The Tower Of Babble...(babble)

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Sun Jun 02 21:15:46 . A place for girls who need a push... con
Liquid Fyre said:
takes a seat near the back

Sun Jun 02 21:15:20 . A place for girls who need a push... con
Khandi said:
Nostrils flared
nipples pressed against you
making the kiss deeper and wetter

Sun Jun 02 21:14:40 . A place for girls who need a push... con
sarahji said:
my legs around you, crossed ankles behind you...
looking in your eyes as we kiss...

Sun Jun 02 21:14:36 . Jarl GaigiN's Cabin
Jarl GaigiN said:
Taking a walk in My garden in the evening

Sun Jun 02 21:12:04 . A place for girls who need a push... con
Khandi said:
nipples crinkling
dark waistline sliding against slippery folds

Sun Jun 02 21:08:17 . A place for girls who need a push... con
Khandi said:
feeling air tickling across my stomach

Sun Jun 02 21:06:29 . Jarl GaigiN's Cabin
Jarl GaigiN said:
In My Cabin for awhile . . .

Sun Jun 02 21:06:27 . A place for girls who need a push... con
sarahji said:
tongue probing your soft mouth...
tugging at your top...

Sun Jun 02 21:05:36 . A room for M/mothers and S/sons
understanding mom said:
getting ready for bed and hearing the downstairs door slam and some unintelligible muttering

Sun Jun 02 21:05:25 . The State of Insanity
Jarl GaigiN said:
To My Cabin

Sun Jun 02 21:04:54 . The State of Insanity
Jarl GaigiN said:
Continuing on My path …………

Sun Jun 02 21:04:51 . A place for girls who need a push... con
Khandi said:
hugging you against me
feeling dampness through my top near my waist

Sun Jun 02 21:02:00 . VIP
Gentleman Sadist said:
Drops in for a night cap.

Sun Jun 02 21:01:58 . A place for girls who need a push... con
sarahji said:
soft purr into your mouth...
rubbing my bare pussy on your tummy...

Sun Jun 02 20:59:57 . North Town Night City RPG
Peregrine P. Olveira said:
He and IRIDIA are both scanning, mapping - he can't say he'll have the layout memorized, or the locations of the cameras and scanners that are spaced throughout. He'll do his best, but he is a newb, and he is aware of it.

But the access points, the systems in place, they're all familiar territory.

Echo Fenix gets an encouraging nod, mixed with a slight shrug of his shoulders. As far as he can tell, you're doing great.

High on emotions, but great. The emotions make nothing but sense, with the last month, with Haven hurt.

Sun Jun 02 20:57:37 . A place for girls who need a push... con
Khandi said:
lacing my fingers behind you
and pressing my lips to yours
busily endorsing the kisses

Sun Jun 02 20:56:47 . Z2 Corkboard
cory{BI} said:
Well, we got behind on fees from the HOA, so we're temporarily banned from the pool (the HOA Pres is literally a Karen...but it's still our fault)...just in time for a bit of hot weather...but we're compensating by going to the beach tomorrow...won't get in the water (too cold and too long a walk from parking)...but we heard about a really good casual restaurant with a view to try

and we may stop at the Wild Flour (woodfired) Bakery for some of the fougasse that Baron Igor's not cheap...but really special...and in limited lots each day...

We finally got our patio table put up a couple days's a perfect size for a patio or small balcony...or a studio/dorm...and folds/rolls up into a carry bag you sling over your shoulder...not heavy...even for me...and once you figure it out, it's very easy to put together (less than 10 minutes) and take apart (less than 5 minutes)...and looks more stylish and urban than you might looks like wood...but it's aluminum...strung like a stretch blind...

i got ours on clearance at Walmart...and can't find it there now...but here it is on ebay...

i also want to tell you about a dip i found at Walmart...Marketside Smokehouse Burnt Ends Cream Cheese Dip...a little spice and sweetness from the BBQ sauce...and minced beef brisket...really tasty...

we're finally getting the raised planting tables put together (site now closed)...but it's almost too late to put in tomatoes and peppers...certainly not from the seeds i does what one can with what one has (which is why my totem is a sloth...they're not lazy...they just don't have much energy and do the best they only going down a tree to poop once a week)...

BaronIgor and i are still in discussions about whether to have pea gravel delivered or get our own...and then there's potting soil...

i have some solar "flowers" and other lights to put in a bed in the back yard...but it's so hard that we'll have to drown the bed in order to push the pipes in...i think we're going to spend a lot more time out there in the afternoons and evenings...

Sun Jun 02 20:56:07 . North Town Night City RPG
Echo Fenix said:
While Tampere checks their scans, he looks to his left and right. IRIDIA and Peregrine P. Olveira. Should he have told a lie? Were friends allowed in on these meetings? His fingers flex and clench into fists for a second...until he's told to follow.

His guess; High speed chase. No restraints. Head-on collision. Ejected you through the windshield. You broke your fall with your adam's apple.

He sniffs at the mention of Richter. Head snapping to look at you with reflective lenses. An angry, reflective growl in his throat.

"You know Richter?" A pause as he gauges his next words carefully. "If you see him, tell him I meant what I said." Spine. Removed.

He leaves IRIDIA and Peregrine P. Olveira to their quiet. Assuming they're plotting or scanning...something.

Echo was here to take the direct approach. The one he'd avoided for weeks now. The one that, if he'd done it sooner, Haven might not be laid up in bed for the foreseeable future.

Sun Jun 02 20:53:32 . A place for girls who need a push... con
sarahji said:
straddling you...
slowly squirming against you...
soft kisses...

Sun Jun 02 20:51:53 . North Town Night City RPG
IRIDIA said:
IRIDIA nodded to Peregrine P. Olveira and then arrived at the top of the lift, the double doors opening to the sight of six armed and armored men. Even if it was the Corporate office handling bounty logistics and finances, it made sense to her that they still posted security.

That wasn't her main concern, though, as her eyes flickered about to spot the details surrounding the material of the place. Dark slate, white marble, pops of color and random wall art. Smaller open offices for low-tier workers, bigger fancier offices with dimmable windows for the higher-ups. Cameras and passive scanners everywhere, little blips and notices in her HUD letting her know she was being looked over, judged, processed.

Access points for data here and there, some with a higher priority than others. It might not serve her to memorize the layout, but she would do it anyway. Maybe Nobu would have some use for the information, maybe it might help Perry or their friends.

There was a chance that they'd just get laughed out of the building, after all, and then it would help to have a bit of ammo.

[End of Transfer]

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