Torvaldlander's Message Board...(torvald)

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  • Mon Mar 25 19:08 CopyLink * - Subject: The dreamer and The wisdom of the Havamal
    helga{JtR} said:
    ☆ (03/22/24 : 20:11:24) [PIC]
    Scagnar's Skald
    Isle Trainer
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==in the hills overlooking the village==
    says to ALL: The snowfall from the other night had melted in certain parts of the hills and so it was here I roamed, once again on my search for the first wildflowers of the season.

    ☆ (03/22/24 : 20:16:32) [PIC]
    Scagnar's Skald
    Isle Trainer
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==in the hills overlooking the village==
    says to ALL: I had ventured out without my cloak, favouring instead the multi coloured knitted shawl I had used when I was a free lady. Knotted at the front, it allowed my arms freedom of movement and whilst it provided only a modicum of protection from the cold, it was far less bulky and cumbersome than the fur cloak I had kept as my own.

    Still too cold to lose my boots, I kept the fur lined foot coverings on...not the most attractive accessory to wear with a kirtle, but still a requirement for these cold times. I longed for the time when I would once again be able to race through the hills bare footed.

    ☆ (03/22/24 : 20:17:21)
    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==in the hills overlooking the village==
    says to ALL: riding Hrimfaxi over the low hills

    ☆ (03/22/24 : 20:22:35) [PIC]
    Scagnar's Skald
    Isle Trainer
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==in the hills overlooking the village==
    says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: Seeing you up ahead, astride the kaiila whose name I never could pronounce, I lifted my right arm in a wave and called to you "Taaaaaaaal Jaaaaarl!" An echo of my greet resounded around the hills and I looked around, hoping I hadn't scared any passersby.

    ☆ (03/22/24 : 20:24:32)
    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar
    ==in the hills overlooking the village==

    says to ALL: riding onward.... grins and sees no one nearby.... sings

    Oh the rhythm of my heart is beating like a drum
    with the words "I love you" rolling off My tongue
    Never will I roam, for I know my place is Home
    Where the ocean meets the sky, I'll be sailing

    Rhythm of My Heart

    ☆ (03/22/24 : 20:25:53)
    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==in the hills overlooking the village==
    says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: hearing something over my caterwauling.... sees you and waves back.... wonders if she heard me singing.... laughs

    ☆ (03/22/24 : 20:28:22) [PIC]
    Scagnar's Skald
    Isle Trainer
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==in the hills overlooking the village==
    says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: And here I was, worried that ~I~ might have scared the passers by. Laughing, I joined in. "Where the ocean meets the sky, I'll be serv-ing"

    ☆ (03/22/24 : 20:31:39)
    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==in the hills overlooking the village==
    says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: reins Hrimfaxi to a halt

    So you will bond maid. nods

    ☆ (03/22/24 : 20:33:03) [PIC]

    Scagnar's Skald
    Isle Trainer
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==in the hills overlooking the village==
    says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: The shadow of you and your beast passed over me, even with this dismal sun above. I smiled up at you, nodding "Of course I will Jarl. My owner would beat me if I didn’t!"

    ☆ (03/22/24 : 20:34:49)
    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==in the hills overlooking the village==
    says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: What are you doing out, bond maid?

    Hrimfaxi chafes at the bit

    ☆ (03/22/24 : 20:36:04) [PIC]
    Scagnar's Skald
    Isle Trainer
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==in the hills overlooking the village==
    says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: Still looking for that elusive first wildflower of the season Jarl! I am determined it shall be me who makes the first sighting. Do you think it a folly to try this early or is there a chance I might find what I seek?

    ☆ (03/22/24 : 20:38:12)
    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==in the hills overlooking the village==
    says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: Aye, I think it the heart of folly. laughs Will you dig thru the snow to find it?

    ☆ (03/22/24 : 20:43:23) [PIC]
    Scagnar's Skald
    Isle Trainer
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==in the hills overlooking the village==
    says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: "Well, I’m not looking in the snow bits Jarl!" Pointing to the area from where I came....the moss like ground covering was still yet to turn green, but at least it wasn't covered in snow.
    Sighing sadly "I suppose you are right Jarl, it IS the heart of folly....much like my attempt at growing larma trees? Remember that?" Laughing softly, the sweet sound of it floated around the hills.

    ☆ (03/22/24 : 20:45:12)
    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==in the hills overlooking the village==
    says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: Aye. I remember. nods.... shaking my head and laughing It was a good.... but futile try.

    ☆ (03/22/24 : 20:47:31) [PIC]
    Scagnar's Skald
    Isle Trainer
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==in the hills overlooking the village==
    says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: "In hindsight, that is true. But you never know for sure until you try it!" Nodding determinedly.

