The Tower Of Babble...(babble)

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Sun Jun 09 01:22:15 . TASHA'S Lounge- LGBT and BDSM friendly
cherry c said:
Sits atbat

Sun Jun 09 01:19:09 . The Dungeon
A Darker Reality said:
You have to be able to
Tear the soul out of
A woman ...

Then they respect you

Sun Jun 09 01:19:02 . Kinky Dice ~ Yahtzee Dice
Lady Ella said:
Ok I can take a hint


Sun Jun 09 01:17:57 . Port Kar
Nura said:
Port Kar
There was a book on the table, her own that had her notes, her inner most thoughts, her work, people, places and reminders, this was a habit her grandmother started, that taught her mother, now she carried on tradition of documenting important moments in time. When she read her late grand-mothers journal, it was a horrifying story of medical experimentations, genetically designing poison slaves for the men in black, and notes on a thousand ways to die. Nura's grandmother was the thing of nightmares.

Her own mother wasn't as bad and so now she had a daughter that was true and right for her caste. The type of "Do what is right" type of Lady. Sometimes, doing what is right can be the most difficult thing in the world to do. Thing's like, saying you're sorry, or asking questions like, "Are you okay?" and so, this journal helps off sets a lot for Nura. A woman of restriction, was what she thought herself as and really, ignorance was bliss in a lot of things in this world.

Sitting there in this daze, she tapped her lead pencil on a blank page. The only place that she could get it all back was her caravan. Was this a chance to meet up with them again? When she left the caravan, there were thirteen wagons strong. A decent caravan with wagons from Tharna and Thentis, and various other cities, that Nura had the honor of being the caravan Healer. The only lands the caravan avoided was the North,.. their belief's in religion often started conflicts which always ends up bad. So, she thinks some more.. in the many years she was in the caravan, what region would they be in , at this time of year. It wasn't calculated by days or months or even weeks, it was by the time of year. That's how far she has travelled, that she dates her times by the changing of the sky and land.

Sun Jun 09 01:16:36 . The Dungeon
A Darker Reality said:
You live clean

Sun Jun 09 01:14:26 . The Dungeon
A Darker Reality said:
My ex wife
Taught me how to
Fight with women
Taught me to pay attention
To every little thing
They do ...

Sun Jun 09 01:13:13 . Kinky Dice ~ Yahtzee Dice
Lady Ella said:

ladyella has started a new game with the following players:

Sun Jun 09 01:12:44 . The Dungeon
A Darker Reality said:
What is the very first
Thing a woman attacks
On a man .....

His manhood

Sun Jun 09 01:12:15 . BJ's Diner
Leo Sterling said:
The receipt received, it's time for him to move, huh?

Thinking aloud, it's one of his ways or processing. It didn't require a response from you, so much as the fact you've made teh space for it.

... er, talking about himself in the third person. No, not denigrating, just... like the construct he feels he is.

He worries at his lip, turning over that. "Expectations. Yeah." Even if he's going to have to do some deep thinking on what those expectations are. The feeling she expects something to happen with you?

"I don't know if this counts as healthy. I think I am breaking down." Hands lift to scrub at his eyes, like that will erase the tears hovering behind them. A soft, considering sounds. "Yeah... we're new, so you don't have any expectations about who I am, or will be, huh?"

There's something there just on the tip of his tongue. The observation that you see him now, unburdened by who he used to be. The sheer relief of that is... unexpected. As is the awareness you used gender neutral language for all of that, and it was a relief. His mind is not on his actions as he reaches for his backpack. "Yeah. Maybe that's it -" A
hesitation, then, before adding more quietly, "I like that. The now." Hesitating a moment longer, voice edged with the vulnerability of the admission, "Person. Human being. I... liked those."

It is too late, and he is too tired to admit more than that right now. So just that. That he liked the language you'd used. Youd get it, right? "Yes, please, a lift would be great."

Sun Jun 09 01:11:16 . The Dungeon
A Darker Reality said:
Then they wonder
Why they get treated
As an option

There is an exception tho
When a man takes on a lover
The woman will love
Nurture him
As he talks about how terrible
His first woman is
She wants him
Emotional then

Fill that hole the first one won't
But as soon as he leaves the first
For the second

It starts over agsin

Sun Jun 09 01:11:01 . Wisteria
visitorb said:
That's a funny one

Sun Jun 09 01:10:20 . TASHA'S Lounge- LGBT and BDSM friendly
cherry c said:
Looks in

Sun Jun 09 01:08:12 . Good Old Fashion Sex
cherry c said:
Looks in

Sun Jun 09 01:07:15 . Kinky Dice ~ Yahtzee Dice
Lady Ella said:

ladyella has started a new game with the following players:

Sun Jun 09 01:06:59 . Kinky Dice ~ Yahtzee Dice
Lady Ella said:
~ muttering to myself that maybe I need to dress for success~ and tries this…

Sun Jun 09 01:06:45 . Port Kar
Nura said:
Where does a person begin their story? Usually at the beginning and where that beginning starts was right here in Port Kar. It was a city of thieves, and for reasons she couldn't understand, the thieves guild was actually respected. Late last night her medicines cabinets on the second floor of her infirmary was liberated of all the medicines required to heal the very sick and wounded. Was there no code these people had to abide by?

There was a great big world and one would think you wouldn't steal from your own back yard. It was a very expensive hit on her hospital and she didn't even think about security for that floor, and that was on her. Nura right now was sitting at a cafe table, rubbing her forehead while her head plays out scenario's that would allow her to resupply what was taken, and add extra funding towards, physical security instead of just depending on locks and metal bars. Nura was thinking of where she could go, to resupply and so many places all over the world were filling her head. Ar, Thentis, Tharna, Turia, Tor, Brundisium, Lydius.

Port Kar was quite the well thought out location for a port, not just for ships but for land goers also. Yes, there were many canals, and it had a certain charm to it, which made going any of the North, East and Southern directions. Her hospital ship could navigate the Vosk quite easily, dependent on the tides of the Thassa.. which had the power to reverse the river in its flow twice a day... sails, were not necessary.

Sun Jun 09 01:05:38 . The Dungeon
A Darker Reality said:
But see....
That's why I smashed
The table...
Broke it into
Tiny little
Pieces and use
To keep my heart warm

Sun Jun 09 01:04:07 . The Dungeon
A Darker Reality said:
Men are only loved for what they
Bring to the table

Sun Jun 09 01:02:52 . young meets Old
cherry c said:
Looks in

Sun Jun 09 01:01:37 . The Dungeon
A Darker Reality said:
This is absolutely true

[End of Transfer]

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