The Tower Of Babble...(babble)

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Wed Jun 05 16:54:09 . Starke Manor
Eamon Starke said:
He was in his office pouring over some paperwork when he heard a sound he had not heard in ages in this place, and he stopped and listened.

The sound was hauntingly beautiful and it had his full attention, he gathered up the paperwork placed it back into the file, and locked it securely away again.

He stepped out into the hallway listening for a few more minutes before he started to walk to that particular room where he knew it was emanating from, he would have to admit that he found the tune to his liking which is saying a lot cause he in these matters has kind of a finicky taste.

Once her reached the doorway he would step inside careful not to interrupt you, he would find a place to sit down close by and continue to listen

Wed Jun 05 16:51:32 . CAA: Create An Acronym
Apollo said:

Lick Your Girl

Wed Jun 05 16:49:57 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Apollo said:

Wed Jun 05 16:47:55 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Apollo said:

Apollo has started a new game with the following players:

Wed Jun 05 16:46:47 . Kinky Dice
~*~PleasureMistress~*~ said:

~*~PleasureMistress~*~ has started a new game with the following players:
Marcos, ~*~PleasureMistress~*~

Wed Jun 05 16:46:36 . Kinky Dice
~*~PleasureMistress~*~ said:
yeah but we kept it close ...... It was a good game

Wed Jun 05 16:46:23 . Kinky Dice
Marcos said:

Wed Jun 05 16:46:09 . Kinky Dice
Marcos said:
It's been a while since I've played.

Wed Jun 05 16:45:37 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Apollo said:

Apollo has started a new game with the following players:

Wed Jun 05 16:45:38 . CAA: Create An Acronym
Asian Babe said:


Wed Jun 05 16:45:32 . Kinky Dice
~*~PleasureMistress~*~ said:
wow that was a good game, one more before I have to make dinner ?

Wed Jun 05 16:43:29 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Apollo said:

Apollo has started a new game with the following players:

Wed Jun 05 16:43:27 . Girls and Girls
Asian Babe said:
Hi Hun!

Wed Jun 05 16:43:22 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Apollo said:

Wed Jun 05 16:41:07 . Starke Manor
Killsey Black-Thorne said:
In the grand music ballroom of Starke Estate, the atmosphere is thick with anticipation. The dim light from the chandeliers casts a soft glow, illuminating the intricate details of the room. Velvet drapes hang from the tall windows, and the polished wooden floor reflects the elegance of the space.

Killsey's long red hair cascades over her shoulders, contrasting beautifully with her emerald green eyes that seem to hold the secrets of the night. She is dressed in a flowing black gown, the fabric whispering softly as she moves. With a measured grace, she approaches the grand piano, her fingers lightly trailing over the keys as if reacquainting herself with an old friend.

The room falls into a hushed silence, the air electric with the promise of the coming music. Killsey's petite frame exudes a powerful presence despite its delicate appearance. She takes a moment to close her eyes, drawing a deep breath, connecting with the piano and its memories.

As she sits on the bench, her hands poised above the keys, the image is of a dark angel preparing to weave a spell through her music. This is Killsey's sanctuary, where she can express the tumultuous journey of her life. The notes she is about to play are not just music; they are a story, her story, of loss, strength, and the indomitable will to claim her destiny.

With the first touch of her fingers to the ivory keys, the room comes alive with a haunting melody. Each note resonates with the depth of her past and the intensity of her emotions. Tonight, the walls of Starke Estate will echo with the potent strains of "Nocturne of Shadows," a piece that embodies the essence of Killsey Black-Thorne.

Now, she is not just a lady of the estate or the last of the Blood-Thorne line. She is a composer of her fate, a master of the shadows, and the architect of her legacy.*

Wed Jun 05 16:40:08 . Barista Coffee Shop's Courtyard
laurelynn {LA} said:
*drops on food for the fish, and makes my way to the gazebo, settling into the porch spring*

Wed Jun 05 16:39:32 . Barista Coffee Shop's Courtyard
laurelynn {LA} said:
*heads out with a diet Pepsi*

Wed Jun 05 16:36:11 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
~bellah said:

Wed Jun 05 16:34:30 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
~bellah said:

bellah has started a new game with the following players:

Wed Jun 05 16:33:23 . Kinky Dice
~*~PleasureMistress~*~ said:
smiles I know its all chance right

[End of Transfer]

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