The Tower Of Babble...(babble)

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Mon Jun 10 21:51:27 . Acro-verse
Primo said:


… not even going to start explaining that one…just having wordplay fun


Mon Jun 10 21:46:55 . House of the White Wolf
surrender{Blade} said:
Main Room
* she stiod at His door placing slim hands upon it for just a Ahn * why she did this she wasn't sure ... why abd what she felt ...shaking her head slightly * ...returning back to reality she opens the door and slips within His room closing the door behind her...* hoping Master will be back soon from the days buisness L/P

Mon Jun 10 21:36:22 . ~ ami's home ~
Kork said:
finding a spot to settle for a bit

Mon Jun 10 21:35:38 . House of the White Wolf
surrender{Blade} said:
Main Room
* she heard a loud yes .... nodding her head she pushes off the door way and stands ...she turns in ger heels and sniffling a yawn ... rubbing the sleep from her blue eyes ... she knew it was time to find her sleep ...she called in the kitchen softly

Good night Mistress

Moving over the marble floor like a elegant dancer as her feet molded against the marble ...her hips swayed elegantly back and forth ... as the silks held there shape clinging to her hourglass form abd over her thighs gracefully... her full breasts sat gently between thin red silks as the barely stayed in the silks as the v went straight down to the middle between het breasts ... het nipples hardened as they pulled against the silks ... as th3 soft silks flowed down between her thighs and danced slightly with every the back sat gently over her heart shaped ass ...she wiggles her ass a bit as she moves towards the stairs ... she rolled her hips with every step till she reached the top ..she looked over her shoulder gently...just to make sure ...* a smile caresses over her she sees no one around right now ...with the hour late it didn't surprise this girl ...she turns to move slowly down the hall to His room *

Mon Jun 10 21:34:49 . ~ ami's home ~
amitola said:
~looks up~



be right back

Mon Jun 10 21:33:43 . ~ ami's home ~
amitola said:
~Considers putting in a request for another room. Taps a finger to my chin in thought.~

Mon Jun 10 21:33:27 . ~ ami's home ~
Kork said:
looking in, seeing you. Smiling

Hey there

Mon Jun 10 21:26:23 . ~ ami's home ~
amitola said:
~Realizes its been awhile since i've been within my own home so i step through the door. Does a bit of dusting and tidying up then settles on my chair for while, pulling my favorite teddy mr treasures close.~

Mon Jun 10 21:22:06 . House of the White Wolf
surrender{Blade} said:
* she looks up her pircing blues look towards the kitchen as she hears something crashing ....but nit hearing any yelling ......she rocks up on her heels and sprints to thw door way of the kitchen ...with slim hands one both sides of the door ahe pears inside ... and calls

Mistress you okay ???

Mon Jun 10 21:18:54 . Torvaldlander's Message Board
helga{TBx} said:
As spi works through her training she is doing her village walk. I had an opportunity to enjoy doing some of this with her today.

☆ (06/10/24 : 20:49:29) [PIC]
Skald of the Isles
Isle of Scagnar

==on Thorarin's farm steading==
says to spiorad {IoS}bondmaidIsl: ~Pulls out the map I had tucked away in my kirtle and holds it between outstretched arms. Where else do you need to see?


(06/10/24 : 20:53:35) [PIC]
spiorad {IoS}
Isle of Scagnar
==on the farm steading of Jonas the Red==
says to helga{TBx}Skald of the I: smiles as you pull out the map, and moves to your side as i peer down at it thoughtfully.

(06/10/24 : 20:57:58) [PIC]
spiorad {IoS}
Isle of Scagnar
==on the farm steading of Jonas the Red==
says to helga{TBx}Skald of the I: shifting on one foot as eyes study the map before leaning to point a finger and smiles.... there the grist mill, i have never seen one before and i am eager to learn about it

☆ (06/10/24 : 21:00:57) [PIC]
Skald of the Isles
Isle of Scagnar

==on the farm steading of Jonas the Red==
says to spiorad {IoS}bondmaidIsl: "Well then, lets head to the grist mill! I'll tell you the story about it as we head there. Come on" Saying it with a grin and turning toward the village chatting amicably with you as we made the walk over the hills towards Jomsbourg.

