docks==
    says to ALL: ((LMAO! She is well versed in the dicks area my Jarl))

    ☆ (08/19/23 : 20:06:36)
    Jonas the Red
    High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

    ==at the docks==
    says to r u n aPropertyy of the : (LOL, docks area not DICKS!!!LOL)

    ☆ (08/19/23 : 20:07:07)
    Jonas the Red
    High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

    ==at the docks==
    says to r u n aProperty of the : (I would be here for weeks on hand if you described dicks areas!)

    (08/19/23 : 20:08:47)
    Jonas the Red
    High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

    ==at the docks==
    says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: You know about dicks areas too I bet!

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    The Message Board of the Torvaldslanders of The Isle of Scagnar and Inlet of Green Cliffs
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    1. Mon Aug 21 19:25 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
      helga {JtR} said:
      Too funny Jarl.
      And I recall Donar once saying that he was "Fiddling with something at the dicks" LOL

    2. Mon Aug 21 18:28 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
      Thorarin said:
      Thats GREAT! LOL One time when we were being raided and the raiders landed at the "docks", Exavier headed for the "cocks"!

    [End of Transfer]

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