    ☆ (03/22/24 : 20:47:57)
    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==in the hills overlooking the village==
    says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: I think that someone told you it was too cold here. Didn't they? grins

    ☆ (03/22/24 : 20:49:23) [PIC]
    Scagnar's Skald
    Isle Trainer
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==in the hills overlooking the village==
    says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: "Weeeeelllll maybe" Tapping my chin and looking upwards, feigning that I couldn’t remember it was you who had said that.
    "Well, I know Jarl Sojourn thought it was worth a try!"

    ☆ (03/22/24 : 20:50:07)
    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==in the hills overlooking the village==
    says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: Does he know about our winters? grins

    ☆ (03/22/24 : 20:51:37) [PIC]

    Scagnar's Skald
    Isle Trainer
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==in the hills overlooking the village==
    says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: "Well, he DOES have a steading over yonder, so I'm guessing he might" Again my laughter rang out softly around us. "Perhaps he is a dreamer, like me"

    ☆ (03/22/24 : 21:00:37)
    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==in the hills overlooking the village==
    says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: I have found dreamers to be.... less reliable than those founded in reality. nods

    ☆ (03/22/24 : 21:01:08) [PIC]

    Scagnar's Skald
    Isle Trainer
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==in the hills overlooking the village==
    says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: "Less reliable Jarl?" curious now "How so?"

    ☆ (03/22/24 : 21:03:07)
    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==in the hills overlooking the village==
    says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: Dreamers dream. They always have their heads in the clouds rather than their feet on the ground. grins

    ☆ (03/22/24 : 21:05:47) [PIC]

    Scagnar's Skald
    Isle Trainer
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==in the hills overlooking the village==
    says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: Lifting up my kirtle and looking down "Well MY feet are on the ground Jarl! and I can assure you, I am reliable. No matter what, you can rely on me to be here, to hear you when you speak, to support our home and you, if you need it. Just as I always have done. I not an unreliable dreamer....I am many things, but unreliable is not one of them"

    ☆ (03/22/24 : 21:07:37)
    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==in the hills overlooking the village==
    says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: just smiles Everyone says that is the way they are.

    ☆ (03/22/24 : 21:07:53)
    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==in the hills overlooking the village==
    says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: ..... dreamers that is.
    ☆ (03/22/24 : 21:09:28) [PIC]
    Scagnar's Skald
    Isle Trainer
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==in the hills overlooking the village==
    says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: "I am still here, despite everything, it's odd that you don't see that as being reliable. But I do dream" smiles "I dream of times past and I dream hopeful dreams for the future. BUT I know better than to dream or wish for things that will never be.. Learning to accept that things are what they are brings peace."

    ☆ (03/22/24 : 21:11:33)
    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==in the hills overlooking the village==
    says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: Indeed. Accepting things as they ARE is best. Where is the profit in wishing there was no war?

    ☆ (03/22/24 : 21:14:08) [PIC]
    Scagnar's Skald
    Isle Trainer
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==in the hills overlooking the village==
    says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: "Or in wishing for a love that will always be unrequited? That isn't dreaming, that is just leaving the gate open for heartbreak. Dreamers aren't stupid, we just want for more than there is, not only for ourselves, but for everyone and we believe it can be. I think there is some of the dreamer in you too Jarl. There is in most poets"

    ☆ (03/22/24 : 21:17:19)
    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==in the hills overlooking the village==
    says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: To what end? What does it matter to want more than there is? Where is the profit in that?

    ☆ (03/22/24 : 21:19:47) [PIC]
    Scagnar's Skald
    Isle Trainer
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==in the hills overlooking the village==
    says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: Kicking at the snow with the toe of my boot...maybe there was a spurt of growth underneath that I had missed?
    Looking up at you then with wide eyes "The profit is HOPE Jarl. Hope. To not have hope is to risk falling into melancholy and live a life that has a danger of becoming monotonous "

    ☆ (03/22/24 : 21:21:54)
    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==in the hills overlooking the village==
    says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: Oh, I didn't say don't take risks. Men raid, men war, men fight..... for profit. For something that is there!

    ☆ (03/22/24 : 21:24:16) [PIC]
    Scagnar's Skald
    Isle Trainer
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==in the hills overlooking the village==
    says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: Hope is there! It is real too. We accept what we have and make the most of it, find joy in it...but we never lose the hope that it will get even better than it is and that those we love too will find greater happiness as time goes by. I think that is it in a nutshell.

