The Tower Of Babble...(babble)

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Sat Jun 01 17:32:09 . Meet the Starlets... or are they harlots
Dedalus said:
enters and looks about.. sees a few here and moves to a booth and lets ophelia get Oour drinks

Sat Jun 01 17:32:05 . For Lovers of Nipple Torture et al
MysteryWoman said:

Sat Jun 01 17:31:57 . Love of the Cane
Owen said:
looking in

Sat Jun 01 17:31:29 . sofa Time
Jilly said:
Bing bing sees couch banner making skill in demand

Sat Jun 01 17:31:28 . Meet the Starlets... or are they harlots
ophelia{D} said:
opens the door for Dedalus

smiles softly as He enters

Sat Jun 01 17:31:18 . Meet the Starlets... or are they harlots
Dedalus said:
playing in His ear

Sat Jun 01 17:31:13 . Meet the Starlets... or are they harlots
MysteryWoman said:

Sat Jun 01 17:30:58 . The Windy GrassHopper Tavern & Inn
Teagan Gilroy said:
The Windy GrassHopper Tavern and Inn
She reached up to give Te'Sirians hand a quick squeeze when he introduced her to you a bright happy smile on her lips

"It is nice to meet you Xavier I have heard good things about you, nice to be able to put a face with the name."

She glanced up at Te'Sirian when you said that

"He is a handful that I do not mind having at all."


She looked over to you that smile never faltering

"Jynx what a nice name it is a honr to meet you as well."

Sat Jun 01 17:30:23 . Meet the Starlets... or are they harlots
Dedalus said:
enters after getting off the bike..helping ophelia as well and then move to the door and lets her open it

Sat Jun 01 17:28:12 . Meet the Starlets... or are they harlots
livvy dunne said:
looks in for a few

Sat Jun 01 17:25:32 . The Windy GrassHopper Tavern & Inn
JynxRuneStone said:
The Windy GrassHopper Tavern and Inn
"You as well Te'Sirian you have been missed as well."

She smiled warmly, returning that heartfelt hug, that is one thing all you RunsStone men do very well is give hugs.

She looked to the beautiful women at your side who was just beaming and she can see why.

She looks back to you

"Ohhh Te'Sirian I am so happy for you, and Teagan it is an honor to meet you."

Sat Jun 01 17:24:46 . The Windy GrassHopper Tavern & Inn
XavierRuneStone said:
The Windy GrassHopper Tavern and Inn
He chuckles as he watches you and only chuckles some more. Grasping you in a full hug after that handshake.

"Your damn nervious are you kidding me right now.... you only repeated yourself about four times in that there introduction Te... my Gawd a woman to finally make the Man nervious...Holy shit miracles never cease."

~Stepping aside and looking to Teagan.

"Very Nice to meet you Teagan, you got your hands full with this one I dont envy you but its wonderful to know he is good hands."

taking a seat fter seeing to my Wifes chair firstly.

Sat Jun 01 17:19:46 . The Windy GrassHopper Tavern & Inn
Te'Sirian said:
The Windy GrassHopper Tavern and Inn
"Jynx, it's wonderful to see you again,"

he said warmly, wrapping you in a heartfelt hug.

"You've both been missed."

He stepped back slightly and gestured towards Teagan, who was smiling beside him.

"And this is Teagan,"

he introduced, his voice filled with pride and affection.

"My better half and soon-to-be wife."

Sat Jun 01 17:19:35 . A Camp on the Plains
}{sei~(Camp) said:
her steps are slow, her shoulders hunched despite trying to stand up straight, she inhales deeply as they carry the heavy water filled buckets, trying to resist any swinging that would slosh water from them

she stops brieftly, easing her back to straighten, shifting her shoulders to carry the yoke, her eyes peer forward to see hold much further she has back to the supply wagon.. keeps telling herself..step by step, she'll get there

Sat Jun 01 17:18:33 . Z2 Corkboard
krysta said:
That's wonderful news!

Will keep sending the good mojo just in case it's needed though.

Sat Jun 01 17:18:29 . The Windy GrassHopper Tavern & Inn
JynxRuneStone said:
The Windy GrassHopper Tavern and Inn
The Windy GrassHopper Tavern and Inn
She walked at your side through the streets of BlackStone Village finally getting to put places to the stories she has heard about it, and she has to say she has fallen in love with the quaint little village. She winked to you when you looked over to her and she could so see you running through these streets in your youth.

Her blue eyes ran over the exterior of the tavern and she smiled for it looked exactly like what a tavern would look like in a small village in Ireland. She read the name on the sign and had to giggle The Windy Grasshopper now that was interesting could a Grasshopper be windy?

You held the door open and she stepped inside and off to the side a little to give you room to enter. She looked around taking in how it was decorated as her eyes adjusted to the dim light. She nodded with a smile to those that looked over to them, and when she saw Te'Sirian she was filled with joy, and ohhh wait he has a lady with him ooo now she can hardly wait to find out about this.

She walked beside you over to that table

"Te'Sirian so good to meet you."

She would take your hand in that gentle shake, after You and Xavier shook hands

Sat Jun 01 17:14:23 . The Windy GrassHopper Tavern & Inn
JynxRuneStone said:
The Windy GrassHopper Tavern and Inn
She walked at your side through the streets of BlackStone Village finally getting to put places to the stories she has heard about it, and she has to say she has fallen in love with the quaint little village. She winked to you when you looked over to her and she could so see you running through these streets in your youth.

Her blue eyes ran over the exterior of the tavern and she smiled for it looked exactly like what a tavern would look like in a small village in Ireland. She read the name on the sign and had to giggle The Windy Grasshopper now that was interesting could a Grasshopper be windy?

You held the door open and she stepped inside and off to the side a little to give you room to enter. She looked around taking in how it was decorated as her eyes adjusted to the dim light. She nodded with a smile to those that looked over to them, and when she saw Te'Sirian she was filled with joy, and ohhh wait he has a lady with him ooo now she can hardly wait to find out about this.

She walked beside you over to that table

"Te'Sirian so good to see you, you have been missed."

She would give you a hug after You and Xavier shook hands

Sat Jun 01 17:11:41 . A Small Stream on the Plains
Naomi said:
Finally reaching the stream, she moves past the most popular spots and sits on the bank quietly composing herself. The soft gurgling of the water soothes her nerves and as she splashes some of the cold water on her face she comes back to her usual optimistic self.

Sat Jun 01 17:05:46 . Night City RPG OOC
Victoria Forsythe said:
That is absolutely fair.

Sat Jun 01 17:05:08 . A Game of Words
lil minx said:


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