The Tower Of Babble...(babble)

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Mon May 20 03:30:40 . The waiting room
dssallie said:
Even the birds aren't awake yet.

Mon May 20 03:28:12 . OOC Chat Room
Stalker said:
*walking in and taking a seat*

Mon May 20 03:21:29 . Brixton Walsh's Rental
Holly Blanc said:
Main House
Holly was having a hard time maintaining a straight face, as she tried to somehow convey that you were in big trouble but also ‘in big trouble’, like it shall be impossible to tell if she's mad, confused, or aroused.

So there he is, conversation halted, pinchy fingers on a boob like they engaged a sudden staring contest with her at a severe disadvantage.

…and then you hit her with a: Honk and she was the first one to break, her expression squeezed into a wheezing laugh as she swatted at your hand and wilting away.

Holly didn't even have to hit the vaporizer for her to feel a little high, suddenly, from the rapid shift in blood pressure.

"You're such a stupid gooner, Brix, oh my gawd…" she managed, eventually, when she wasn't laughing anymore.

"…mmmnnnnyeah but yeah now you fucked up, son. You can't start something and then not see it through to the end. What are we gonna do about this?" Okay so… returning to the timeline, they're… going back to the bedroom again? Except now Holly looked like she might poke holes through the front of her dress. "You didn't even think about that, did you? God damn reckless is what you are…"

The soft crackle of the diffusing concentrate gave way to a hollow exhale, pluming soft clouds toward the recessed ceiling lights.

Mon May 20 03:19:56 . The waiting room
dssallie said:
I’ve got an early start today.

Mon May 20 03:14:41 . The Dungeon
A Darker Reality said:
I used to have a dedicated
Writing room...

Maybe a study....

Maybe I'll have her
Turn 420 into a study

Instead of an alcohol cart
There will be a majiuana cat

A fireplace
Some books
A little darker....

Keep this a play room ..
Me and my girls like to play

Mon May 20 03:10:08 . The Dungeon
A Darker Reality said:
I think out of everything
All the negative bullshit
All the loss ...

I forgot the main point
None of this is real...

The only thing real ....
Is you
People .....

Mon May 20 02:57:09 . Brixton Walsh's Rental
Holly Blanc said:
Main House
"Oh my god I'm just being funny, Brix, come on… and Anya bears like no resemblance to Charlize, I dunno—I know that's not the point you were making, but still… a-and so what if I think everyone is hot? That's just bein' Holly, baby—"

Completely caught off-guard mid-sentence, as you dared reach out to go pinch at the tip of her boob and there's this brief, intense moment where Holly managed to seize control of her reflexes and just stared at you rather than squeal and pull away as she normally would.

…to make it awkward, instead of funny.

Even as nerve endings screamed and she couldn't decide if she was gonna yelp in pain or moan in pleasure or somehow both-at-the-same-time.

Or do absolutely nothing, just standing there apparently having rearranged the sequence of actions and bring the whole interactive queue to a screeching halt like a derailed train… all to maximize the potential to make Brix look stupid — absolutely abusing her seizure of the timeline like how Brix seized her nipple — we'll say the right one, because if it was her left she would practically be in tears by now.

Seconds tick by, like Brix just hit her pause button.

Mon May 20 02:31:21 . The City OOC and IC Cork
Freya Galbraith said:
Thinking that we will have to cover it for the paper.
Sorry for the hiatus. The paper will be BACK

Mon May 20 02:26:24 . Covell Canyon Character Cork
Lucas Greer Reed@bwr said:

Mon May 20 02:25:52 . Covell Canyon Character Cork
Lucas Greer Reed@bwr said:
Welcome Home

Mon May 20 02:25:25 . Covell Canyon Character Cork
Lucas Greer Reed@bwr said:
Welcome back

Mon May 20 02:25:06 . Covell Canyon Character Cork
Lucas Greer Reed@bwr said:

Mon May 20 02:24:34 . Covell Canyon Character Cork
Lucas Greer Reed@bwr said:

Mon May 20 02:19:28 . Z2 Corkboard
~bambou~ said:

Mon May 20 02:13:03 . Acro-verse
Maestro said:


... in a good way ...


Mon May 20 02:09:39 . Just One
Maestro said:

Mon May 20 01:47:42 . Z2 Corkboard
Delilah said:
You are so lucky! None of my grandchildren seem to be very keen on providing me with great grandchildren!.....LOL....
As to age, I wouldn't want to be 18 again. My idea 'forever' age would be 40. By that time I knew who I was and was comfortable in my own body!

Mon May 20 01:42:42 . Z2 Corkboard
Delilah said:
Thank goodness she's safe!

Mon May 20 01:30:31 . Covell Canyon Character Cork
Elarra said:
I hope it's okay that I post for the links

#r-ccmain@soi -- oasis view -- main street view -- with Rip Masterson & Elarra

Mon May 20 01:27:05 . Brixton Walsh's Rental
Holly Blanc said:
Main House
"Baby I'm on two little screens acting my heart out every time you trynna hit," Holly affected a dangerous fang of a grin and performed that split-finger gesture towards your eyes, fully expecting you to do as she would and throw something at her.

Bantering with you in an effort to lighten the mood, as she could feel you laying it on and attempting to salve her bruised ego, to say it doesn't bother her at all, lobbying towards that unconvincing paradigm.

"Nah nah nah I hear acting is, like, seriously an assload of work. Like beneath all that glamour there's like never being home, having a steady home to begin with…" for a girl who refused to spend any of her money actually getting her own place and instead crashing here, at yours/the-label's, she certainly seemed to make it sound like that was important to her.

Being constantly under a microscope, scrutinizing every little thing about her, amplifying even the slightest thing that could possibly be perceived as a fault? Shit, that was everyday, straight quotidian for her. Self-imposed, narcissistic and neurotic.

…damn, she needs to see Lilly again and soon.

Holly pivoted, turned one way then another as she felt your voice nibbling into her eardrums in ASMR.

"…yeah well he looks like he was generated by AI trained on horny women — chill" she immediately interrupted herself after she fired off that description full-send "He's got a girlfriend, that Melodie-minus-M, and she's fuckin' hot, so…"

Jostled, absorbing your attempts to continue comforting her existential whatever. She offered herself a shrug — she didn't count making modifications to existing dresses, instead focusing on what she knew she was good at… "Look one of these days I'm gonna overlap haute couture with them ripaway pants from the NBA…"

A red-nailed pinky finger jut towards the television as she got up to go forage for chemicals. "Yeah, I'm thinking I'm gonna hit a dab and get lazy tonight like the slob I am…"

Said as she started to disassemble the halter top of her dress, picking up the vaporizer on her way back to their room and carrying those McQueens by their heels to go escort them into her shoe closet.

"Mmmm, man, where's Dax been lately? I keep seeing boxes addressed for her and I'm kinda scared of whatever project she on, nahmean? Is she building an army or doing some kinda witchcraft or summin?"

[End of Transfer]

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