The Tower Of Babble...(babble)[Mail|SeeAll|Hot|Controls|Bot|]
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Fri May 31 21:58:13 . A Camp on the Plains
larl}{Kliimus}{ said:
she waited to see if Mistress needed anything

Fri May 31 21:58:12 . A Camp on the Plains
Naomi said:
Turning with a huge exhale, her head nodded enthusiastically.

Yes please have you any mead? That would be ...most welcome.

Fri May 31 21:57:35 . Meet and greet!
Faith's property said:
slips onto the floor to sleep

Fri May 31 21:56:59 . Meet the Starlets... or are they harlots
katy perry said:
finds herself with another drink from the bartender as she waits to be claimed

Fri May 31 21:56:52 . Night City RPG OOC
Sebastian Seale said:
Nothing is more cyberpunk than that

Fri May 31 21:56:13 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Vittoria said:

Fri May 31 21:56:04 . Night City RPG OOC
Victoria Forsythe said:
wonders if we can charge for this subscription because I need extra gas money this month

Fri May 31 21:56:01 . A Camp on the Plains
larl}{Kliimus}{ said:
owie...feeling His hand meet tender flesh...she is Master...giggling

Fri May 31 21:55:55 . A Camp on the Plains
Naomi said:
Her already large eyes seemed to double in size and she shifted uneasily where she was.

Y..yes Commander.

Fri May 31 21:55:34 . A Camp on the Plains
Kliimus said:
(kicks to here)

Fri May 31 21:55:19 . South Town Night City RPG
Echo Fenix said:
That was a fast response. Echo smiles solemnly at the news that the recipient is thankful. He didn't even need that, but he'll take it. "I hope everything turns out better for her in the end. If she needs anything else, just let me know."

Ah, mobile netrunning. The dream of every virtual code jokey in the Year of Our Chrome 2082. Echo takes another drink of spicy goodness from his glass before staring up at the ceiling. Thinking. Processing. Contemplating.

Black lenses slide over his eyes and he pulls up an old schematic from 8 years ago. Something he built out in the desert during his nomad days.

"My sister Juliette was a crystaljock. CJs are the wasteland version of netrunners. Nomads mostly live outside of Net range, so it's just LANs and direct interfacing out there. She had a mobile interface suit that I built for her."

Inside his mind. Inside his own field of view. He starts rearranging and overcharging Juliette's old jockey rig. It's what she wore around the campfire. What she wore into battle. What she protected the entire family with.

"I can get something fixed up for you. It won't be as fast or immersive, but you'll be mobile."

Challenge accepted, mostly beaten...he just has to build it now. The black lenses slide back away from his eyes as he watches you interface with his googles. And then ask about training.

"Si, I can show you the basics. I trained Eir a bit...but don't hold that against me." Eir was now fully trained in the fine art of hitting the target. Rather than the area 10 yards to the left of the target. "Once I'm back in Tower 11, just swing by the store. We have a shooting range."

Once you're done with the goggles, he takes them back and slips them on again. Rebooting the interface and watching more details added to each person he moves the vision field over.

"Perfecto. Well done, Perry. I'm honestly terrified of how much damage you, Iridia, and Nobu could accomplish together."

Fri May 31 21:55:09 . A Camp on the Plains
Kliimus said:
~giving mt girl larl's hair a lite tug~
"see to Naomi, our Guest of camp mine"
~as she rose, I spanked her butt hard~

Fri May 31 21:54:19 . A Camp on the Plains
larl}{Kliimus}{ said:
she caught His look and decided to speak up...Mistress would You like something from the servery wagon...larl will fetch it for You

Fri May 31 21:53:26 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Vittoria said:

Vittoria has started a new game with the following players:

Fri May 31 21:52:36 . A Camp on the Plains
Kliimus said:
~rubbing his hands some, was it to warm his hands or in glee~

"Its only a small brand, but you'll need it. Well at least you still breath, prehaps steel might be waiting"

~grins and laughs,his tone more gestured Welcoming of camp,
Gor was Harsh making her feel a lil uneasy but then looks to larl~

Fri May 31 21:51:26 . your dream sissy.
Kitara said:
Stepping in
mona, Crown and Coke please

Fri May 31 21:50:54 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Vittoria said:

Vittoria has started a new game with the following players:

Fri May 31 21:50:46 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Vittoria said:

Fri May 31 21:47:36 . The Masturbatorium
Seven said:
"I need to be going now. Thank you for...that."

Smiles and blows kisses, then poofs!

Fri May 31 21:47:33 . The State of Insanity
EnerJazz said:
no u

[End of Transfer]

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