    ☆ (03/22/24 : 21:26:22)
    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==in the hills overlooking the village==
    says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: I guess after 680 years I anticipate.... I analyze.... I extrapolate. laughs

    ☆ (03/22/24 : 21:29:51)
    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==in the hills overlooking the village==
    says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: And I make things happen. I make things make sense. smiles

    ☆ (03/22/24 : 21:29:56) [PIC]
    Scagnar's Skald
    Isle Trainer
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==in the hills overlooking the village==
    says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: "NEARLY 69 years! I have not forgotten it is your Name Day next hand!"
    Grinning as I look up at you. "It is good to analyse and extrapolate. I think, like me, you feel things deeply and so we need to process these feelings in order to find that acceptance I was speaking about earlier. Should we look to the Havamal for the answer? The wise one would know better than either of us" Nodding.

    ☆ (03/22/24 : 21:32:37)
    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==in the hills overlooking the village==
    says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: Oh no. I'd be a YOUNG man if I were only 69 years. laughs

    What quote do you have from the Havamal? Eh?

    ☆ (03/22/24 : 21:36:53) [PIC]
    Scagnar's Skald
    Isle Trainer
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==in the hills overlooking the village==
    says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: I am thinking Jarl! (And reading, searching LOL)

    ☆ (03/22/24 : 21:38:11) [PIC]
    Scagnar's Skald
    Isle Trainer
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==in the hills overlooking the village==
    says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: Looking frustrated. "Oh, that Odin was just too, too sensible! I should have thought of Freyja!"

    Scagnar's Skald
    Isle Trainer
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==in the hills overlooking the village==
    says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: Oh, I remember one!

    "Most blest is he who lives free and bold
    and nurses never a grief,
    for the fearful man is dismayed by aught,
    and the mean one mourns over giving!"

    ☆ (03/22/24 : 21:39:14)
    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==in the hills overlooking the village==
    says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: I know a quote. grins

    The speech of a maiden should no man trust
    nor the words which a woman says;
    for their hearts were shaped on a whirling wheel
    and falsehood fixed in their breasts.
    ☆ (03/22/24 : 21:41:30) [PIC]

    Scagnar's Skald
    Isle Trainer
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==in the hills overlooking the village==
    says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward:
    Scowling then at the verse YOU recited...thinks of one to counter that. With hands on hips, I begin....

    ☆ (03/22/24 : 21:42:25)
    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==in the hills overlooking the village==
    says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: laughs and listens

    ☆ (03/22/24 : 21:42:52) [PIC]

    Scagnar's Skald
    Isle Trainer
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==in the hills overlooking the village==
    says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward:
    "Now plainly I speak, since both I have seen;
    unfaithful is man to maid;
    we speak them fairest when thoughts are falsest
    and wile the wisest of hearts."

    ☆ (03/22/24 : 21:43:48)
    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==in the hills overlooking the village==
    says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: I wondered when you'd find THAT one. laughs

    ☆ (03/22/24 : 21:45:43)
    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==in the hills overlooking the village==
    says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: responds

    Never a whit should one blame
    another for a folly which many befalls;
    the might of love makes sons of men
    into fools who once were wise

    ☆ (03/22/24 : 21:46:23) [PIC]

    Scagnar's Skald
    Isle Trainer
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==in the hills overlooking the village==
    says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: "It's burned into my brain Jarl!" Laughing again. "Perhaps we should have discussed the Lokasenna. Not so deep and much funnier!" Grinning again, hoping the mood might have lightened some at the mention of Loki

    ☆ (03/22/24 : 21:47:16)
    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==in the hills overlooking the village==
    says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: I shall give you last retort as I must ride back to my steading now. smiles

    ☆ (03/22/24 : 21:47:35) [PIC]
    Scagnar's Skald
    Isle Trainer
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==in the hills overlooking the village==
    says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: Hearing your verse, I smiled "You know, he really was wise. Blaming is useless" Shrugs "In the end, we are each responsible for our own actions

    ☆ (03/22/24 : 21:50:51)
    Thorarin Bloodaxe
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==in the hills overlooking the village==
    says to helga{JtR}Scagnar's Skal: Indeed. Good eve to you helga. nods

    reins around and rides to my steading

    ☆ (03/22/24 : 21:50:56) [PIC]

    Scagnar's Skald
    Isle Trainer
    Isle of Scagnar

    ==in the hills overlooking the village==
    says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: "Good rest to you Jarl" Drawing my shawl tighter around my lithe form and smiling as you prepare to ride to your steading "I shall continue on with my quest for that first flower on my way home. I hope it is a dina, I shall tread carefully in case they are about" Knowing how delicate the pretty slave flowers were.

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    1. Sun Mar 31 20:27 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
      Jonas the Red said:
      My little dreamer. Beautiful and wise.

    [End of Transfer]

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