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  • Fri Feb 09 21:08 CopyLink * - Subject: An important message about the saga board
    helga{JtR} said:
    This message from Ruby from and about The Saga Board.

    hey there!

    Just to let you all know, I'm closing my account with my hosting service - it's become too expensive for me to continue with - which means that these boards are no longer going to be hosted here. :(

    However! I do have another option and I am more than happy to transfer the boards to a new site. There is no easy way to do this means completely rebuilding them and then copypasting every post by hand. This is going to be a really long and arduous process and everyone will need to sign up to a new board once more.

    So..some information and questions:

    + Are you interested in retaining these boards in a new form?
    + Are you available to help move posts from here, to a new forum?
    + What information do you think is the most important to keep and move?
    + What information is no longer necessary?

    My service will be closing on 14 March. So we only have 4 weeks until everything is removed. -- I will still have this board on my harddrive, which means I'll have access to it for as long as its needed. Even after it's removed from the internet.

    I'd like to get some feedback on who's available to help, so that I can organise the setting up of a new board for those of you who can help to begin transferring posts over.

    Please feel free to post something on the main board - or share info in the room so that people are aware and a decision can be reached - the quicker the better!

    Ruby x

    Post your response below, or scroll down to read what others have said...

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    The Message Board of the Torvaldslanders of The Isle of Scagnar and Inlet of Green Cliffs
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    1. Thu Feb 15 17:16 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
      helga{JtR} said:
      I don't know what happened there, but the link to the saga board can also be found here on this board, to the left of the text box. There is also a threas there with information on where the new board can be found.

      Also, I know I said I would transfer the active, but not present slaves stuff over, however I have been slammed with work this week with some long arse shifts and my new roster for the upcoming month looks hectic.
      Honey and Zea have already started stransferring things over and are generously helping with other stuff.

      We might not get to everyone's things before 14th March, so if you are able to pitch in and help, please do so. This will ensure your things are there, if you want them.

    2. Wed Feb 14 17:24 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
      Withheld said:
      Hyperchat makes h t t p into h t t p s .

      Just take off the s, it should be fine.

    3. Wed Feb 14 17:23 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
      -runa said:
      Hey Helga,

      I tried to use that link you provided in this thread and got:

      Not Acceptable!
      An appropriate representation of the requested resource could not be found on this server. This error was generated by Mod_Security.

    4. Mon Feb 12 17:08 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
      Withheld said:
      Sorry, nevermind, none of my business. I need to not stick my nose in it.

      Good luck, hopefully it is not too much trouble.

    5. Mon Feb 12 16:58 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
      helga{JtR} said:
      This response, from the board owner:

      "This software is much more advanced and updated than SMF, but unfortunately there's been no demand for the guy who owns the service to make a converter - he has one available for other board software, just not SMF.

      The last time I moved the boards, I backed them up and restored them. This time, that's not an option because I'm not working with the same software now."

    6. Mon Feb 12 16:36 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
      Withheld said:
      ...if someone has another host, why not just make a backup on the old host and restore it on the new host? Nobody has to copy anything over.

    7. Mon Feb 12 16:28 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
      Lunn said:
      Look into HTTrack Website Copier. If you use the same board software, you may be able to download the whole thing and then upload it directly with links kept intact. Or, to upload the past as an archive site.


    8. Sun Feb 11 18:35 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
      zearia-Sveins- said:
      helga is correct i am always on board to help with anything for the home just lemme know what you wish of me to do ... [[sorry for delayed response been ill the last few days]]

    9. Sat Feb 10 17:39 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
      helga{JtR} said:
      As only a few of us seem to use the saga board these days, I have wondered in the past if it's worth the expense/time in keeping it. But now that we might lose it, I realise how valuable these records are. But, I think too the onus shouldnt be on just a few to do the work. Especially you Mistress.

      I recall when we had to acquire new boards in the past, the slaves themselves were responsible for transfering their own records over.
      However, back then, the slaves were ALOT more active on the training board.

      So, we have honey and runa on board and I know Zee will help as well. Do we really need to transfer over the records of slaves who are no longer with us?

      If they still read these boards and wish to keep their records, then maybe they can do the work? If not, the history of their training and chores will be lost but a record of them being here might still be in the room scripts, projects and journals (which I think are impoarant we keep and I'm happy to help with that.

      I think it's also important that other current slaves who have been caught in RT and may not have the time to transfer their records over, dagna, nyr (and parsit), shay and mena also have their training logs transferred over. I'm happy to help with that as well, if needed.

      The general room scripts, spars, oaths, stories, the Allthing, pyres etc are too valuable to not keep. Plus, they provide a really useful resource for the planning of future events. If anyone, free or slave can help with that, it will make work lighter for others.
      Some of those records go back many years.

      Some records can aslo be found on this main message baord, but not all of them, plus they are not categorised here as they are on the saga board.

      Cheers, helga.

    10. Sat Feb 10 10:03 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
      honeycake said:
      I'm in

    11. Sat Feb 10 04:38 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
      -runa said:
      I'd be happy to help as well Mistess

    12. Fri Feb 09 21:13 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
      helga{JtR} said:
      Hi Mistress.
      Thank you for all you do.

      Yes, I am definitely interested in doing so. And yes, I am available to help move the posts (Even if I might be slow some weeks)
      Would I be pushing it if I said ALL the information? LOL No, not really, some of it is obsolete, links no longer working etc. Certainly if all the scripts could be kept, that would be awesome. The other stuff, such as resources etc I will be happy to update as time allows (and if anyone else cares to help with that, that would be great!)

      Thank you again!

    [End of Transfer]

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