(06/10/24 : 21:03:27) [PIC]
spiorad {IoS}
Isle of Scagnar
==on the farm steading of Jonas the Red==
says to helga{TBx}Skald of the I: grins as i set the paddle down, although contemplating taking a playful swing at your ass, and moves lithely, falling in step with you as i grin... my face animated as i chat with you as we walk... ohhh i do love it when you tell stories helga! i can not wait to hear about it

☆ (06/10/24 : 21:07:47) [PIC]
Skald of the Isles
Isle of Scagnar

==in the hills overlooking the village==
says to spiorad {IoS}bondmaidIsl: I wasn't a mind reader but you were such an expressive slave that I could easily detect the wicked glimmer there and I knew exactly what naughty thoughts you were having. A soft laugh slipped through my lips and I contemplated bending over and letting you take a swipe at this gorgeous arse....but all play and no work would hardly help with your training and so I simply beckoned you with a smile and continued on

"You see at one time, we all had to grind the sa tarna with stones and bowls. It was hard, arduous and slow work. Can you imagine? All that grain, ground by hand! Then my Jarl...I think it was him anyway, made the suggestion that we should utilise the power of the River of Norns’ flow and build a grist mill on it. Of course one close to the village would make sense and so, the area was set aside and work began"

(06/10/24 : 21:12:32) [PIC]
spiorad {IoS}
Isle of Scagnar
==in the hills overlooking the village==
says to helga{TBx}Skald of the I: a grin tugs , as warmth lights up indigo eyes , tilting my head as i listen as you speak, carefully committing things to memory... that would have been a lot of work to ground all that sa tarna by hand! it sounds like it was a very ambitious project to undertake, to tame the power of the river and use it to an advantage

☆ (06/10/24 : 21:12:35) [PIC]
Skald of the Isles
Isle of Scagnar
==on the grounds of the Hall==
says to spiorad {IoS}bondmaidIsl: I was enjoying this time with you so much that time fled and before I knew it we had hit the hall grounds.

Well, it was all hands on deck and every man woman and child on the Isle came forth to help build it. You see, no one enjoyed pounding or grinding the sa tarna into flour by hand! With limited timber available, it was mostly made of brick, as you will see. We made the bricks with was such a mess!" Laughing and adding "But the Jarls did enjoy watching the occasional wrestle in it by the bonds. Did you have mills on the plains? I mean...were there any rivers there to have one?"

(06/10/24 : 21:16:30) [PIC]
spiorad {IoS}
Isle of Scagnar
==on the grounds of the Hall==
says to helga{TBx}Skald of the I: eyes glance in surprise seeing how quickly the walk went with such engaging talk, smiles taking in the sights and your story...shaking my head lightly .. no in my time there i never saw a grist mill, the land went on and on there were rivers, but none that would have had the steady movement and power of the river norn, i have ground sa tarna by hand, so i know it is hard work

☆ (06/10/24 : 21:20:49) [PIC]
Skald of the Isles
Isle of Scagnar
==on a path within the village==
says to spiorad {IoS}bondmaidIsl: Leaving the grounds for now and taking the appropriate village path, we were soon deep in the heart of Jomsbourg before veering south and taking a left turn toward the place where River of Norns met Thassa.

"Well, I think you will be impressed then. The paddle of the mill turns continuously, the flow of the river is mighty. Oh! you know one day you should ask my Jarl to tell you about the namesakes of the River....the Norns. You will be fascinated. But...I digress. The paddle turns the grinding stone inside and after every harvest, we all load up our sacks of sa tarna onto wagons and bring them to the grist mill to be ground" (We really did roleplay the building of it, it was a lot of fun :) ))

(06/10/24 : 21:25:47) [PIC]
spiorad {IoS}
Isle of Scagnar
==on a path within the village==
says to helga{TBx}Skald of the I: legs moving , keeping up with you as hips swing lightly as we move onto the village path, eyes drinking in the sights of Jomsbourg, hearing the sounds of the river in the distance.....i will ask Him about the river's namesake! the river turns the paddle of the grist mill which turns the grinding stone? ohhh that does sound rather fascinating to watch! and it comes out in a course or fine ground?..(( that would have been so much fun to do!))

☆ (06/10/24 : 21:30:16) [PIC]

Skald of the Isles
Isle of Scagnar

==at the grist mill on the banks of the River of Norns ==
says to spiorad {IoS}bondmaidIsl: The sound of the River grew louder with our approach. "The mill is quiet now but once the fall sown sa-tarna is harvested, it will be in full swing again and you will see trails of wagons coming and going. And be prepared, your back with ache from being stopped over from the weight of flour sacks strapped to it!

