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  • Tue Apr 18 20:29 CopyLink * - Subject: sporadic attendence
    buttertart said:
    I have let my owner know of course;, but my attendance may be a bit sporadic as I am going to a medical place that does something called TMS and its hoped that it will help me on several different levels. I had my first treatment yesterday. To say it didnt go well would be an understatement and due to it has had me basically bed-bound today. I will be attempting the procedure once more next week and if i have another bad reaction to it we will no longer think of this procedure as a possibility. The same procedure has helped my partner a great deal so that is why he is insistent on me at least attempting this. please bear with me.

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    The Message Board of the Torvaldslanders of The Isle of Scagnar and Inlet of Green Cliffs
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    1. Thu Apr 20 19:01 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
      helga{TBx} said:
      Take all the time you need buttertart. Sending you loving thoughts

    2. Thu Apr 20 08:47 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
      shay leah{TBx} said:
      Ive heard of TMS.I hope it helps you. Sending positive vibes

    3. Wed Apr 19 06:18 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
      honeycake said:
      thoughts and prayers sent your way

    4. Wed Apr 19 06:11 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
      -runa said:
      Sending healing thoughts :)

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