(06/10/24 : 21:34:49) [PIC]
spiorad {IoS}
Isle of Scagnar
==at the grist mill on the banks of the River of Norns ==
says to helga{TBx}Skald of the I: moving with You as i heard the roar of the river grow louder...listening as my mind run over the information.. aye that will be a busy time with the sa-tarna harvest, i can just see now the train of wagons going back and forth, and i am not afraid of hard work, i am sturdier then i look.... little grin tugs...

☆ (06/10/24 : 21:41:04) [PIC]
Skald of the Isles
Isle of Scagnar
==at the grist mill on the banks of the River of Norns ==
says to spiorad {IoS}bondmaidIsl: "I bet you are" Returning your grin. "Jarl Ragnar wouldn't tolerate a girl who wasn't" A flicker of sadness entered eyes of blue before I changed the subject, lest you became saddened by the memories.

"Look...there it is. The paddle will move faster when the snow caps melt more and the flow becomes stronger” There was pride in my voice. It had been a big endeavour to build it but the outcome was worth it


(06/10/24 : 21:47:51) [PIC]
spiorad {IoS}
Isle of Scagnar
==at the grist mill on the banks of the River of Norns ==
says to helga{TBx}Skald of the I: a little falter within my smile, as i draw in a breath, before recovering quickly remembering the pride of being His girl...., smiles and slips an arm within yours and hip bumps lightly..... no He would never tolerate such a creature... tilts my head as eyes move in the direction as you point, seeing the large paddle come into view as i whistle a little in admiration of the sheer size of it .hearing the pride in your voice.....that is amazing, and so impressive that you all built this! i do look forward so much to seeing it move faster with the stronger flow, that will be a sight to behold

☆ (06/10/24 : 21:52:34) [PIC]
Skald of the Isles
Isle of Scagnar
==at the grist mill on the banks of the River of Norns ==
says to spiorad {IoS}bondmaidIsl: Squeezing your linked arm tight against me, laughing at the hip check and returning it playfully. "Yep, it’s a big one! When the Isle gets together it’s amazing what we can create. One day I'll tell you the story about how we rebuilt the hall after a free woman who shall remain nameless burnt it down! But...not today. Today, I’ll let you explore the mill and village some more.

(06/10/24 : 21:56:39) [PIC]
spiorad {IoS}
Isle of Scagnar
==at the grist mill on the banks of the River of Norns ==
says to helga{TBx}Skald of the I: grins as a sparkle dances in my eyes as you hip check a playful exaggeration that you almost knock me over.. and grins.. squeezing your arm an winks... before eyed widen with a gasp.. a free woman burnt down the hall?? She sleen food?? many questions! thank you so much helga for coming on this adventure with me, i do hope to see you again soon!

Mon Jun 10 21:19:02 . Somewhere on the Plains
}{ Plains Outriders said:
Releasing the sleen for night patrol.

Mon Jun 10 21:17:42 . Night City RPG OOC
EZ Mike said:
Mondays, am I right?

Mon Jun 10 21:12:43 . A place for submissive asian girls
kimtoa said:

Mon Jun 10 21:10:33 . House of the White Wolf
surrender{Blade} said:
* as she leaves the kitchen a soft sway of her hips could be seen as yge fire light dances upon tge bare skin that shows ... a soft roll if her hips moves back and forth ... she reaches up on the shelf ...grabbing a scroll ...she turns and finds a place on the furs ...and melts upon them un rolling the scroll. Of positions she starts to read ...always liste ing for the Frer to enter *

Mon Jun 10 21:05:15 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
~bellah said:

Mon Jun 10 21:03:32 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
~bellah said:

bellah has started a new game with the following players:

Mon Jun 10 21:01:45 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
~bellah said:

bellah has started a new game with the following players:

Mon Jun 10 20:59:09 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
~bellah said:

bellah has started a new game with the following players:

Mon Jun 10 20:59:06 . House of the White Wolf
surrender{Blade} said:
* ahe Tyan opened the drawer to her right ...placing the forks where they belong, the spoons where they belong and the knives as well ... she closes the drawer ...and than leans over the counter to grab the now soaked rep cloths...she throws them into the hamper...and smiles

Mon Jun 10 20:58:56 . Amiable a Place to Relax
sarabi{Stalker}@soi said:
decides to come in here for awhile

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